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South Summit 2017 - The Big Thing and Demo Stage Highlights Oct 5th

  • South Summit 2017
  • The Big Thing and Demo Stage Highlights Oct 5th

October, 3 2018


10:00am - 10:15am Arena Consumer led Disruption - The Revolut Story Programa Fintech Val Scholz, Head of Engagement, Growth Revolut
Val Scholz

Val Scholz

Head of Engagement, Growth


10:15am - 10:45am Arena Spain's got great talent Liz Fleming, Adara Ventures (Moderador) Programa International Expansion Juan de Antonio, Fundador & CEO Cabify - Spain
Juan de Antonio

Juan de Antonio

Fundador & CEO

Cabify - Spain

Juan de Antonio es fundador y CEO de Cabify. Obtuvo un titulo de Ingeniera de Telecomunicaciones por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Tras graduarse trabajó como ingeniero durante un par de meses hasta darse cuenta que para poder tener un impacto en la sociedad debía de aprender cómo dirigir una empresa. Trabajó durante tres años como consultor estrategico en BCG, aprendiendo como analizar problemas pero terminó un poco frustrado por no poder estar involucrado totalmente. Durante su año sabático en Asia recibió una beca Fullbright para completar su MBA en la Universidad de Stanford en 2010. En el área de San Francisco estuvo expuesto al ecosistema emprendedor y se interesó en temas de movilidad. Junto a un compañero de clase hizo una oferta por el fabricante italiano MV Augusta y después ayudó a crecer la red de distribución internacional de Zero Motorcycles, el fabricante líder de motos eléctricas. En 2011 fundó Cabify, donde reunió un equipo global.

Kike Sarasola, Fundador Room Mate Hotels

Kike Sarasola


Room Mate Hotels

Emprendedor innato, Kike Sarasola está en el liderazgo de la industria hotelera global gracias a su rol como fundador y director de la exitosa e innovativa cadena Room Mate Hotels. Esta compañía, en pleno período de expansión e internacionalización, tiene hoteles en Estados Unidos, Latinoamerica y Europa. Su espíritu emprendedor le ha hecho merecedor del Gold Medal for Tourist Merit en el 2014 en la categoría de innovación.

Meinrad Spenger, CEO y Fundador Másmóvil
Meinrad Spenger

Meinrad Spenger

CEO y Fundador


10:45am - 11:15am Arena Opening Ceremony José María Álvarez-Pallete, Chairman & CEO Telefónica S.A
José María Álvarez-Pallete

José María Álvarez-Pallete

Chairman & CEO

Telefónica S.A

El Sr. Álvarez-Pallete es licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. También estudió Economía en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (Bélgica), tiene un International Management Programme (IMP) en IPADE Business School y un título de Investigación Avanzada de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En febrero de 1999 se incorporó al Grupo Telefónica como Director Financiero de Telefónica Internacional S.A.U., y en septiembre de ese mismo año se convirtió en Director Financiero de Telefónica S.A. En julio de 2002, fue nombrado Presidente Ejecutivo de Telefónica Internacional S.A .; en julio de 2006, Director General de Telefónica Latinoamérica, y en marzo de 2009 Presidente de Telefónica Latinoamérica. En septiembre de 2011 fue nombrado Presidente Ejecutivo de Telefónica Europa. Y en septiembre de 2012 fue nombrado Director de Operaciones de Telefónica S.A. Desde el 8 de abril de 2016 es Presidente y Director General de Telefónica S.A. y es Miembro del Consejo de Administración de Telefónica.

Carlos Torres Vila, Presidente BBVA
Carlos Torres Vila

Carlos Torres Vila



Carlos Torres, actual presidente de BBVA, el segundo banco más grande de España, se graduó en Ingeniería Eléctrica y en Administración de Empresas en el prestigioso Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), donde posteriormente obtuvo un MBA en la Sloan School of Management; además es licenciado en Derecho. Tras una dilatada carrera profesional con parada en McKinsey & Company,y Endesa, entre otros, desembarcó en 2008 en BBVA como Responsable de Estrategia y Desarrollo Corporativo. Desde esa responsabilidad lideró la ejecución de operaciones importantes así como la creación de BBVA Ventures, el fondo de capital riesgo del BBVA que invierte en startups financieras. En 2014 fue nombrado Director de Banca Digital, cargo que ejerció hasta mayo 2015, cuando asumió la responsabilidad del puesto que actualmente desempeña.

Nadia Calviño Santamaría, Ministra de Economía y Empresa Spain
Nadia Calviño Santamaría

Nadia Calviño Santamaría

Ministra de Economía y Empresa


11:15am - 11:45am Arena The Next Big Thing can come from anywhere Alexis Bonte, eRepublik& Atomico (Moderador) Programa International Expansion Niklas Zennström, CEO and Founding Partner Atomico
Niklas Zennström

Niklas Zennström

CEO and Founding Partner


Niklas Zennström is CEO and Founding Partner at Atomico. He is an experienced entrepreneur, previously co-founding and managing globally successful technology companies including Skype, Kazaa, Joost and Joltid. In 2006 Niklas created Atomico to help entrepreneurs primarily outside Silicon Valley to scale their businesses domestically and globally. It has so far invested in more than 50 companies on four continents, and Niklas works closely with a number of leaders of portfolio companies so that they benefit from his own experience as an entrepreneur. In 2006, Niklas was recognised by Time Magazine as one of its 100 Most Influential People, and he has received numerous awards for entrepreneurship. In 2007, he co-founded Zennström Philanthropies, where he is actively involved in combating climate change, improving the state of the Baltic Sea and encouraging social entrepreneurship. Niklas holds dual degrees in Business and MSc Engineering Physics/Computer Science from Uppsala University in Sweden.

Iñigo Juantegui, Co-founder& CEO OnTruck
Iñigo Juantegui

Iñigo Juantegui

Co-founder& CEO


Juan Urdiales, Cofundador & Copresidente Job & Talent

Juan Urdiales

Cofundador & Copresidente

Job & Talent

Juan es un emprendedor en serie que fundó su primera startup cuando estaba en su último año de universidad, cuando comenzó con una innovadora empresa minorista que ganó varios premios en España. Después de vender su primera empresa en 2008 fue cofundador de Jobandtalent, una plataforma de contratación que está cambiando la forma en que la gente encuentra grandes oportunidades de trabajo. Actualmente es el codirector general de Jobandtalent y se encarga de la estrategia, la visión del producto y de las relaciones con inversores.

11:45am - 12:15pm Arena New ecosystems towards a data driven mobility Federico Florez, Ferrovial (Moderador) Programa Data Alastair Macleod, CEO Teralytics
Alastair Macleod

Alastair Macleod



Alastair MacLeod es un líder dinámico con una gran experiencia en servicios de datos, telecomunicaciones y software de plataforma en una amplia gama de empresas de tecnología. Anteriormente ocupó los cargos de Consejero Delegado de EurotaxGlass, Director General de Solera y Vicepresidente de Servicios Empresariales de Orange en el Reino Unido. Alastair también tiene una amplia experiencia asesorando a los principales inversores, consejos de administración y equipos de gestión sobre el crecimiento y la aceleración del rendimiento de las empresas de tecnología. Alastair se graduó de la Universidad de York y de la London Business School. Ávido marinero y motorista, vive en las afueras de Londres con su esposa, su hijo y su hija.

Rika Christanto, Co-founder and COO OnTruck
Rika Christanto

Rika Christanto

Co-founder and COO


Nir Erez, CEO y Cofundador Moovit
Nir Erez

Nir Erez

CEO y Cofundador


Nir Erez, un emprendedor en serie con más de 20 años de experiencia liderando startups tecnológicos, es el CEO y Co-Fundador de Moovit... Antes de Moovit, Nir también fue fundador y CEO de ActionBase y Eyron Software Solutions. Nir es también copropietario y cofundador del Grupo Eyron, invierte en empresas de software en una fase temprana. Nir Mamram se graduó en la Academia y es licenciado en física. Antes de fundar Moovit en 2011, Nir dirigió la división de inversiones del Grupo Eyron centrada en las empresas de software en fase inicial. Tengo una licenciatura en Física.

12:15pm - 12:45pm Arena Spain Startup: from emerging ecosystem to global disruptor Dan Green Gunderson & Dettmer (Moderador) Programa International Expansion Alejandro Artacho, CEO y Cofundador Spotahome - Spain
Alejandro Artacho

Alejandro Artacho

CEO y Cofundador

Spotahome - Spain

Alejandro Artacho is the co-founder and CEO of Spotahome.com, an online booking platform for mid to long term accommodation. We do not target holiday rentals, just people who are moving abroad, so they can book their housing online without the necessity of arriving first to the city. Spotahome is a fast growing multicultural company that lets you rent like a local, no matter where you are in the world. Detailed listings with professional photography, video tours and floor plans bring checked-out properties to you, so you can book housing for your move abroad confidently and securely in just a few clicks. Before that, Alejandor Artacho spent three years in China, where not only learnt chinese but also how to negotiate with Asian countries, do business there, deal with clients, presented in international trade fairs and understand the culture. He also gained experience in international trade, internationalization of businesses and taxation...

Beatriz González, Fundadora y Socia Directora Seaya Ventures - Spain
Beatriz González

Beatriz González

Fundadora y Socia Directora

Seaya Ventures - Spain

Beatriz González es Fundadora y Directora de Seaya Ventures. Ella es parte del Consejo en Plenummedia, Cabify, Percentil, Miora, Centenas, Spotahome y Glovo. También es Presidenta del Comité de Capital Riesgo de ASCRI (Asociación Española de VC & PE). Beatriz ha estado trabajando en el sector de capital privado desde 2002 y recientemente encabezó el programa de capital privado en el fondo de pensiones de Telefónica durante seis años. Durante ese tiempo también fue miembro del Consejo de la Asociación de Asociados Limitados Institucionales (ILPA) de 2008-2011. Anteriormente trabajó en Darby Overseas Investments, una firma de capital privado con sede en Estados Unidos, donde formó parte del fondo de crecimiento del mercado intermedio de Latinoamérica. Después de eso se unió a Excel Partners un fondo de crecimiento de mercado español medio.Beatriz también trabajó en Morgan Stanley y en la consultora de Internet Qarana.

Oskar Miel, Socio Director Rakuten
Oskar Miel

Oskar Miel

Socio Director


Oskar es Managing Partner encargado de Inversiones en FinTech and Mobility. Ha liderado múltiples inversiones en la industria Fintech y ride sharing, incluyendo Lyft, Cabify y Careem. Oskar es board member en Cabify y Careem. Antes de unirse a Rakuten, tuvo mucha experiencia en la industria financiera, incluyendo banca de inversión y mercados capitales en J.P. Morgan y Merrill Lynch, y en private equity & retail financial services en Norte América y Europa. Oskar obtuvo su BA en ICADE, España y su MBA en Harvard Business School.

12:45pm - 01:15pm Arena Corporate Venturing: a view from both sides Rebeca Gimeno, El Pais Retina & Cuatro (Moderador) Programa Corporates & Accelerators Itxaso del Palacio, Investment Partner Europa Formerly at M12

Itxaso del Palacio

Investment Partner Europa

Formerly at M12

Itxaso es Investment Partner de Microsoft Ventures. Se encuentra en Londres y es responsable de las inversiones en Europa. Antes de trabajar para Microsoft, era la vicepresidenta de Capital en Lepe Partners donde gestionaba inversiones de compañías con fondos de alto crecimiento en medios digitales y tecnologías de consumo. Antes de Lepe, Itxaso trabajó como inversor de etapa temprana en Capital EC1, ayudando a desarrollar y comercializar tecnologías. Itxaso tiene un Kauffman Fellow y posee una licenciatura y Máster en Ingeniería, así como un doctorado centrado en Economía y capital de riesgo. Dr. Itxaso ha impartido clases de Finanzas Empresarial en varias instituciones incluyendo el Imperial College y la UCL.

Nick Nigam, Principal Samsung NEXT
Nick Nigam

Nick Nigam


Samsung NEXT

Nick is a Principal at Samsung NEXT Europe, where he focuses on early stage investments and was heavily involved in establishing and building out the Samsung NEXT Europe team. Nick is keen to change the image of CVC’s and worked on the investments in LiquidSky, Sorenson Media, Spatial, Unbabel and Grover, as well as the acquisition of AdGear.

Octavio Soler Bach, Fundador y CEO Instant Credit
Octavio Soler Bach

Octavio Soler Bach

Fundador y CEO

Instant Credit

Experiencia internacional en finanzas corporativas y desarrollo de negocios en empresas de Fortune 100 y Big 4. Más de 12 años de experiencia en fin-tech, especialmente en financiación digital y medios de pago online, liderando varios proyectos en estos sectores a nivel nacional e internacional.

Julio Martínez, Director Ejecutivo InnoCells by Banco Sabadell
Julio Martínez

Julio Martínez

Director Ejecutivo

InnoCells by Banco Sabadell

Julio es Director Ejecutivo en InnoCells, el hub de inversiones digitales de Banco Sabadell. Como brazo de inversiones corporativas de Banco Sabadell, InnoCells se enfoca en construcción de riesgo, estrategia de empresas y estrategia digital. Durante más de 2 años ha trabajado en el equipo de consultoría digital de Banco Sabadell concentrado en estrategia digital, transformación e innovación. Anteriormente, Julio fue Vicepresidente en Citi con foco en desarrollo corporativo y banca de inversión. Julio tiene 3 hijos y ha vivido y trabajado en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Suiza, Brasil e India.

Guenia Gawendo, Scouting and Innovation Investments Director Telefónica
Guenia Gawendo

Guenia Gawendo

Scouting and Innovation Investments Director


Innovation Scouting, New business development, Growth strategies, Investments, Multi-disciplinary matrix teams leader. International experience in Europe, US and Latin America.

01:15pm - 01:35pm Arena Wayra: How to make elephants dance Programa Corporates & Accelerators Miguel Arias, COO Telefónica

Miguel Arias



Miguel Arias, emprendedor y ángel inversor, tiene mas de 12 anos de experiencia en la creación de startups tecnológicas con alcance mundial. COO de CartoDB, esta dirigiendo las ventas, finanzas y los esfuerzos operacionales desde de las oficinas de Madrid y Nueva York, dirigiendo el crecimiento de la compañía y su escalabilidad. Cofundó IMASTE, el líder de entorno virtual y la plataforma webcasts en Europa, hasta su adquisición en Junio del 2012 por ON24,Inc , una multinacional con sede en Silicón Valley. Luego gestionó el proceso de integración entre IMASTE y ON24, Inc., como EMEA director de ventas. Intentó mejorar el ecosistema emprendedor español, cofundó y preside Chamberí Valley y MULTIVENT, una agencia de eventos innovadores con enfoque en ferias de carreras de universidad en España.

01:35pm - 01:55pm Arena Innovation at Amazon Huy Nguyen Trieu, CFTE Education (Moderador) Programa Corporates & Accelerators Paul Misener, VP, Global Innovation Policy and Communications Amazon
Paul Misener

Paul Misener

VP, Global Innovation Policy and Communications


Paul Misener is Vice President for Global Innovation Policy and Communications. An Amazon veteran of 18 years, Paul is an engineer, attorney, and inventor named in three patents. Prior to his current role, in which he explains and advocates Amazon’s culture and methods of customer-obsessed innovation, Paul founded Amazon’s public policy operations and served as the company’s Vice President for Global Public Policy from February 2000 to May 2016. On behalf of Amazon and its customers, he has testified before the US Congress over 30 times, and many times before policymaking bodies around the world. In 2013, Paul chaired the technical subcommittee of the FAA’s advisory committee that recommended allowing airline passengers to use electronic devices during taxi, takeoff, and landing. Prior to joining Amazon, he was a partner in the law firm of Wiley, Rein & Fielding; for Intel Corporation he led the computer industry’s Internet Access Coalition; he was centrally involved in the development of digital televis

Huy Nguyen Trieu, CEO The Disruptive Group
Huy Nguyen Trieu

Huy Nguyen Trieu


The Disruptive Group

Huy is the CEO of The Disruptive Group – a business builder and advisory firm in innovation and finance. Huy was a Managing Director at Citi, and previously at RBS and SG. Before, he was the CEO of Ukibi, a VC-funded startup in the US and a precursor of LinkedIn. He likes to teach and share with students and entrepreneurs, and is regularly quoted in articles on innovation and finance. He also dedicates a lot of time “off the clock” to helping the industry grow and expand via his blog, Disruptive Finance. He sits on the Fintech advisory board of the World Economic Forum, and on the advisory boards of Fintech HK, Trusting Social and Fintech Connect.

01:55pm - 02:25pm Arena Beyond Reality Alberto Rodríguez, CEO of TheCube  (Moderador) Programa Corporates & Accelerators Juan Rivas, CEO 6D Labs
Juan Rivas

Juan Rivas


6D Labs

Javier Pascau, profesor UC3M
Javier Pascau

Javier Pascau



José Mínguez, Head of Innovation Market Iberia Endesa

José Mínguez

Head of Innovation Market Iberia


José is the Head of Innovation Market Iberia at Endesa, his main objective being the application of new technologies and market trends to the Energy Business. EMBA from IE, he is an electronic industrial engineer trained at ICAI. He is member of the Blockchain Community of Enel and P2P Transaction Platforms and the Blockchain Platform of Eurelectric (organization representing the electricity industry in 32 European countries). Previously, he was the Head of Technology Projects, leading various consortia for the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 and was responsible for various projects aimed at developing the integration of efficient distributed solar energy into the grid, smart-home, smart-buildings, storage systems and the commercial application of heat pumps for industrial installations. Focused on B2B & B2C Innovation projects, business development and strategy.

03:30pm - 03:50pm Arena A journey into the unknown Juan Cruz, El País (Moderador) Programa Inspirational Jeanette J. Epps, Astronaut NASA

Jeanette J. Epps



Jeanette J. Epps was selected by NASA in 2009 as an astronaut. She has been assigned to her first spaceflight, Expedition 56/57, scheduled to launch in May 2018. Her training included scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in International Space Station systems, spacewalk training, robotics, T-38 flight training and wilderness survival training. The New York native was a NASA Fellow during graduate school and authored several journal and conference articles describing her research. Dr. Epps worked for Ford Motor Company where she received both a provisional patent and a U.S. patent for her research. After leaving Ford, she joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for seven years working as a Technical Intelligence Officer before becoming an astronaut. She currently serves in the ISS Operations Branch working issues in support of space station crews.

03:50pm - 04:10pm Arena Culture of Innovation: difference between a startup and a listed company Jörn Leogrande, Executive Vice President Wirecard Innovation Labs Wirecard AG
Jörn Leogrande

Jörn Leogrande

Executive Vice President Wirecard Innovation Labs

Wirecard AG

04:10pm - 04:50pm Arena Rebuilding industries on the blockchain Eneko Knorr, Pheidon (Moderador) Programa Blockchain Adam Draper, Founder and Managing Director  Boost VC

Adam Draper

Founder and Managing Director 

Boost VC

For Adam Draper, Managing Director at Boost VC, no idea is too crazy. He dreams of building an ironman suit and leads the deals in the wildest SciFi Tech investments - exoskeletons, jetpacks, rockets... Go big or go home. He co-founded Boost VC after his success as an Angel Investor in companies like Coinbase, Amplitude and Plangrid. In a previous life, he wanted to be a professional tennis player and has an odd affinity for Australians. He once drank an entire bottle of tabasco sauce (the big ones) in 43 seconds. 4th generation venture capitalist, 2 time entrepreneur, and most importantly, he's a friend.

Alberto Gomez Toribio, Innovation & Blockchain Bankia
Alberto Gomez Toribio

Alberto Gomez Toribio

Innovation & Blockchain


Eric Napoli, Asesor Legal Senior Amadeus IT Group
Eric Napoli

Eric Napoli

Asesor Legal Senior

Amadeus IT Group

Eric Napoli es Asesor Legal Senior en Amadeus en Madrid, España, liderando un equipo de abogados globales que apoyan la emergente unidad de negocio de TI de la compañía. También se centra en la innovación y las nuevas tecnologías dentro del departamento legal de Amadeus, con especial interés en Blockchain, Inteligencia Artificial, Biometría y el papel de la tecnología en la sociedad. Antes de Amadeus, Eric ha trabajado para empresas de nueva creación de TI, en el IE Business School como profesor y administrador, y en prácticas privadas en su ciudad natal de Washington, DC. Eric tiene una licenciatura en Filosofía y Relaciones Internacionales, un Doctorado en Derecho y un MBA. Es autor de un blog sobre el papel de los abogados como socios comerciales en la era digital en entrepre-lawyer.com.

Bernardo Hernández, Venture Partner e.Ventures

Bernardo Hernández

Venture Partner


Mr. Bernardo Hernández serves as Vice President of product management at Yahoo. He serves as Chief Executive Officer at Flickr. Mr. Hernández serves as Managing Director at Zagat. He is the Founder and President of StepOne. Through StepOne, he launched the first computer science talent exchange program between Spain and Silicon Valley, Jóvenes con Futuro. Mr. Hernández served as an Advisor at Google Ventures. He served as a Director of Product Management at Google Inc. He joined Google in 2005. He worked at Google for eight years. He served as the Global Director of Emerging Markets and Director of Product Management at Google Inc. He is a Spanish Tech Entrepreneur and business angel and co-founded Idealista.com, Tuenti Technologies S. L., 11870.com Informacion En General S.L., and FloresFrescas.com. He was an early investor in Tuenti, where he served as President of the Board until 2010. Mr. Hernández has a Master’s in Finance from Boston College and graduated from ICADE, Pontifical University of Comillas.

04:50pm - 05:10pm Arena Building companies of Scale from Europe Benjamin Joffe, Partner at Hax (Moderador) Programa Scalability Lukasz Gadowski, Chairman Delivery Hero
Lukasz Gadowski

Lukasz Gadowski


Delivery Hero

Lukasz Gadowski serves as Chairman of the Board at Delivery Hero. He is an internet entrepreneur and investor. His track record includes: Co-founder and CEO at Spreadshirt; Co-founder and Partner at Team Europe (Company Builder); Co-founder and Advisor at Point Nine Capital (early stage VC). Founding Investor and/or Company Builder at studiVZ, Mister Spex, brands4friends.com, SponsorPay, HitFox Group, Käuferportal, and others. Lukasz is Chairman of most of the aforementioned companies. Further, he is Co-founder and was founding editor at gruenderszene.de, today one of Europe's largest magazines on entrepreneurship.

05:10pm - 05:30pm Arena Open Innovability for a better world Programa Corporates & Accelerators Ernesto Ciorra, Director Director del Departamento de Innovación y Sostenibilidad Enel
Ernesto Ciorra

Ernesto Ciorra

Director Director del Departamento de Innovación y Sostenibilidad


Ernesto Ciorra es el Director del departamento de Innovación y Sostenibilidad en Enel desde septiembre 2014. Empezó su carrera como partner de consultoría en la empresa Busacca & Associati, trabajando en diferentes proyectos innovadores de empresas de telecomunicación. En el 2003 Ciorra fundó la empresa de consultoría Ars et Inventio, que condujo hasta llegar a su posición actual. Apoyó la planificación del Chief Innovation Officer de empresas líderes en todo el mundo, elaborando ideas innovadoras que desde entonces siguen siendo famosas en todo el mundo. Ciorra enseñó Innovation Management en diferentes universidades Italianas y Españolas y fue el coordinador científico del Master en Innovation Management en la Business School del periódico Italiano Il Sole 24 Ore. También fue miembro del consejo asesor del Master en Innovation Strategy en la Universidad Ca’ Foscari de Venecia, y el director del Advanced Innovation Management Programme en el IE Business School de Madrid.

05:30pm - 05:50pm Arena Training for Olympics or becoming an entrepreneur: how to deal with the failures Keynote (Moderador) Programa Inspirational Kamran Elahian, Founder and Chairman Global Innovation Catalyst, LLC

Kamran Elahian

Founder and Chairman

Global Innovation Catalyst, LLC

As an Innovation Catalyst, Kamran advises various governments on the needed transition from fossil based economies to sustainable innovation economies. In the past, as a global high-tech entrepreneur, he cofounded ten companies, produced 6 exits, 3 of them Unicorn IPOs with a total market cap of over $8B. For 15 yrs., he was Chairman of Global Catalyst Partners, a global VC firm ($350M under management). Global Catalyst Foundation, co-founded in 2000 to improve lives through effective education and empowerment of the youth (with special emphasis on young women) using the leverage of ICT, and UN-GAID, a United Nations global forum that promotes ICT in developing countries where he served as Co-Chairman (2009-2011).

05:50pm - 06:30pm Arena Mindfulness Session Programa Inspirational Mario Alonso Puig
Mario Alonso Puig

Mario Alonso Puig


10:20am - 10:40am Playground When Technology meets finance Pancho Perez, Comercial Global Pay- Caixabank (Moderador) Programa Fintech Lennart Asshoff, CEO Exo Investing
Lennart Asshoff

Lennart Asshoff


Exo Investing

After years working at one of Europe's largest quantitative asset management firms, developing made-to-measure investment portfolios for institutional clients and UHNWIs, Lennart became the driving force behind Exo Investing. Exo is the first AI-powered wealth manager, delivering tailored portfolios and individual risk management to retail investors in the UK. Lennart graduated with an MSc in Investment Management from Cass Business School and is a CFA Charterholder.

Marcos Toran, Head of European Business Development Easy Payments Gateway

Marcos Toran

Head of European Business Development

Easy Payments Gateway

Marcos Toran came to the online world by accident after a friend convinced him to start his first online company. Now with more than a decade experience he has created startups in countries like Spain, Portugal, UK and Mexico. Until recently he was Head of eCommerce at Santander Bank Spain. Currently he is Head of European Business Development at Easy Payment Gateway. A relatively young payment company that is competing globally with all the veterans and doubling growth year after year. Providing merchants with a one simple integration innovative tool that gives them access to over 250 payment methods from around the world.

10:40am - 10:50am Playground All about collaboration - How are organisations working together on fintech? Programa Fintech Devie Mohan, CEO Burnmark

Devie Mohan



Devie Mohan is an influential writer, speaker and commentator on fintech, and is the co-founder and CEO of Burnmark, a fintech research company, that supplies research and data to all players of the fintech ecosystem. Devie has helped several banks, fintech startups, innovation groups and investors understand the trends in the fintech industry, helping them set their corporate, marketing and investment strategies. She is also a proponent of a fintech ecosystem where banks and startups collaborate to drive innovation. She is a panel member on the ING Group Think Forward initiative on better financial decision making. She writes extensively on innovation, disruption and digitalisation and is a columnist with several publications. She is actively involved in the fintech community and has been listed in the top 10 of several global fintech influencer lists.

10:50am - 11:20am Playground Keeping up with the innovators: Innovation Vs Culture Luis Maldonado, Senior Digital Financial Services Specialist (Moderador) Programa Fintech Lupina Iturriaga, Founder and CEO Fintonic

Lupina Iturriaga

Founder and CEO


Lupina es graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por CUNEF, donde obtuvo una beca de mérito académico tras haber demostrado su potencial en el sector empresarial y financiero. Durante algún tiempo, estuvo dedicada a tiempo completo al mundo de la banca, primero en Nueva York, antes de regresar a Madrid donde pasó algunos años implicada en el sector de la tesorería, a menudo dirigiendo sesiones de formación relacionadas con los productos financieros. A continuación, se incorporó a IDEON, una empresa líder en el área de consultoría financiera. La carrera de Lupina Iturriaga como experta en planificación financiera comenzó cuando ella era muy joven y su perfil empresarial la llevó a fundar Fintonic en España. Ella optó por un modelo de negocio que se ha desarrollado en países como Estados Unidos, donde este tipo de plataformas han estado presentes durante más de seis años y que en la actualidad tiene más de veinte millones de usuarios.

Pablo Viguera, COO Verse

Pablo Viguera



Pablo is currently COO at Verse (www.verse.me), the leading P2P payments app and money-moving platform in Europe. Pablo joined Verse from Revolut, one of the fastest-growing fintech startups globally, where he was General Manager for Spain and led the launch and early stages of growth in the market. Before that, Pablo was based in Singapore and led Growth and Product at Paktor Labs, the division in charge of incubating and growing nascent and early-stage social entertainment and social discovery apps. He joined Paktor in December 2016 when part of the Groopify (a startup he founded) team was acqui-hired. Pablo has founded 2 startups, one of which with Rocket Internet. He holds an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a BSc in Finance and Business Administration from Universidad Pontificia Comillas and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He started his career in London as an M&A Investment Banker in the Internet sector at Merrill Lynch.

Pepe Borrel, Managing Director CrowdCube
Pepe Borrel

Pepe Borrel

Managing Director


Crowdcube makes equity investments easy and rewarding for anyone, anywhere. Since 2011 we've helped +800 businesses to raise over 500M€. Key responsibilities include managing Barcelona team and office, adapting our value proposition for non-UK customers, representing Crowdcube in front of local institutions, regulators, partners and media, and spending time with startup founders and C-Level Executives raising over 1M€.

Gonçalo Graça Santos, Head of Online Credit Banco NI Europa
Gonçalo Graça Santos

Gonçalo Graça Santos

Head of Online Credit

Banco NI Europa

11:20am - 11:40am Playground The Digital Bank: the bank of the future Tara Cemlyn Jones (Moderador) Programa Fintech Maximilian Tayenthal, Founder & CFO N26
Maximilian Tayenthal

Maximilian Tayenthal

Founder & CFO


Maximilian, born in Vienna, studied Business Administration, International Management and Law in Vienna, Rotterdam and Paris. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder. Before founding NUMBER26, he worked as a strategy consultant with Booz & Company, as assistant to the CFO in an Austria's largest insurance company, and gained experiences in Corporate/M&A in a law firm.

11:40am - 12:00pm Playground ICOs vs VCs - end of an era for early stage ventures? Pablo Moreno de la Cova, Coin Governance System (Moderador) Programa Fintech Vinoth Jayakumar, Principal Draper Esprit

Vinoth Jayakumar


Draper Esprit

Vinoth se unió a Draper Esprit como principal en 2016. Antes, trabajó en una firma de consultoría en Londres durante 6 años. Anteriormente, dirigió un fondo de micro-ángel, invirtiendo en nuevas empresas de crowdfunding. Es Chartered Accountant (ACA, ICAEW) y licenciado en Contabilidad y Finanzas por la London School of Economics. Vinoth se centra en las inversiones en fintech e insuretech.

Javier González, Director VentureSpec
Javier González

Javier González



12:00pm - 12:30pm Playground Creating efficiencies & Taking out the middleman Programa Fintech Tamaz Georgadze, Co- Fundador y CEO Raisin

Tamaz Georgadze

Co- Fundador y CEO


Tamaz es el cofundador y CEO de Raisin, el primer y único marketplace europeo de productos de ahorro asegurado por los depósitos. Como CEO dirige Raisin y se ocupa en particular de la adquisición de bancos asociados, el desarrollo de negocios, los esfuerzos de expansión legal y regional. Con 29 bancos, la plataforma es la mayor solución de B2C para productos de ahorro simples y seguros. Tamaz es un miembro del consejo de supervisión no ejecutivo del banco de Georgia Holdings PLC, compañía holding británica del banco más grande de Georgia, que forma parte del índice FTSE250. Antes de construir y escalar Raisin, Tamaz ha pasado 10 años con McKinsey & Company, los últimos 3 años como Principal también líder de la línea de servicio de productos de ahorro e inversión de McKinsey para los países EMEA. Sirvió algunos de los bancos minoristas, universales y mayoristas más grandes de toda Europa y Asia.

Philippe Gelis, CEO and Co-Founder Kantox

Philippe Gelis

CEO and Co-Founder


Philippe Gelis es CEO y Co-Fundador de Kantox. Antes de fundar Kantox en el año 2011 con Antonio Rami y Juan Carbajal, ejerció como consultor de estrategia y gestión en Deloitte. Philippe comenzó su carrera trabajando en Renault Suisse como director financiero. Más tarde, adquirió una valiosa experiencia en el sector bancario como consultor. Se ha especializado en finanzas y en estrategia de negocio. Philippe tiene un Máster en Estrategia de Negocios y un MBA en finanzas corporativas, ambas por la Toulouse Business School. Kantox es una empresa multinacional de Fintech que ofrece soluciones de gestión FX. Su experiencia y productos permiten a sus clientes gestionar su exposición al riesgo, construir estrategias de cobertura, automatizar las transacciones FX y el proceso de pagos internacionales de una manera inteligente. Kantox genera ahorros significativos, eficiencia y productividad con total transparencia.

Markus Ament, Co-Founder & CEO Centrifuge.Taulia

Markus Ament

Co-Founder & CEO


Serial FinTech entrepreneur, Markus Ament, or Maex as he is known, has led many companies from early-stage startups to global leaders, used and loved by thousands worldwide. He is currently CEO and co-founder of Centrifuge, with the mission to create an operating system for global commerce to fundamentally change how businesses transact and collaborate. Maex is co-founder and member of the board of Taulia, and has transformed the company from an idea in 2009 to the market-leading Financial Supply Chain company, connecting businesses to create a more efficient and profitable supply chain. With an enviable list of the of Fortune 500 clients and over 300 employees, Taulia has quickly become the recognized leader in the financial supply chain. Maex began his FinTech career working for SAP, developing and deploying payment and banking solutions in the SAP financials market. Maex also acts as an angel investor and mentor for various startups.

12:30pm - 01:00pm Playground Rethinking insurance Aquilino Peña, Kibo Ventures (Moderador) Programa InsureTech Miguel Vicente, Cofundador & Copresidente Antai Venture Builder

Miguel Vicente

Cofundador & Copresidente

Antai Venture Builder

Miguel de Vicente cofundó Wallapop, una exitosa aplicación de comercialización de artículos de segunda mano con operaciones en España, Francia, Reino Unido y Portugal. También ha cofundado Chicplace, FancyBox y Antai Business Angel. Miguel es en la actualidad codirector general y cofundador de la compañía Antai Venture Builder, que ha fundado 5 startups de rápido crecimiento con operaciones en más de 10 países en Europa y América Latina.

Pablo Moro Casquete, Head of New Business Telefónica Innovation Ventures

Pablo Moro Casquete

Head of New Business

Telefónica Innovation Ventures

Pablo Moro is Head of New Business at Telefónica Innovation Ventures, corporate venture vehicle of Telefónica for scouting, investing and fostering strategic partnerships with startups in key markets for Telefónica. Currently, the portfolio of Telefónica Innovation Ventures is formed by 25 startups invested directly and more than 80 through a network of 9 Venture Capital Funds. Prior to that, he was Head of Innovation at Mutua Madrileña, responsible for defining and launching new products and services to the market. Mutua Madrileña is the 2nd largest non-life insurance Group in Spain, with 5+ Bn€ premiums. He was also member of the Board of Directors of Antai Venture Builder (1st Spanish Venture Builder with a portfolio of leading companies like Wallapop, Glovo among others…). Before, Pablo worked in Wayra for 4 years managing the portfolio of startups and strategic partnerships between them and Telefónica. Pablo started his career in Telefónica playing several positions related with product manageme

Fabian Wesemann, Co-founder and CFO WeFox

Fabian Wesemann

Co-founder and CFO


Fabian is the Co-Founder and Group CFO of wefox group. wefox Group operates two businesses across Europe: Wefox is a platform that connects insurance companies to brokers that manage and consult their customers completely digital. Wefox currently features more than 300 insurance companies on the marketplace and serves more than 1'000 broker agents and 250.000 consumers. ONE: Fully digital European insurance company. The vision is to create a single protection for all risks in life in real time based on actually exposed risk. ONE is fully integrated in the wefox platform. wefox group has raised >€50m to date. This investment is the largest sum invested in an Insurtech company in Europe to date. Before wefox, Fabian founded EMPAUA Gmbh and worked as an investment banker for Deutsche Bank in London.

Florian Graillot, Co-Founder and Partner Astorya

Florian Graillot

Co-Founder and Partner


Florian is co-founder and Partner at astorya.vc, a European fund investing in early-stage/insurance startups. Florian started his career in 2008 as an entrepreneur with a fashion Internet startup FloandYou developed across Europe. Since 2010, he has been working in the investment space: investment manager at Affine - a property company -, investor at Newfund - a tech VC based in Paris -, and investor at AXA Strategic Ventures - a VC fund investing in European insurance startups. Florian is an engineering graduate from Telecom ParisTech and business school graduate from HEC Paris. Florian regularly writes and tweets about InsurTech, AI and startups.

01:00pm - 01:30pm Playground Blockchain: Building the pillars of transparecncy, trust and UX Daniel Díez García, UST Global (Moderador) Programa Blockchain Miguel Caballero, CEO Tutellus.io
Miguel Caballero

Miguel Caballero



Miguel is the CEO and founder of Tutellus. 20 years in Business Administration and Management. Miguel is an industrial engineer with an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa (1999) and a serial entrepreneur. He founded several startups last 20 years, and since 2012 Miguel has been completely focused on Tutellus, first years building the platform and Community and since 2017 launching Tutellus.io, the decentralized model that seeks to reshape education with the use of blockchain.

José Mínguez, Head of Innovation Market Iberia Endesa

José Mínguez

Head of Innovation Market Iberia


José is the Head of Innovation Market Iberia at Endesa, his main objective being the application of new technologies and market trends to the Energy Business. EMBA from IE, he is an electronic industrial engineer trained at ICAI. He is member of the Blockchain Community of Enel and P2P Transaction Platforms and the Blockchain Platform of Eurelectric (organization representing the electricity industry in 32 European countries). Previously, he was the Head of Technology Projects, leading various consortia for the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 and was responsible for various projects aimed at developing the integration of efficient distributed solar energy into the grid, smart-home, smart-buildings, storage systems and the commercial application of heat pumps for industrial installations. Focused on B2B & B2C Innovation projects, business development and strategy.

Carlos Kuchkovsky, CTO New Digital Business BBVA
Carlos Kuchkovsky

Carlos Kuchkovsky

CTO New Digital Business


Christopher Burgahn, Desarrollador de negocios Share&Charge

Christopher Burgahn

Desarrollador de negocios


Fundó y dirigió varias empresas antes de unirse al equipo de MotionWerk para el desarrollo de asociaciones y negocios. Apasionado por un mundo sostenible y descentralizado.

Álvaro Gracia Arroyo, Telefónica
Álvaro Gracia Arroyo

Álvaro Gracia Arroyo


01:30pm - 01:50pm Playground How the blockchain technology is making the financial sector more democratic Tara Cemlyn-Jones, Principal Advisor, TCJ, Fintech Advisory (Moderador) Bundeep Singh Rangar, Presidente PremFina
Bundeep Singh Rangar

Bundeep Singh Rangar



Bundeep Singh Rangar is a recognized fintech entrepreneur, investor and deal-maker. He has raised half a billion dollars in equity and debt funding in the UK, Europe, Canada and India. He celebrated a recent $36 million raise for his latest venture www.premfina.com via a pilgrimage to Burning Man. Bundeep provides commentary on blockchain, insurance and fintech for the BBC, CNBC,CNN and Sky, available at www.rangar.tv, while also producing his first feature film.

01:50pm - 02:00pm Playground Enabling next generation of trade & logistics using blockchain Programa Industry 4.0 & Logistics
02:00pm - 02:30pm Playground Are Cryptocurrencies really the viable alternative? Sean Seton-Rogers, ProFounders Capital (Moderador) Carolina Marçalo, Head of Partnerships AppCoins
Carolina Marçalo

Carolina Marçalo

Head of Partnerships


Carolina Marçalo has + 10 years experience in Business Analysis and Strategy, leading Aptoide’s strategic partnerships for the last +5 years. Co-author for AppCoins cryptocurrency Whitepaper and involved in the strategy and partnerships of its successfull ICO. Currently working in the launch of the App Store Foundation, the structure that will govern the Open Protocol. Carolina holds a Masters Degree in International Economics, and a BA in Economics from UMass Dartmouth and just concluded University of Oxford’s Blockchain Strategy Programme.

Eneko Knörr, Fundador Onyze

Eneko Knörr



Eneko Knörr (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1975) es Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (LADE) por la Universidad del País Vasco y se ha formado también en el Instituto de Empresa Business School (AMP). Emprendedor vocacional, fundó su primera empresa en 2000, y tras una experiencia un tanto fallida, fundó Hostalia, que a los pocos años se convertiría en una de las principales empresas de hosting de España. Tras su venta en 2007, puso en marcha Ideateca, un laboratorio ideas, principalmente en el ámbito de los videojuegos, con productos como el iBasket, que ha sido instalado en más de siete millones de móviles de 86 países. Eneko Knörr es socio fundador de la Asociación de Inversores y Emprendedores de Internet (AIEI), y miembro de Venturepreneurs y SeedRocket. Es inversor en una decena de empresas de internet.

Adrian Niculescu, CMO EMEA CloudCoin Consortium

Adrian Niculescu


CloudCoin Consortium

Adrian is the CMO EMEA at CloudCoin Consortium, and the Regional Director for the UK & Romania at Faster Capital Dubai. Adrian has 20 years of experience in building and developing companies, and 10’000 students in his online and offline marketing and business courses since 2013. He mentored 30 tech start-ups since 2014, spoke at 500 gig events, and has been coaching, consulting, and mentoring on all continents since 2010. He completed 250 real estate transactions since 2008. He also possesses copywriting skills, notably in sales pages, e-mails, funnels, facebook ads, and ads on other platforms. His tech skills include Blockchain, RAIDA, Marketing automation expert, Clickfunnels, Sales Manago, Infusionsoft, Leadpages, and Facebook. His marketing skills include marketing, product, and startup launch strategies. He is addicted to personal development and continuous improvement, loves to speak at events about subjects he has practical experience, while keeping as primary focus to add value to the audience.

03:30pm - 03:50pm Playground The Evolution of Mobility Nicolás Rubio, Cintra (Moderador) Shmuel Chafets, General Partner & Vice Chairman Target Global
Shmuel Chafets

Shmuel Chafets

General Partner & Vice Chairman

Target Global

Prior to joining Target Global Shmuel was a partner at the Berlin based Hasso Plattner Ventures where he invested in companies such as iZettle and Hansoft and served as a board member in DreamLines and reBuy. Before that Shmuel was a partner at Giza Venture Capital in Tel Aviv where he invested in companies such as Soluto (sold to Asurion), Vishal.ly and other early stage internet ventures. Together with Giza, Shmuel founded GPV, a pioneering Warsaw based venture fund where he also lead virus internet and software investment. Shmuel was also co-founder of LocaLoco (sold to Say Media Group ) a social gaming start up targeting emerging markets.

Berta Barrero, Managing Director Transportation business in Indra
Berta Barrero

Berta Barrero

Managing Director

Transportation business in Indra

Education: Civil Engineer, specialization in Transportation, awarded by the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM). Master’s Degree in Railway Systems, by the ICAI School of Engineering at Comillas Pontifical University and Program for Management Development (PMD) by ESADE Business & Law School. Experience: She has developed her professional career focused on the railway sector and transportation consultancy. She has held top management positions in some of the main companies of the transportation sector: Chief Operating Officer of the railway company Renfe – Operadora and Corporate Managing Director of the transportation engineering company INECO. She joined Indra in February 2017 and she has been appointed as the Head of the Transportation business.

03:50pm - 04:20pm Playground Technologies that make travel smarter and increase customers satisfaction Pablo Pastega, FlixBus (Moderador) Bruno Gutierres, Head of Airbus BizLab  Airbus BizLab 
Bruno Gutierres

Bruno Gutierres

Head of Airbus BizLab 

Airbus BizLab 

Bruno Gutierres is the founder and managing director of the Airbus BizLab. The BizLab is the premier aerospace accelerator, with campuses in Toulouse, Hamburg, Bangalore and Madrid. A graduate of Toulouse Business School, Bruno started his career as an entrepreneur and successfully founded and sold two companies. He then joined Air France Cargo in Toulouse. His extensive knowledge of the air cargo market led him to Airbus where he initially created a cargo service for the Beluga, a wide-body transport aircraft, before moving on to other innovation projects within the company. A true rugby enthusiast, Bruno is a member of the Stade Toulousain supervisory board.

Timo Buetefisch, Co-Founder Cooltra
Timo Buetefisch

Timo Buetefisch



Timo Beutefisch, born in Germany 43 years ago, is an ex-consultant and MBA from IESE, who has been living in the Catalan Capital for about 14 years. Before settling in Barcelona he lived in his native Germany, Paris, Buenos Aires, Greece and Switzerland giving him cosmopolitan character. Timo has a strong entrepreneur personality. Passionate about the world of motorcycling, Timo found the opportunity to start his own business when his bike damaged one day while he was driving around Barcelona and found difficult to rent a scooter. From this need was born Cooltra, a great project that he managed to create what would be today the European leader in sustainable mobility solutions on two wheels.

Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago-Concha, Gerente General para España y Portugal BlaBlaCar

Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago-Concha

Gerente General para España y Portugal


Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago-Concha es Gerente General para España y Portugal en BlaBlaCar, la comunidad europea líder en viajes compartidos. Fascinado por la tecnología desde su infancia, ha desarrollado su carrera alrededor de ella. Es un ingeniero en telecomunicaciones y ha sido vinculado al rubro emprendedor tecnológico desde el inicio de su carrera. Jaime es asiduo a participar como expositor en conferencias, medios y maestrías sobre economía colaborativa, emprendedurismo y marketing.

Andy Batty, Chief Operating Officer MyTaxi
Andy Batty

Andy Batty

Chief Operating Officer


Bosco Gutierrez Gomez, Digital Business Development Wondo
Bosco Gutierrez Gomez

Bosco Gutierrez Gomez

Digital Business Development


Bosco Gutiérrez, Digital Business Development Manager as part of the team that designed, built and deployed Wondo, a digital platform for mobility as a service.

04:20pm - 04:50pm Playground Smart living in smart Cities and the Eco-Mobility equation Alberto Alcolea, WowTrip (Moderador) Seth Elliott, CMO GTMHub

Seth Elliott



Juan Garrigosa, Head of Innovation Endesa

Juan Garrigosa

Head of Innovation


Motivado individuo con más de 17 años de exitosa trayectoria logrando la consecución de desafiantes objetivos tecnológicos y de innovación en las mejores firmas internacionales así como en la creación y gestión de equipos punteros en el sector de la tecnología. Posee demostrada experiencia en los campos de energía, tecnología, desarrollo de negocio, gestión de proyectos e ingeniería en ambientes multidisciplinares y multiculturales. Emprendedor, desarrollador de negocio con enfoque conseguidor, creativo, pensador innovador, con la capacidad de trasformar ideas en acción y resultados, presencia ejecutiva y vista para los negocios.

Juan Beneytez, Business Development Manager B2B ZITY
Juan Beneytez

Juan Beneytez

Business Development Manager B2B


Juan Beneytez is an experienced International Business Development professional with Operational and Project Management experience in a variety of sectors ranging from complex aviation services, travel, rail, retail and finance to global infrastructure. Prior to joining Ferrovial, Juan has worked at DaimlerChrysler and General Electric. At Ferrovial, Juan has held a number of roles working at Heathrow Airport ground transportation as well as UK Services Division “Amey”. Currently, Juan is the Business Development Manager for Private Sector as well as new B2C Bussines. The main focus at Zity for Juan is to develop new partnerships and to grow the business in the corporate carhsaring space.

04:50pm - 05:20pm Playground Digitizing travel and tourism Natalia Bayona, UNWT (Moderador) Programa Travel & Tourism Kemel Kharbachi, CEO Agora Next

Kemel Kharbachi


Agora Next

Kemel Kharbachi is an entrepreneur who has founded several companies and projects in the last 20 years. Degree in Tourism and Management Hotels (Swiss Les Roches). In 1999 he signed three major agreements representing the largest European tourism groups. He created his first company that became a reference holiday agency and Hotels group in Spain. Intertours Sun & Snow, Barceló Group, Iberostar Group, Firs Choice, British tour operator Airtours (TUI) and Horizons of the Marsans group. In 2001 he sold part of his tourism company to an international group and began his activity in project development in the internet business specialized in vertical tourism industry. In 2002, Kharbachi created a vertical Tourism group with several partners. Internet companies, media and advertising agency, signing a strategic agreement with one of the largest media companies in Spain (Grupo Vocento). Kemel Kharbachi's best-known initiatives are those that have taken place in the last 8 years with its investment manager IT Holdin

Paul-Emile Saab, Connecthings
Paul-Emile Saab

Paul-Emile Saab


Ignacio Martínez González, Director TI INECO

Ignacio Martínez González

Director TI


Ignacio Martínez es Doctor Ingeniero de Caminos por la UPM e Ingeniero Informático por la UNED, gracias a lo cual auna las visiones del mundo de la ingeniería y el de la tecnología bajo un prisma común. Su formación se complementa con un MBA por ESIC y un PDD por IESE. En Ineco es responsable de la Subdirección de Tecnologías de la Información desde 2012, área encargada de aportar soluciones innovadoras para los clientes de Ineco mediante la aplicación práctica de nuevas tecnologías y la transformación digital. Su trayectoria profesional destaca por la aplicación constante de innovación y la gestión basada en intraemprendimiento.

Jesus Florido-Banqueri, advisor in digitalization portfolio Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)
Jesus Florido-Banqueri

Jesus Florido-Banqueri

advisor in digitalization portfolio

Bahrain Tourism & Exhibitions Authority (BTEA)

Mr. Jesus Florido Banqueri is Advisor of Bahrain Tourism & Exhibition Authority since 2016. Before his current role, he has developed an extensive experience on working with other Ministries in Bahrain and abroad. Political scientist by training, multi-disciplinary by profession, he had developed bilateral programs with international organisations as UNWTO, OECD and World Bank. With a geographical focus on the MENA region and several years of experience on international level, Mr Florido Banqueri was working on developing partnerships and programs with multiple stakeholders ( national, bilateral and Multilateral) always related to international relations and cooperation, tourism, governance, economic development and leadership. With a Masters degree in Ritsumeikan University and Sciences Po Bordeaux, and Bachelor degree in Sciences Po Bordeaux and Granada University, Mr Florido has collaborated as director of the Masters in Public Governance offered by Granada University.

Gabriel Perdiguero, Chief Transformation Officer Iberia
Gabriel Perdiguero

Gabriel Perdiguero

Chief Transformation Officer


Se incorpora a IBERIA en mayo de 2014 como Director de Control de Gestión y, en marzo de 2016, asume también la responsabilidad del Plan de Futuro. Desde agosto de 2017 forma parte del Comité de Dirección como Director de Clientes y Transformación del negocio. Con una amplia experiencia como responsable de proyectos en diferentes empresas, antes de unirse a IBERIA ocupó el puesto de Senior Manager en Accenture, en el sector de la Aviación, desde 2005. Gabriel ha contribuido a la implantación del modelo de Finance Business Partnering y a la transformación financiera de la Compañía. Bajo su liderazgo, se ha lanzado la Fase 2 del Plan de Futuro, clave para consolidar la transformación de IBERIA junto a la imprescindible revolución digital y la mejora de la experiencia de nuestros clientes. Gabriel es licenciado con Honores en Computación por la Universidad de Portsmouth (BSC Honors Degree in Computing). Cuenta además con un Executive MBA por el Idem-Cesem de Madrid y un PDEM.

05:20pm - 05:40pm Playground Innovation and Monetization: Disruption in Hospitality Katja Bohnet, Amadeus (Moderador) Emilio Galán, CTO y Co-fundador BEONPRICE
Emilio Galán

Emilio Galán

CTO y Co-fundador


Emilio Galán es el CTO y Co-fundador de BEONPRICE, responsable del desarrollo e innovación del producto y servicio. Ingeniero de Software y MBA con experiencia trabajando con tecnologías de datos en entidades empresariales como la Astrofísica de Canarias, Telefónica I+D, Telefónica y Banco Santander. Es un apasionado de la identificación de oportunidades, el desarrollo de estrategias, la creación de equipos y la innovación continua.

Alex Gisbert, CEO FastPayHotels
Alex Gisbert

Alex Gisbert



Alex es fundador y CEO de Fastpayhotels. Con sede en Mallorca, Fastpayhotels representa la evolución del modelo de distribución de hoteles B2B, aportando a este espacio la innovación que tanto necesita. Fastpayhotels ha sido ganador de "Start Up the Year" de Travolution UK 2016, "Start Nominee" en España de Segitur 2017 y" New Business of Year" de Desarollo en España, así como finalista en Phocuswright Summit en 2016 en Los Ángeles. Alex dejó Lowcosttravel Group en 2015, donde es Director de Operaciones y miembro de la junta directiva de los equipos líderes de ventas, productos, gestión de ingresos y marketing B2C y B2B. Anteriormente, Alex fue Director de Marketing de Socios Online en Expedia, liderando los esfuerzos de marketing de los afiliados de marca, expositores, metabúsqueda y otras asociaciones online de Expedia.

05:40pm - 06:10pm Playground Accelerating the clean and sustainable energy revolution Mireille Toulekima, MT Energy Resources (Moderador) Josep Miquel Torregrosa, Business Creation Officer KIC InnoEnergy
Josep Miquel Torregrosa

Josep Miquel Torregrosa

Business Creation Officer

KIC InnoEnergy

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND - Business Creation Officer at InnoEnergy. - Member of ESADE Business Angel Network. - Member of the board in several start-ups in the cleantech sector. - 10 years experience in Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Business Development & Venture Capital. - Over 50 start-up investments last 8 years and over 15M€ raised funding. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND - Industrial Engineer. - Master in Project Management at La Salle Business School. - Executive MBA at ESADE Business School 2010. - Venture Capital Program at IESE Business School 2016. - B2B Sales Management, Angel Investment & Board Management Programs @Esade. - Entrepreneurship Coach and Lecturer @Esade since 2012.

Matt Prescott, Director of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability Heathrow
Matt Prescott

Matt Prescott

Director of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability


Matt is leading the development of a new sustainable innovation programme at Heathrow called the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability. It was announced as part of Heathrow’s sustainability plan - Heathrow 2.0 – of which Matt was one of the main authors. In his early career Matt focused on sustainable built environments, particularly in the housing and construction sectors. He also directed a climate change policy programme at a leading UK think tank. For the past decade, Matt has led the development of sustainability strategies in sectors as diverse as healthcare, education, transport and infrastructure. Matt is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Fellow of the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment

John Chamberlain, Innovación Corporativa Naturgy
John Chamberlain

John Chamberlain

Innovación Corporativa


John es licenciado en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad de Bristol en el Reino Unido y ha trabajado profesionalmente durante más de 30 años en varios departamentos de Investigación y Desarrollo e Ingeniería de Energy Utilities, tanto en el Reino Unido como en España. Actualmente John trabaja en el área de Innovación Corporativa dentro de Naturgy y en este cargo es responsable del desarrollo de las actividades de Investigación y Desarrollo en las áreas de Gas Natural Renovable y de Energía a Gas. John también participa en el desarrollo de actividades de Investigación y Desarrollo en Generación Renovable y en soluciones de Movilidad Sostenible. Durante su estancia en Naturgy, John ha participado en el desarrollo de los mapas de ruta de Investigación y Desarrollo y ha sido instrumental en la identificación, construcción y ejecución de los proyectos de I+D+i para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la empresa.

Luis Manuel Santos Moro, Jefe de Innovación EDP
Luis Manuel Santos Moro

Luis Manuel Santos Moro

Jefe de Innovación


Luis Manuel Santos Moro, Ingeniero Industrial especialidad Electrotecnia por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Gijón de la Universidad de Oviedo y máster en Administración de Empresas por el Instituto Universitario de la Empresa. Actualmente es el responsable de Innovación (I+D+i) dentro de la Dirección de Ambiente, Sostenibilidad, Innovación y Calidad de EDP España. Representa a EDP España en varios foros y plataformas tecnológicas como la Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Redes del futuro, la Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Eficiencia Energética, el Grupo Interplataformas de Almacenamiento de Energía y el Innovation WG de Eurelectric.

06:10pm - 06:40pm Playground How energy corporates are improving their operations and services towards final customers María Sansigre, Demeter Partners (Moderador) Vincent Bryant, president Deepki
Vincent Bryant

Vincent Bryant



Olivia Infantes Morales, Head of Innovation and Regulatory Affairs Engie
Olivia Infantes Morales

Olivia Infantes Morales

Head of Innovation and Regulatory Affairs



10:40am - 11:00am Sandbox The China tide and the downfall of Silicon Valley Alex Barrera, Co-Founder & Editor Tech.Eu
Alex Barrera

Alex Barrera

Co-Founder & Editor


Alex is a serial entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience in the field. He's currently Founder & Chief Editor at The Aleph (thealeph.com) where he writes about disruptive technology and its consequences for business. He's also co-founder and editor at Tech.eu, the most important technology publication in Europe. Previously he's co-founded two startup accelerators in Europe, consult with many others like Seedcamp or Techstars and is actively involved in some of the largest tech conferences in Europe. He's a professor of innovation at IE Business School and at the UC3M as well as guest lecturer at UCLA Anderson and UC Berkeley and a former member of Global Shapers by World Economic Forum. He never goes on stage without his hat!

11:00am - 11:35am Sandbox Startup Competition: Education (Round 1) Programa Edtech
11:35am - 12:25pm Sandbox Startup Competition: Energy Programa Energy
12:25pm - 01:20pm Sandbox Startup competition: Education (Round 2) Programa Edtech
01:20pm - 02:05pm Sandbox Startup competition: Travel and Tourism Programa Travel & Tourism
02:05pm - 02:55pm Sandbox Startup competition: Smart Mobility
02:55pm - 03:05pm Sandbox Winner announcement track Travel, Energy, Education
02:55pm - 03:05pm Sandbox Lunch Sandbox, 3
03:05pm - 04:00pm Sandbox Startup competition: Content and Channels
04:00pm - 04:30pm Sandbox Regulatory Sandbox, what’s to come?      Asunción Gilsanz, Chief Enterprise Architect Banco Sabadell (Moderador) Programa Fintech Haydée Barroso, Head of Digital Strategy InnoCells by Banco Sabadell

Haydée Barroso

Head of Digital Strategy

InnoCells by Banco Sabadell

Haydée is Head of Digital Strategy at InnoCells (Banco Sabadell’s digital hub). She is responsible for identifying new strategic opportunities, analyzing the digital ecosystem to create and foster new business lines which enhance the Group’s future value proposition. Graduated Summa Cum Laude in Finance at UNCW, Haydée started her career at The Boston Consulting Group where she was a core member of the Financial Services Practice Area, with broad international experience. She is passionate about technology, finance and startups.

Jose Manuel Marqués, Head of the Financial Innovation Division Banco de España
Jose Manuel Marqués

Jose Manuel Marqués

Head of the Financial Innovation Division

Banco de España

José Manuel Marqués Sevillano is Head of the Financial Innovation Division at Bank of Spain (Banco de España). In this position, he focuses on studying the main trends transforming the financial system and define the main implications for the central bank. Prior to this position he has been Head of the International Financial Markets Division and held a number of different positions within the bank since joining in 1996. Marqués has written a number of articles on financial markets, regulations and financial stability, macro finance and asset pricing, the real state sector, and fiscal public policy, and regularly contributes to the economic bulletin of the Bank of Spain. Marqués has a BA in Economics and Business from University of Zaragoza, and an MSc from University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

Rodrigo García de la Cruz, President FinTech Spain AEFI
Rodrigo García de la Cruz

Rodrigo García de la Cruz

President FinTech Spain


Salvador Ruiz, Partner Allen& Overy
Salvador Ruiz

Salvador Ruiz


Allen& Overy

04:30pm - 05:20pm Sandbox Startup competition: Fintech
05:20pm - 05:30pm Sandbox Winner announcement track Fintech, Content& Channels, Smart Mobility
05:30pm - 05:50pm Sandbox Turning instagram likes into companies: from 340k followers to 10k units sold Juan Moreno, Bankinter (Moderador) Programa E-Commerce & Platforms Inés Arroyo Ruiz, Cofundadora y directora creativa Laagam
Inés Arroyo Ruiz

Inés Arroyo Ruiz

Cofundadora y directora creativa


Inés es cofundadora y directora creativa de laagam, una marca nativa digital que inspira a las mujeres a conquistar el mundo a través de la moda de lujo asequible. Con sólo 24 años, ya es una de las principales personalidades de la moda en Europa, con más de 340.000 seguidores en Instagram, asesorando a los principales minoristas sobre tendencias y colaborando con las publicaciones más influyentes. Inés es licenciada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, complementando su formación con estancias en la escuela de moda Central Saint Martins. Anteriormente a laagam, trabajó en los departamentos de marketing de PUIG y en la joyería RABAT.

Diego Arroyo, CEO y co-fundador Laagam
Diego Arroyo

Diego Arroyo

CEO y co-fundador


Diego es el co-fundador y CEO de laagam, una marca nativa digital que inspira a las mujeres a conquistar el mundo a través de la moda de lujo asequible. Ha estado involucrado con todo el ecosistema de startups tanto en España como en México: como gerente de lanzamiento de Rocket Internet, invirtiendo con el líder mexicano VC Variv Capital, comenzando Glovo como el sexto empleado y finalmente co-fundando Digital Native Brands. Diego es licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por ESADE, complementando su formación con cursos de Relaciones Internacionales en la London School of Economics. Anteriormente, trabajó en los departamentos de fusiones y adquisiciones de Nomura en Nueva York y BBVA en Madrid.

05:50pm - 06:00pm Sandbox Unlocking the power of Innovation in Collaboration Programa Working Culture Marisol Menéndez, Head of Open Innovation Spain Startup - South Summit
Marisol Menéndez

Marisol Menéndez

Head of Open Innovation

Spain Startup - South Summit

Marisol es una experta con más de 20 años de experiencia en las áreas de innovación abierta, fintech y transformación digital. Como directora de innovación abierta de BBVA, trabaja para conectarse y colaborar con fintechs con el objetivo de acelerar el ritmo de la innovación y la transformación digital de la industria financiera. Esto incluye todas las actividades para explorar el ecosistema de emprendedores y desarrolladores en todo el mundo y conectarlos con los departamentos relevantes de BBVA para desarticular la industria financiera. Uno de los mejores ejemplos es BBVA Open Talent, la competición fintech más grande y de mayor duración en el mundo que este año celebra su décima edición. Marisol tiene un título de Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad Panamericana (México), un Executive MBA de IESE Business School y actualmente es candidata a PhD en innovación abierta en Hasselt University (Bélgica)

06:00pm - 06:30pm Sandbox Disrupting the food industry Beatriz Romanoz, Techfood consult (Moderador) Programa Food & Agrotech Javier de La Llave, Innovation Director Aquaservice
Javier de La Llave

Javier de La Llave

Innovation Director


Javier de la Llave is a Computer Engineer by the Carlos III of Madrid and Universität Paderborn of Germany. After starting his career in Indra, he moved soon to Destinia, introducing himself in the startups environment. He founded and managed three startups. Comprea, the third one, was recently acquired by Lola Market, where he led the Product and Tech team. After a year of integration he moved to a tactic position, keeping the assistance to board and strategy meetings. Nowadays he works as Innovation Director in Aquaservice, in charge of research and development of new technologies, belonging also to steering committee"

José del Barrio, Founding Partner Samaipata

José del Barrio

Founding Partner


José del Barrio fundó Samaipata Ventures a mediados del 2015 y es su CEO desde entonces. Fue cofundador en 2011 de la La Nevera Roja, la página web líder en el mercado español de reparto de comida a domicilio, donde fue CEO durante cuatro años. En enero de 2015 capitaneó la venta de la compañía a Rocket Internet por 80 millones de euros. Durante un par de meses tras la adquisición ayudó a los compradores en el proceso de transición. Empezó su carrera trabajando como manager del Grupo de Estrategia de PwC. Antes de esta experienca Jose había trabajado como analista de supply chain en Accenture y como director de proyecto en la Fundación H.N en Bolivia. Jose posee una Licenciatura en Económicas y otra en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Andoni Goicoechea, Founder and CEO Goiko Grill
Andoni Goicoechea

Andoni Goicoechea

Founder and CEO

Goiko Grill

06:30pm - 06:50pm Sandbox The value of branding Will Ford, Launchboom (Moderador) Andy Stalman, Socio cofundador y Managing Director TOTEM Branding

Andy Stalman

Socio cofundador y Managing Director

TOTEM Branding

Andy Stalman es uno de los mejores expertos en Branding del Mundo. Tiene talento y carisma, y es considerado como “Mr. Branding” en varios países. Con una personalidad magnética se ha posicionado en puestos de liderazgo desde su juventud. Como un experto en marcas con más de 20 años de experiencia, ha desarrollado proyectos en más de 25 países. De 1994 a 1997, se desempeñó como Director de Marketing para Lacoste. De 1998 a 2002 fue Director de Marketing de Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, encargado del desarrollo del marketing y comercial de los 35 mayores aeropuertos del país. Durante 16 años fue Managing Director de Cato Partners Europe & Latam. En la actualidad es socio cofundador y Managing Director de TOTEM Branding.

The Next Big Thing

09:30am - 10:30am The Next Big Thing Pitch startups - Ayuntamiento & La Nave
10:30am - 11:00am The Next Big Thing Ferrovial Build Up! 2nd Edition - Open Call for startups Matt Prescott, Director of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability Heathrow
Matt Prescott

Matt Prescott

Director of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability


Matt is leading the development of a new sustainable innovation programme at Heathrow called the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability. It was announced as part of Heathrow’s sustainability plan - Heathrow 2.0 – of which Matt was one of the main authors. In his early career Matt focused on sustainable built environments, particularly in the housing and construction sectors. He also directed a climate change policy programme at a leading UK think tank. For the past decade, Matt has led the development of sustainability strategies in sectors as diverse as healthcare, education, transport and infrastructure. Matt is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Fellow of the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment

11:00am - 11:30am The Next Big Thing Legal Tech.3.0: The E-Sports Ecosystem Yoko Takagi, Partner White&Case
Yoko Takagi

Yoko Takagi



11:30am - 11:50am The Next Big Thing The surge in Innovation and its impact on the industry Ismael Sanz, Comunidad de Madrid (Moderador) Salvador Medina, CEO Valhalla: Innovating in Education
Salvador Medina

Salvador Medina


Valhalla: Innovating in Education

He began his professional career in the technology sector, first in HP and later in Sun Microsystems, where he contributed directly to the creation of the IBU (Internet Business Unit) and the launch of the Java platform at a European level. In 2000 he joined Banco Santander as head of vertical projects on the Internet. In May 2017, and after 17 years with Banco Santander, he founded Mycom Interactive, a venture builder formed by a team with solid experience in the launch and implementation of innovative projects in education, retail, innovation and entrepreneurship. In July 2017, he founded The Valhalla, the first educational innovation consultancy in Higher Education, and became one of the reference shareholders of the Digital Innovation Center. Salvador is an active member of several Boards of Directors, such as YALE PCIA, WISE Accelerator Fund of the World Innovation Summit for Education or the international advisory board of the Institute for Global Law and Policy of Harvard University, and more

Tommaso Canonici, General Director Opinno
Tommaso Canonici

Tommaso Canonici

General Director


Tommaso es Licenciado en Economía de Internet por la Universidad de Bologna; MBA Executive por la Escuela Europea de Negocios. Titulado como Gestor de la Innovación por FEDIT (Federación Española de Centros Tecnológicos), certificado en “Estrategia Disruptiva” por HBX (Harvard Business School) y en “Inteligencia Artificial para el Negocio” por MIT. Empezó su carrera profesional en el mundo de la consultoría estratégica en innovación y fue director del departamento de innovación abierta Campus Party (Powered by Telefonica), coordinando proyectos de Open Innovation para el desarrollo territorial en España, Brasil, México, Colombia, Alemania y con la Comisión Europea. Como Managing Director at Opinno Europe coordina la actividad europea de las cuatro unidades de negocio: Opinno People (Open Innovation), Ideas (Consultoría Estratégica), Solutions (Desarrollos tecnológicos avanzados) y Academy (Transformación Corporativa). Desde las oficinas de Madrid, Barcelona, París y Milán, dirige una red de más de 150 consult

11:50am - 12:15pm The Next Big Thing PITCHING SLOT for 5 startups from GHANA
12:15pm - 12:20pm The Next Big Thing RedLook technology for Smart Monitoring of processes in 4.0 Industry  Francisco Cortés, CEO y Fundador Sensia Solutions
Francisco Cortés

Francisco Cortés

CEO y Fundador

Sensia Solutions

12:20pm - 12:50pm The Next Big Thing Do we still need traditional learning institutions? Benoit Wirz, Brighteye Ventures (Moderador) Pierre Dubuc, Co-founder and CEO OpenClassrooms
Pierre Dubuc

Pierre Dubuc

Co-founder and CEO


Pierre es el cofundador de OpenClassrooms. Junto con Mathieu Nebra, Pierre creó el precursor de OpenClassrooms en 1999, a la edad de 11 años. Ahora es el CEO de la compañía, uno de los primeros campus en línea en Europa y uno de los EdTech más grandes del mundo. En 2016, Pierre apareció entre los "30 menores de 30" de Forbes en emprendimiento social.

Gonzalo Manrique, Co-founder and CEO Ironhack

Gonzalo Manrique

Co-founder and CEO


Gonzalo Manrique is the co-founder and CEO of Ironhack, a tech school ranked in the world's top 2 in the market, with presence in Europe, US, Latin America and more than 2,000 alumni. Ironhack is changing the educational model, reducing the tech skill gap through bootcamps based on learn-by-doing and focused on the latest technological trends. With Gonzalo as CEO, Ironhack has achieved a growth of 95% YoY from 2014 until now, expanding to 10 cities and forming partnerships with companies such as Uber, Facebook and McKinsey. Prior to Ironhack, he completed an MBA at Wharton (UPenn) after completing his studies in Road Engineering and has been part of the Sacyr Board of Directors for more than 7 years.

Miguel Gonzalez-Gallarza, Country Manager Ornikar
Miguel Gonzalez-Gallarza

Miguel Gonzalez-Gallarza

Country Manager


Born in Madrid and educated in the French system, Miguel González-Gallarza holds a MSc in Management from HEC Paris. After initial experiences in Marketing and Finance during his studies, he joined the German mobile bank N26 to help expand the business in Spain. He is now Country Manager in Spain of Ornikar, a French online driving school that aims to shape the future of driving education by making it more accessible to learners while offering more flexibility to instructors

12:50pm - 01:30pm The Next Big Thing AIRBUSBIZ LAB startup pitching
01:30pm - 02:00pm The Next Big Thing STARTUPS CORREOS
02:00pm - 02:10pm The Next Big Thing Telefónica and Blockchain José Luis Núñez, Telefónica & Wayra
José Luis Núñez

José Luis Núñez

Telefónica & Wayra

03:00pm - 03:30pm The Next Big Thing Learnings in Startup & Large Corporate Collaboration Alberto Payo, applicantes.com (Moderador) Programa StartUp Operations Fabio Tentori, CEO Enel Innovation Hubs
Fabio Tentori

Fabio Tentori


Enel Innovation Hubs

Since 2017 Fabio is the CEO of Enel Innovation Hubs, the innovation arm of Enel Group. He manages all collaborations with startups within Enel Group and the presence in innovation ecosystems worldwide: Silicon Valley, Israel, Italy, Spain, Russia, Chile and Brazil. Since joining Enel in 2013, he has gained relevant experience in the energy innovation domain, covering several roles in the development of the residential energy services business in Italy. Prior to Enel, Fabio worked for 6 years with McKinsey & Company, based in Milan and in London. Fabio holds a MBA degree with honors achieved in 2010 at INSEAD.

Stefano La Cesa, Cofounder & CTO PEDIUS
Stefano La Cesa

Stefano La Cesa

Cofounder & CTO


Stefano’s technical background is centered around Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, followed by a 5 years experience in supporting adoption of tech innovation inside large enterprises. After that he started focus on business implications of technological innovation, on entrepreneurship, on business ethics. As of today, Pedius enables consumer and business phone services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Together with Enel, Pedius delivers a 360 degrees experience improving accessibility for customers and work inclusion

Roy Petter Dyrdahl Torgersen, Founder & CEO NIDO Robotics
Roy Petter Dyrdahl Torgersen

Roy Petter Dyrdahl Torgersen

Founder & CEO

NIDO Robotics

Founder & CEO of Nido Robotics in Spain. At Nido Robotics, our mission is to make intelligent robots that serve humanity's greater goals. Today this translates into building underwater teleoperated robots for this planet's most hostile environment: the ocean. We work tirelessly to help our customers become more efficient in data collection underwater while mínimizing hazard to human life and company assets. We currently make underwater robots that are easy to use, easy to adapt to changing operational requirements, with the best price-to-performance ratio currently on the market, and through training and support. A Master Mariner by trade, I have over a decade of experience in different positions on a wide variety of vessels and operations pertaining mainly to the petro-maritime industry.

03:30pm - 03:50pm The Next Big Thing Finding the best bootstrap founders and accelerating their business growth Hillel Zidel, Kennet
Hillel Zidel

Hillel Zidel


03:50pm - 04:10pm The Next Big Thing Monetization schemes for the corporate-startup relationship Diego Rocha Sacyr (Moderador) Mario Rondán Fernández, Cofundador y Responsable de Estrategia e Innovacion EPC Tracker
Mario Rondán Fernández

Mario Rondán Fernández

Cofundador y Responsable de Estrategia e Innovacion

EPC Tracker

Ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en el ámbito de la consultoría empresarial y de marketing, en entidades vinculadas al ecosistema de I+D, como FIDETIA (Fundación para la Investigación y Desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información) o MOVEX (Centro Tecnológico de la Industria del Cuero). Sus áreas de especialización están vinculadas a la innovación, la comunicación y la gestión empresarial. Es licenciado en Investigación Técnica y de Mercado y en Economía y Empresa, con formación complementaria en Innovación, Marketing y Gestión Empresarial. Ya en 2013 comenzó su carrera como emprendedor tecnológico, como co-fundador de EPC Tracker, empresa galardonada por Sacyr como la Mejor Puesta en Marcha de Infraestructuras y Servicios en 2015, que introduce la movilidad avanzada en los proyectos industriales. Actualmente es responsable de Estrategia y Desarrollo Corporativo en EPC Tracker.

04:10pm - 04:20pm The Next Big Thing Women; The way forward Programa Diversity Anna McCoy, ebw2020
Anna McCoy

Anna McCoy


04:20pm - 04:50pm The Next Big Thing The power of diversity and collaboration Mireille Toulekima MT Energy Resources  (Moderador) Programa Diversity Marta Perez Dorao, Founder Inspiring Girls

Marta Perez Dorao


Inspiring Girls

Marta is General Manager of FECE, and President of Inspiring Girls in Spain. Senior executive with more than 30 years of expertise as General Counsel, she has been member of the Management Committee and the Board of Directors of several multinational software companies. As Manager of the Corporate Legal Department, she has been key player in all kind of corporate projects, such as business alliances, capital venture investments, etc. She has been founder and CEO of two companies, Layomba, (law and accounting firm, specialized in helping IT foreign companies to start business in Spain) and Women in Busines, consultancy firm specialized in education in business abilities for executive women. She was partner at FEGED, strategic communication firm in Bogotá, Colombia, and was representative in Spain of the Free Trade Zone of Bogotá. Besides her work at FECE she is currently focused in the development of Inspiring Girls in Spain, and as Global Coordinator, also in LATAM and Europe.

Verónica Trapa, Managing Director Swanlaab
Verónica Trapa

Verónica Trapa

Managing Director


Verónica joined Swanlaab in 2014 as Managing Director and is a member of the Investment Committee of Swanlaab Giza Innvierte I, FCR. Entrepreneur with a vast experience in business model development and implementation and in organizing complex business projects.She has been carrying out management and deputy management functions for seventeen years.Verónica has developed her career in international consultancy firms such as Ernst&Young, in family graphic arts businesses such as Grupo Cencla and in the industry of Logistics as in Viapostal. Additionally, she has launched and participated in companies of her own such as Life&Colors and Tu Chef. She teaches Negotiation and Organization at ICADE. She belongs to foundation El Arca de Madrid which aims at creating homes for persons with intellectual disability. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration& Economics (CUNEF), a Diploma in Business Administration from Berkeley University (UCB)& a PDG (General Management Program) from IESE Business Scho

04:50pm - 05:10pm The Next Big Thing How to Thrive as a Woman in Tech Programa Diversity Susanne Birgersdotter, Partner Milky Way Cap

Susanne Birgersdotter


Milky Way Cap

Susanne Birgersdotter, a Swedish self made entrepreneur and investor, shares her inspirational journey from designing her first app from her kitchen table to becoming a partner in the VC company, Milky Way Cap within 7 years. Susanne’s strong instincts and intuition has helped her grow her companies including designing a #1 ranked app and founding Igotcha, SthlmAppLab, SBDM. She is an active mentor/member on several boards, and a popular global speaker giving lectures and workshops on entrepreneurship and venture capital. Susanne was nominated for Sweden’s most powerful female founder in 2017 and 2018.

05:10pm - 05:40pm The Next Big Thing The urge for diversity in the tech industry is key for growth Verónica Sosa (Moderador) Programa Diversity Itxaso del Palacio, Investment Partner Europa Formerly at M12

Itxaso del Palacio

Investment Partner Europa

Formerly at M12

Itxaso es Investment Partner de Microsoft Ventures. Se encuentra en Londres y es responsable de las inversiones en Europa. Antes de trabajar para Microsoft, era la vicepresidenta de Capital en Lepe Partners donde gestionaba inversiones de compañías con fondos de alto crecimiento en medios digitales y tecnologías de consumo. Antes de Lepe, Itxaso trabajó como inversor de etapa temprana en Capital EC1, ayudando a desarrollar y comercializar tecnologías. Itxaso tiene un Kauffman Fellow y posee una licenciatura y Máster en Ingeniería, así como un doctorado centrado en Economía y capital de riesgo. Dr. Itxaso ha impartido clases de Finanzas Empresarial en varias instituciones incluyendo el Imperial College y la UCL.

Ann-Christine Roope, Fundadora & CEO Ethan Partners
Ann-Christine Roope

Ann-Christine Roope

Fundadora & CEO

Ethan Partners

Ann es la fundadora y la CEO de Ethan Partners, una compañía ejecutiva global de búsqueda enfocada en empresas de internet de fuerte crecimiento. Ethan Partners ha respaldado mas de 150 empresas de internet exitosas y identificó +3000 candidatos de alto nivel. Estés clientes incluyen, entre otros, Uber, Houzz, Naspers, Zomato, Ringier, Deliveroo y Goldman Sachs. Antes de eso, Ann-Christine fue la directora de contratación a nivel internacional de Rocket Internet donde fue responsable de la contratación de fundadores y de altos ejecutivos para +75 compañías con cartera en +45 países, permitiendo a Rocket Internet empresa europea de 1000 personas de convertirse en una empresa mundial +25 000 personas en 2 años. Antes de eso, Ann fue la directora de contratación a nivel internacional de Groupon ya que entró +50 países. Ann también apoyó algunas de las mas grandes VC’s y PE’s con la adquisición de talentos.Ann tiene un posgrado en Marketing y comunicación de negocios de la Universidad Copenhagen Business School

05:40pm - 06:10pm The Next Big Thing Intrapreneurship: the future of Work Rasa Strumskyte Talent Garden (Moderador) Programa Working Culture Mario Berta, Fundador & CEO FlySpaces

Mario Berta

Fundador & CEO


Actualmente CEO y fundador de FlySpaces, una start-up tecnológica que empodera a las pequeñas y medianas empresas para tener acceso a oficinas flexibles y un espacio comercial. Consultor senior en el grupo PLDT (mayor grupo de telecomunicaciones y conglomerados de Filipinas) y de varios conglomerados. Consultor de innovación, transformación digital, ventas y de cultura de start-ups. Antes de eso, fue el director de crecimiento de Nova Founders, una incubadora de tecnología y una VC que se enorgullece de tener entre sus inversores Richard Li (entre los mas ricos magnates de HK) así que el cofundador regional de Asia de Easy Taxi de Rocket Internet. Un verdadero profesional global con amplia experiencia en liderazgo, estrategia, innovación y expansión. Apasionado por empoderamiento y dar la oportunidad a las personas de desarrollar sus negocios, y apoyar compañías y instituciones a través del mundo. Impulsado por el éxito, cree que vivimos en un mundo donde las relaciones son claves para destacarse y

Polina Montano, CEO & Co-Founder Job Today
Polina Montano

Polina Montano

CEO & Co-Founder

Job Today

Polina Montano is the co-founder and COO of Job Today. A serial entrepreneur with a background in retail, Russian-born Polina has a history of implementing her ideas and running her own businesses. Before founding Job Today with her friend Eugene Mizin, she managed a chain of petrol stations in her chosen home Luxembourg. This gave her the idea for a mobile hiring solution. Together, they launched Job Today in Barcelona in April 2015. Within a year, Job Today was operational nationwide in Spain and expanded its activities to UK market as well. Polina studied Business Administrations in Amsterdam and holds a Masters Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the University of Luxembourg.

Antonio Fontanini, CEO Informalia

Antonio Fontanini



Chief Optimistic Officer, es CEO y Private Equity Investor en su family office, Informalia, con base en San Francisco, Ginebra y Madrid; en Interfides, una consultora de desarrollo de negocio internacional; y en Experientia, una consultora dedicada a la innovación en experiencia de clientes. Es doctor cum laude en Ciencias por la Universidad de Pisa y se ha formado en la Universidad de Chicago, en el Instituto de Empresa, en Harvard y en Stanford.

Pablo Santos, Cofundador Ldl Naturgy
Pablo Santos

Pablo Santos

Cofundador Ldl


Pablo se unió al grupo Naturgy en 2008. En 2015 fundó el LdI (Laboratorio de Ideas), un grupo de intraemprendimiento que surgió de forma espontánea. El LdI lo forman Manuel Nuñez, Iván Álvarez, Óscar García y Alfonso Zárate, un grupo de trabajadores de Naturgy que en sus conversaciones imaginaban otras opciones, iniciativa y nuevos servicios para la compañía. Decidieron dar el paso y enviaron sus ideas innovadoras a los máximos responsables de cada área, consiguiendo que su iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor fuera reconocido. Durante estos años, y en paralelo a sus trabajos habituales dentro del Grupo Naturgy, el LdI ha colaborado en retos estratégicos, en encuentros con el MIT Innovators Under 35 y ha planteado más de 50 iniciativas en esta aventura que enorgullece a la compañía.

Gonzalo Torres, MALT
Gonzalo Torres

Gonzalo Torres


06:10pm - 06:40pm The Next Big Thing Startups, corporates and viceversa Mateo Rouco, Communications Manager at Wayra (Moderador) Programa Working Culture Valeria Dominguez, Founder & CEO Felino
Valeria Dominguez

Valeria Dominguez

Founder & CEO


Valeria is the Founder & CEO of Felino.com, a strategic eCommerce consultancy that specializes in the digital transformation and online growth for fashion/retail brands. She is a mechanical engineer with an Executive MBA/PLD from Harvard Business School and was named 8th on the Top 100 Economic Leaders of Tomorrow by the French Think Tank Institut Choiseul. El MUNDO quotes her among the "Young business leaders who will lead Spain" and EXPANSIÓN includes her in their "100 young Spanish executives with most potential" list.

Pedro Jareño,
Pedro Jareño

Pedro Jareño

Startups Lead - Innovation & Emerging Business Microsoft

Pedro Jareño, Startups Lead at Microsoft Spain, es Licenciado en Periodismo por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Cofundador de la startup minube, es mentor en Impact Accelerator, profesor y conferenciante habitual y autor de varios libros sobre Internet.

Pedro Serrahima, Director de desarrollo de negocio multimarca Telefonica
Pedro Serrahima

Pedro Serrahima

Director de desarrollo de negocio multimarca


Marcos Eguillor, BinaryKnowledge
Marcos Eguillor

Marcos Eguillor


Investors Den powered by IE

09:30am - 11:00am Investors Den powered by IE IE VDAY Startup Competition
11:30am - 12:00pm Investors Den powered by IE  Techpreneurship: the exponential lever to create the jobs of future! Kamran Elahian, Founder and Chairman Global Innovation Catalyst, LLC

Kamran Elahian

Founder and Chairman

Global Innovation Catalyst, LLC

As an Innovation Catalyst, Kamran advises various governments on the needed transition from fossil based economies to sustainable innovation economies. In the past, as a global high-tech entrepreneur, he cofounded ten companies, produced 6 exits, 3 of them Unicorn IPOs with a total market cap of over $8B. For 15 yrs., he was Chairman of Global Catalyst Partners, a global VC firm ($350M under management). Global Catalyst Foundation, co-founded in 2000 to improve lives through effective education and empowerment of the youth (with special emphasis on young women) using the leverage of ICT, and UN-GAID, a United Nations global forum that promotes ICT in developing countries where he served as Co-Chairman (2009-2011).

12:00pm - 12:45pm Investors Den powered by IE Legal Tech Startups Perspectives & Trends
12:45pm - 01:15pm Investors Den powered by IE How we disrupt existing business models with Blockchain. Cross-industries use cases. Tania Marinich
Tania Marinich

Tania Marinich

01:15pm - 01:35pm Investors Den powered by IE Building Digital Security enabling Digital Transformation Gianluca D'Antonio, Chief Information Security Officer FCC Group

Gianluca D'Antonio

Chief Information Security Officer

FCC Group

Chief Information Security Officer at FCC Group, the parent company of one of Spain's leading construction and service groups. He’s Founder Member and Chair of the Spanish Association for the Advancement of Information Security (www.ismsforum.es) and Academic Director of Master in Cybersecurity at IE. He holds more than 15 years of experience in the field of Information Security Management Systems and Cybersecurity.

01:35pm - 02:00pm Investors Den powered by IE Tech, design and data: Insuretech& AI Elena González- Blanco, General Manager of Europe Cover Wallet
Elena González- Blanco

Elena González- Blanco

General Manager of Europe

Cover Wallet

03:30pm - 04:00pm Investors Den powered by IE The real value of investing Martin Garcia, Sozo Ventures (Moderador) Yuval Avni, Venture Partner Giza Venture Capital
Yuval Avni

Yuval Avni

Venture Partner

Giza Venture Capital

Dr. Yuval Avni, has been with Giza since 2008. Focusing on investments in the life science and cleantech sectors. Yuval led or co-led investments in LifeBond, Takadu, VisionCare, Navotek, Aleees, Danen, CareDox and Solapoint, was on the boards of IceCure, Mitralign and Navotek and is currently on the boards of VisionCare and LifeBond. He is also a Venture Partner at Swanlaab, a Giza-sponsored Spanish-based early stage venture capital fund. Yuval is a trained medical doctor, with four years of clinical experience in general surgery and vascular surgery. Prior to his medical tuition, Dr. Avni served for 5 years in the IDF as an officer in an elite intelligence unit and is currently a consultant on new technologies to the IAF chief medical officer. Yuval is a visiting lecturer in entrepreneurship and fundraising at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and Tel Aviv University and is a consultant on entrepreneurship to ORT, Israel's leading technological school network.

Rodrigo Martínez, Principal Point Nine Capital

Rodrigo Martínez


Point Nine Capital

Rodrigo se unió a Point Nine Capital después de terminar su MBA en la London Business School en 2013. Antes de eso, fue asociado de verano en Index Ventures en Londres y trabajó como consultor senior de estrategia en PwC en Madrid. Como Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones en formación, Rodrigo pasa mucho tiempo con todo tipo de cosas geeky - incluyendo herramientas de desarrollo, machine learning, blockchain, etc.

Roberto Magnifico, LVenture Group

Roberto Magnifico

LVenture Group

Roberto Magnífico posee una larga trayectoria en las finanzas y ha trabajado acerca de 20 años en el extranjero. Empezó con Lehman Brothers en Nueva York y luego pasó a UBS, Barclays Capital u Dresdner Kleinwort Benson en Londres y en el Banco di Roma en Roma. Es el cofundador de Business Club Italia, una organización sin ánimo de lucro que promueve las empresas italianas en el Reino Unido y ocupa cargos en la mesa de directivos de empresas italianas de gestión de activos. Es un business angel muy activo, mentor y asesor y cofundador y CFO de NetLex, un software como servicio de gestión legal basada en la nube. Roberto es también un socio de InnovAction Lab, una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuya misión es desarrollar talentos emprendedores y mentor en el acelerador Luiss Enlabs. Es profesor frecuente en VCs y ayuda al crecimiento y desarrollo de ecosistemas de startups.

Pauline Roux, Partner, Elaia Partners

Pauline Roux

Partner, Elaia Partners

Pauline joined Elaia Partners in early 2014 as Investment Manager. She began her career as an Equity Research Analyst at Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux (former broker of Crédit Agricole CIB), then in an independent firm, Genesta Finance, where she spent three years covering European midcap stocks in the internet and video games sector. In 2011, she joined the Corporate Finance team at the investment bank Bryan, Garnier & Co. Still specialising in the Internet and TMT industries, Pauline has realised more than ten transactions, from M&A to fundraising/IPOs and capital restructuring. She became Partner in 2017. Education: EM Lyon (MSc in Management), Corvinus University of Budapest Expertise: AdTech, HR Tech, E-commerce, Digital Media, SaaS Followed participations: Agriconomie, Criteo, Cryptosense, Easyrecrue, Pandacraft, Selectionnist, Talent.io, Tinyclues, Wyplay, Realytics, Keymantics

Joshua Siegel, Rubicon VC
Joshua Siegel

Joshua Siegel

Rubicon VC

Como Socio General, Joshua Siegel supervisa desde New York todas las actividades y operaciones diarias de Rubicon: evalúa a empresas tecnológicas en estados iniciales que buscan financiación, ayuda en la mejora del portfolio de empresas mediante la interacción con inversores, atrae capital LP y amplía la red de negocio. Joshua tiene una extensa experiencia y contactos en el sector tecnológico así como en el sector inmobiliario, sector del lujo, digital media y productos de consumo. Anteriormente, fue asesor estratégico de startups en estados iniciales y del sector inmobiliario, fue miembro de la junta de The Founders Club (plataforma para emprendedores basada en el intercambio de liquidez). Además fue CEO de Professional Connection Resources, un sistema de marketing a nivel empresarial para el sector legal. También fue Manager of Eastern European Banking Systems en Citibank y Director of Market Intelligence en Citicorp Debt Capital Markets.

04:00pm - 04:40pm Investors Den powered by IE Successful partnerships: how corporates and VC co-invest together Miguel Kindelan, GP Bullhound (Moderador) Itxaso del Palacio, Investment Partner Europa Formerly at M12

Itxaso del Palacio

Investment Partner Europa

Formerly at M12

Itxaso es Investment Partner de Microsoft Ventures. Se encuentra en Londres y es responsable de las inversiones en Europa. Antes de trabajar para Microsoft, era la vicepresidenta de Capital en Lepe Partners donde gestionaba inversiones de compañías con fondos de alto crecimiento en medios digitales y tecnologías de consumo. Antes de Lepe, Itxaso trabajó como inversor de etapa temprana en Capital EC1, ayudando a desarrollar y comercializar tecnologías. Itxaso tiene un Kauffman Fellow y posee una licenciatura y Máster en Ingeniería, así como un doctorado centrado en Economía y capital de riesgo. Dr. Itxaso ha impartido clases de Finanzas Empresarial en varias instituciones incluyendo el Imperial College y la UCL.

Javier Torremocha, Socio Fundador Kibo Ventures

Javier Torremocha

Socio Fundador

Kibo Ventures

Javier es socio fundador de Kibo Ventures, una empresa con sede en Madrid con 120 millones de euros en AuM. Javier es miembro de la junta directiva de empresas como JobandTalent, Flywire, Captio, iContainers, Iguama o Odilo. La experiencia anterior incluye otras iniciativas de capital de riesgo (Netjuice Capital, Levantamiento Social y Business Angel), banca de inversión (Lehman Brothers) y administración de patrimonios (UBS). Javier empezó a invertir en nuevas empresas digitales en 1999. Javier tiene una licenciatura en Derecho y Administración de Empresas de ICADE University, un MBA de INSEAD y un grado en liderazgo y política internacional de la Universidad de California en San Diego.

Nick Nigam, Principal Samsung NEXT
Nick Nigam

Nick Nigam


Samsung NEXT

Nick is a Principal at Samsung NEXT Europe, where he focuses on early stage investments and was heavily involved in establishing and building out the Samsung NEXT Europe team. Nick is keen to change the image of CVC’s and worked on the investments in LiquidSky, Sorenson Media, Spatial, Unbabel and Grover, as well as the acquisition of AdGear.

Emmanuel Cassimatis, Investor SAP
Emmanuel Cassimatis

Emmanuel Cassimatis



Emmanuel Cassimatis leads investment activities for SAP.iO Fund in emea north. SAP.iO Fund is the early stage co-investment fund of SAP, helping SAP customers to get more value from data and new technologies. Emmanuel previously worked in Venture Capital and small cap Private Equity in France. He also founded or co-founded several organizations - an internet startup, an energy company which was acquired and an ngo. He is a visiting professor for Private Equity at the Edhec Finance Master, co-authored a book on Investments, ‘Tout Savoir sur le Capital Investissement’, and is the author of ‘The Accelerating World: Speed vs. Control’. He received an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Master from Edhec.

Paloma Castellano, Director Wayra

Paloma Castellano



Director of Wayra Madrid. Wayra, powered by Telefónica, is one of the most potent business accelerators with presence worldwide. Paloma is Executive MBA by IE Business School and MSc in Computer Engineer by UCM. She started her profesional career in Microsoft, joining Telefónica afterwards as Product Manager. After several years launching and managing innovative products as mobile TV she moved to Telefónica China, where she worked with CNC Labs CEO in designing and implementing the strategic plan for this company. Back to Spain, she was in charge of Mobile Broadband business development. In 2011 she joined Wayra to collaborate in the global launch as part of the foundational team. She is currently the Director of Wayra Madrid. In Madrid only, Wayra has helped create and grow more than 50 startups.

04:40pm - 05:20pm Investors Den powered by IE Are mega funds driving mega valuations? Boris Golden, Partech (Moderador) Alexis Bonte, CEO/Partner eRepublik Labs/Atomico

Alexis Bonte


eRepublik Labs/Atomico

Emprendedor, cofundador e inversor con una gran experiencia en el ámbito de la gestión y más de 17 años de know-how en todo tipo de startups, desde las primeras etapas hasta post IPO (lastminute.com, eRepublik Labs etc.) Reconocido por el World Economic Forum de Davos como un Líder Global Joven (YGL) en el año 2012. Apasionado por la creación de organizaciones exitosas y la gestión de equipos en ambientes de rápido crecimiento con el objetivo de maximizar los resultados ofreciendo los mejores servicios a los clientes. "Formar grandes compañías es dificil pero también es una aventura realmente interesante".

Nicolas Debock, Investment Director Idinvest

Nicolas Debock

Investment Director


Before joining Idinvest in early 2018, Nicolas worked for Balderton Capital and XAnge Private Equity, where he made numerous SaaS, Marketplaces and Fintech investments focusing on the French and Southern European markets. Prior to this, he worked as Innovation Ecosystem Manager for La Poste, where he was in charge of analyzing new trends in technology and managing relationships with the start-up ecosystem.

Brian Caulfield, Socio Draper Esprit

Brian Caulfield


Draper Esprit

Brian es un emprendedor en serie convertido en VC. Anteriormente fundó las empresas de software Exceptis Technologies que fue adquirido por Trintech Group y Similarity Systems que fue comprado a su vez, por Informatica. Antes de unirse a Draper Esprit, Brian fue socio de Trinity Venture Capital, donde trabajó en las juntas directivas de AePONA (Intel), ChangingWorlds (Amdocs), CR2, SteelTrace (Compuware) y APT (CSR). Actualmente se encuentra en el consejo de administración de The Irish Times, el principal diario de Irlanda, además de sus compañías del portfolio de Draper Esprit. Brian es graduado en Ingeniería Informática por el Trinity College Dublin.

David Buttress, Partner 83North

David Buttress



David is a Partner at 83North – a global venture capital firm with offices in Israel and London. David was, until 31 March 2017, Chief Executive Officer of JUST EAT. David joined Just Eat in March 2006 to start its UK business after having a successful career with Coca-Cola. David holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Law and Business from Middlesex University Business School and an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Entrepreneurship. In 2014, David was named Entrepreneur of the Year at the Investor Allstars Awards and was listed as one of the London Evening Standard’s top 1,000 influential people. In 2015, 2016 and 2017 he was named as one of Britain’s most influential people in the Debrett’s 500.

Karen McCormick, CIO Beringea
Karen McCormick

Karen McCormick



Karen is Chief Investment Officer at Beringea, the US/UK Venture Capital firm with $675m under management. She is responsible for setting overall investment strategy, as well as making new investments and working with portfolio companies through to exit. Her investments include Watchfinder, Thread, Blis, Monica Vinader and MatsSoft amongst others. Karen has direct start-up and line management experience, and she joined Beringea in 2007 from the Boston Consulting Group.

Hillel Zidel, Kennet
Hillel Zidel

Hillel Zidel


05:20pm - 06:00pm Investors Den powered by IE The Deep Tech wave and new opportunities for investing Ross Strachan, Adara Ventures (Moderador) Nico Goulet, Partner Adara Ventures

Nico Goulet


Adara Ventures

Nico has managed Venture Capital investments in high-tech companies for the last 17 years. During this period he has been actively involved with more than 25 early stage ventures and served on the board of 22 companies, totalling more than 100 years of tenure, mainly in early stage technology ventures. Nico is a founder and Managing Partner of Adara Venture Partners. Adara manages $120Mn across several investment vehicles, all focused on early stage ventures. Its accumulated portfolio includes more than 23 companies in the Digital Enterprise space. Prior to Adara he founded and was CEO of NETfractal, a venture fund based in Madrid. From 1992 until 1999 he was a partner at Monitor Company, and previously he worked at Andersen Consulting in Paris. Nico obtained a BSc degree (Aerospace Engineering) from the École Centrale de Paris, an MSc (Aeronautics & Astronautics) from MIT and an MBA from INSEAD. He is a private pilot and an advanced aerobatics competitor.

Dilek Dayinlarli, 212 VC

Dilek Dayinlarli

212 VC

Dilek Dayinlarli es vicepresidenta en 212 Limited. Dirige sus inversiones en compañías de internet, telecomunicación y tecnología. Trabajó en Groupon como directora de estrategia y análisis, y fue consultora senior en gestión en el área de Comunicación y Alta Tecnología en Accenture. Dayinlarli pasó años de su carrera en Turquía como desarrolladora de negocios en el área de Telecom por Koc Holdings donde estuvo a cargo del desarrollo de negocio y estrategia. Empezó su carrera en Estados Unidos, donde ocupó diferentes cargos en administración de proyectos y también creó su propia startup. Tiene un MBA en Estrategia por la Johnson & Wales University y es licenciada en Ingeniería Mecánica por la Yildiz Technical University.

Javier Ulecia, Partner Bullnet Capital
Javier Ulecia

Javier Ulecia


Bullnet Capital

Presidente ASCRI (Asociación Española de VC y PE).Fundador y Socio Bullnet Capital (VC español que invierte en empresas de alta tecnología). Bullnet ha estado invirtiendo en las primeras etapas de empresas españolas los últimos 15 años, principalmente en el espacio SW, electrónica y semiconductores. Entre sus historias de éxito están Netspira Networks (vendido a Ericsson) y Anafocus (primer spin-off de CSIC y vendido a e2v). Actualmente es miembro de la junta directiva de siete empresas tecnológicas (OncoVision, Digital Legends, Visure, Codice, Zhilabs, KDPOF y UAV Navigation). Javier tiene experiencia previa en Bain & Company en París, Munich y Madrid (consultoría estratégica) y Renault en Paris (R & D). Ingeniero Aeronáutico (Politécnica Madrid) y MBA (HEC Paris). Presidente de ASCRI desde enero de 2015 (primera vez que un VC dirige la organización desde que fue fundada hace 30 años). Colabora con varias incubadoras y organizaciones relacionadas con el emprendimiento (South Summit,Wayra,StartupBootCamp..)

David Fogel, Co-Founder & Investor Accelerated Digital Ventures
David Fogel

David Fogel

Co-Founder & Investor

Accelerated Digital Ventures

David focuses on finding the best startups in the UK and Ireland and helping them supercharge to create generation defining tech companies at scale. ADV invests patient venture over the long term of a company's journey. He started his career in Israel building B2B software products [Telco and Fintech], worked at an accelerator and early stage VC in Spain and spent three years doing M&A and strategy innovation across Europe, Asia and the US. Before joining ADV David spent two and a half years heading up the acceleration program at Wayra, Telefonica’s early stage investment arm.

06:00pm - 06:40pm Investors Den powered by IE Current Trends in VC: b2b, b2b Mario Scuderi, Invitalia Ventures (Moderador) Laurent Dumas Crouzillac, Partner CapHorn Invest

Laurent Dumas Crouzillac


CapHorn Invest

Laurent Dumas-Crouzillac has spent most of his career in high tech investment and M&A activities. Over the last 13 years he has been investing in technology companies in France and Europe within funds like Idinvest Partners and A Plus Finance. He is now Partner at CapHorn Invest focusing on ICT investments in European based companies. He has been an investor and board member in successful companies such as : Sigfox, Trace One, Groupe Concoursmania, Laboratoire Sebbin, … He is now actively invested in : Ledger, Saagie, FinalCad and Antvoice. Laurent is an engineer EFREI/Georgia Tech and graduated from ESSEC MBA. He started his career in strategic marketing at Schneider Electric before becoming a Product manager at WorldCom (now Verizon). He spent part of his childhood in southern California, is bilingual French/English.

Ricardo Sequerra Amram, Senior Associate Cherry Ventures
Ricardo Sequerra Amram

Ricardo Sequerra Amram

Senior Associate

Cherry Ventures

Ricardo joined Cherry Ventures as a Senior Associate. Previously, he spent several years gaining experience as an operator as well as working closely with founders in the roles he held at Faber Ventures, Seedrs and Seedcamp. Born in Lisbon, he speaks five languages and has lived in Portugal, Argentina, Spain, the UK and now Germany. He studied Economics in Lisbon and holds an MSc. in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from ESADE Business School. Ricardo is especially passionate about businesses building competitive advantages through data and addictive products able to change people’s habits. Cherry Ventures is a Berlin-based Venture Capital fund, founded by a team of entrepreneurs with substantial experience in building fast-scaling internet businesses. Currently investing out of a €150M fund, Cherry Ventures backs the most ambitious seed stage founders Europe-wide and supports their portfolio companies with a strong follow-on strategy.

Nenad Marovac, Fundador & Managing Partner DN Capital

Nenad Marovac

Fundador & Managing Partner

DN Capital

Nenad tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en los medios de comunicación, telecomunicación y en el sector tecnológico de VC y private equity. Nenad es el Fundador y Socio Gerente de DN Capital ahora. DN Capital fue fundada en Julio de 2000 y ahora opera en Londres, Berlín, y también en Silicón Valley. Nenad esta establecido en Londres y controla las operaciones mundiales de DN con sus responsabilidades del día a día que abarcan operaciones de DN en Europa. Nenad se enfoca en inversiones de marketplace, Software como Servicio (SaaS), fintech, y también compañías móviles ,digitales y de comunicación. Sus inversiones incluyen Shazam(app móvil mundial), Auto1 (mas grande mercado online de coches usados), Apsmart(adquirida por Thomson Reuters), Book a Tiger,Datanomic(adquirida por Oracle), Delectable, Endeca(adquirida por Oracle), Happn, HomeToGo, JacobsRimell(adquirida por Oracle),Mister Spex, Purplebricks(IPO en Londres AIM), Tbricks(adquirida por Orc),Quandoo(adquirida por Recruit Holding), Windeln y OLX.

Ravi Kurani, Inversor Earlybird Venture Capital

Ravi Kurani


Earlybird Venture Capital

Ravi Kurani se unió a Earlybird en 2016 y actualmente es un asociado en la oficina de Múnich. Antes de unirse a Earlybird, Ravi fue un consultor de gestión en The Boston Consulting Group, donde trabajó principalmente en el sector de servicios financieros y de capital privado, y construyó una experiencia en análisis de grandes datos. Antes de eso, adquirió experiencia práctica, entre otros en consultoría en Roland Berger, en Investigación y Desarrollo en Daimler AG, y como asistente de investigación en Termodinámica en la Universidad de Tecnología de Braunschweig. Ravi tiene un B. Sc. En ingeniería mecánica y negocios (enfoque en ingeniería automotriz) de la Universidad de Tecnología de Braunschweig, así como una Maestría en Gestión de Ingeniería (enfoque en finanzas cuantitativas) de la Universidad de Duke.

Pauline Roux, Partner, Elaia Partners

Pauline Roux

Partner, Elaia Partners

Pauline joined Elaia Partners in early 2014 as Investment Manager. She began her career as an Equity Research Analyst at Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux (former broker of Crédit Agricole CIB), then in an independent firm, Genesta Finance, where she spent three years covering European midcap stocks in the internet and video games sector. In 2011, she joined the Corporate Finance team at the investment bank Bryan, Garnier & Co. Still specialising in the Internet and TMT industries, Pauline has realised more than ten transactions, from M&A to fundraising/IPOs and capital restructuring. She became Partner in 2017. Education: EM Lyon (MSc in Management), Corvinus University of Budapest Expertise: AdTech, HR Tech, E-commerce, Digital Media, SaaS Followed participations: Agriconomie, Criteo, Cryptosense, Easyrecrue, Pandacraft, Selectionnist, Talent.io, Tinyclues, Wyplay, Realytics, Keymantics

Mark Kavelaars, Investor Swanlaab

Mark Kavelaars



Mr. Mark Erik Kavelaars serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Partner at Swanlaab Venture Factory SGEIC, S.A. He has held different roles in the areas of banking and financial services, information technologies, corporate consulting, and counselling, among others, in wealth management and private banking at HypoVereinsbank, Business Development Manager at Compaq Computer, and CRM-Change Manager at Hewlett Packard. Mr. Kavelaars actively participates in supporting and investing in new technologically-based ventures through International Venture Consultants, where he is General Manager, and he has already invested and/or advised more than 40 start-ups in the past five years. He speaks Spanish, English, German, and French. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from European Business School.

Innovation Stage by BBVA

09:50am - 10:20am Innovation Stage by BBVA Why, When and How will e-Sports be mainstream? Hector Prieto, YBVR (Moderador) Programa Entertainment Mounir Zok, N3xt Sports
Mounir Zok

Mounir Zok

N3xt Sports

Fernando Piquer, CEO Movistar Riders
Fernando Piquer

Fernando Piquer


Movistar Riders

Desde hace más de 20 años, la trayectoria profesional de Fernando Piquer ha estado ligada a Internet y al entretenimiento digital. Antes de la creación del club de eSports Movistar Riders fundó Bitoon Games, la primera compañía de juegos “free to play” española. Previamente fue socio fundador de Zinkia, donde participó en la creación y explotación de la serie de animación "Pocoyó" y fue director del área de videojuegos de esta compañía durante más de cinco años. A lo largo de su carrera ha trabajado diseñando estrategias digitales y productos para marcas como: Coca-Cola, BBVA, Vodafone o Endesa, entre otros.

Arturo Castello, DreamHack
Arturo Castello

Arturo Castello


10:20am - 10:50am Innovation Stage by BBVA Data privacy challenges: Apocalypse or not? Andrea Sánchez Guarido, Lawyer in IP / IT, Perez Llorca (Moderador) Programa Legaltech Fernando Fernández-Miranda, Director PwC
Fernando Fernández-Miranda

Fernando Fernández-Miranda



Joaquín Danvila del Valle, Commercial and Marketing Director CEF.- Business School
Joaquín Danvila del Valle

Joaquín Danvila del Valle

Commercial and Marketing Director

CEF.- Business School

10:50am - 11:10am Innovation Stage by BBVA The evolution of the WIFI ecosystem, data privacy and security Programa Cybersecurity Alex Puregger, CEO Fon

Alex Puregger



Alex Puregger es el CEO y director del comité ejecutivo de Fon, el proveedor líder mundial de carrier WiFi que impulsa la virtualización de la gestión del WiFi. En colaboración con telcos líderes en diferentes mercados, Fon ofrece la mayor red WiFi en muchos países europeos, así como en Australia, Japón, Sudáfrica y Brasil. Google, Microsoft y Deutsche Telekom, junto a venture capital líderes como Index Ventures, forman parte de los accionistas de Fon. Alex posee más de 17 años de experiencia en los sectores de internet, telecomunicaciones y medios de comunicación. Trabaja para Fon desde la época de su fundación en 2006, colaborando estrechamente con el fundador de la compañía, el pionero de internet Martin Varsavsky. Alex es considerado como un experto en la área de WiFi, IoT y redes convergentes. Entre otros reconocimientos públicos, ha sido nombrado uno de las 10 personas más influyentes en carrier WiFi por el prestigioso medio Lightreading.

11:10am - 11:30am Innovation Stage by BBVA IBM and the Developer Economy Programa Developers Jonas Jacobi, VP of Developer Advocacy, Worldwide IBM

Jonas Jacobi

VP of Developer Advocacy, Worldwide


Jonas Jacobi has spent the past 20 years as a technology entrepreneur and senior executive in Silicon Valley, passionately driving for transformation and building strong teams within the companies and organizations he has led. He has held positions of founder, CEO, president, VP Marketing, VP of Technology Strategy, and product management. He's a published author and the co-creator of the W3C Websocket standard, and lives by the ethos "100% of life is showing up!" Quality time with his family and alpine skiing are his two passions and during winter you'll find him at the top of Squaw Valley with his ski gear on. Currently Jonas Jacobi is VP of Developer Advocacy, Worldwide, for IBM, and is responsible for the strategy and execution of IBM's developer advocacy engagements with the mission to make IBM the number one Cloud platform company for developers worldwide. The mission reflects the continuous evolution of technology and how IBM helps developers live up to their full potential by helping them achieve

11:30am - 12:00pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Key advice for the best operational plans for startups Todd Morrill, Faculty Director and National Faculty, National Science Foundation (NSF) (Moderador) Programa StartUp Operations Colette Ballou, Ballou PR & Ballou Capital

Colette Ballou

Ballou PR & Ballou Capital

Colette is the founder Ballou PR, a European technology communications and strategy agency. Ballou PR’s success has allowed her to invest in startups and VC, and has also given her exposure to thousands of business models, so that she knows what works, what doesn't, and what to watch for. With her colleagues, she forecasts trends, understands and examines human behaviour, and uses these insights to position businesses for high growth. She has worked for companies like 83 North, Accel Partners, Box, Criteo, Eventbrite, Facebook, GoEuro, Lakestar, Pinterest, Stack Overflow, Stripe, TransferWise, Twilio, Waze, WhatsApp and Zendesk. She was named one of the Europe’s Most Influential Women in Startups & VC by EU Startups, and was named one of the 50 Most Inspiring Women in European Technology by Inspiring Fifty recently.

Angel Agudo, Head of research Clarity
Angel Agudo

Angel Agudo

Head of research


Está a cargo de toda la actividad de investigación en Clarity, coordinando diferentes proyectos de investigación con universidades (Harvard, UPM, MIT) y otras instituciones internacionales. Dirige el desarrollo de metodologías disruptivas para medir el impacto social. Ángel ha sido profesor e investigador de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid durante más de 10 años, trabajando en diversas líneas de investigación como innovación en tecnologías digitales, emprendimiento, impacto social y ESG. Es autor de más de 50 contribuciones a revistas académicas y conferencias internacionales, y ha participado en varios proyectos internacionales de investigación en Europa, América Latina y Estados Unidos. Ha dirigido un proyecto de 2 años sobre emprendimiento con MIT, y ha sido becario visitante en Harvard en el año académico 2017-2018. Ángel tiene un doctorado (cum laude) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Nicholas Zylberglajt, Co-Founder & President / Co-Founder & COO at Unmanned Life European Young Innovators Forum
Nicholas Zylberglajt

Nicholas Zylberglajt

Co-Founder & President / Co-Founder & COO at Unmanned Life

European Young Innovators Forum

Nicholas Zylberglajt is an entrepreneur with a focus on innovation and a strong background in diplomacy, European regulatory affairs, digital media, business and partnership development. Nicholas has made supporting women entrepreneurs one of his main objectives as the President of the European Young Innovators Forum - the leading foundation for Youth Innovation in Europe. Dedicated to supporting European startups, Nicholas has co-founded EU Startup Services, EYIF's consulting company, that has supported more than 1550 startups to secure EU funding in over 20 EU countries, growing revenue every year more than 2x and expanding the business with international distributed teams. Nicholas is the CO Founder and COO of Unmanned Life​, the world's first Autonomy-as-a-Service AI platform, which is disrupting traditional industries such as logistics, postal and surveillance.

Miguel Sanz, Investment Director & Co-Founder Ecomenda VC
Miguel Sanz

Miguel Sanz

Investment Director & Co-Founder

Ecomenda VC

12:00pm - 12:30pm Innovation Stage by BBVA The fundamental of success and growth for creating digital innovative business models Fran Romero, Open Innovation Amadeus (Moderador) Manuel Balsera, Senior Vice President AMC Networks International Southern Europe
Manuel Balsera

Manuel Balsera

Senior Vice President

AMC Networks International Southern Europe

Manuel Balsera is currently Senior Vice President at AMC Networks International Southern Europe, the leading producer of thematic TV in Spain, Portugal and France. Manuel holds a Law and Communications Degree from Complutense University of Madrid, a Diploma in Media Management and Marketing Communication from Missouri-Columbia University, having also earned a Masters degree in Management, the PDD and IFP from IESE Business School and the Executive Certificate in Strategy and Innovation from MIT. In this role Balsera oversees all the business operations including: Digital, Marketing, Affiliates, Ad sales and Business development areas of more than 24 TV channels and a significant amount of digital assets such as; Microcanales- AMC´s FVOD app-, Odisea VR or the SVOD tracker. Balsera has developed a wide professional senior management career in companies such as Proximity BBDO, ONO or VIVENDI, among others. He is also a co-founder and a serial investor in more than 20 startups and a professor in several Business

Pedro Rocha, Co-Founder & President & CEO Beta-i

Pedro Rocha

Co-Founder & President & CEO


Pedro is co-founder, President and CEO of Beta-i - an organization dedicated at helping startups succeed and boosting entrepreneurial ecosystems based in Lisbon. Pedro is the host and a mentor of SeedCamp Lisbon, a facilitator and co-director at Startup Weekend Lisbon, and was the co-director and a mentor of the first Founder Institute Lisbon, in addition to several other mentoring initiatives. Pedro is a fellow of Kauffman Global Partner Network, member of World Entrepreneurship Forum and Young Urban Leaders Network, co-founder of Startup Portugal and a member of APBA - Portuguese Business Angel Association, where he was an Executive Board Member for nearly three years. In 2007 he co-founded and was a co-director of the Social Innovation Program at TESE - a social innovation hub based in Lisbon (in partnership with Young Foundation), during three years.

Federico Pienovi, Director General Regional Globant
Federico Pienovi

Federico Pienovi

Director General Regional


Se incorporó a Globant hace 9 años y durante 2017 fue nombrado Director General Regional y Jefe de EMEA. Antes de convertirse en Director General Regional, Federico fue Director Gerente de varios clientes de Servicios Financieros en la Costa Este con sede en la ciudad de Nueva York. Como Director General, fue responsable de definir todas las estrategias tecnológicas y de entrega, coordinar todas las áreas internas y definir y ejecutar metodologías para entregar la visión y el valor de Globant a JPMorgan Chase. Además, aseguró el desarrollo y la entrega exitosa de todos los programas, incluyendo productos para Contenido Digital, Big Data, aplicaciones Web y Experiencia del Usuario. Comenzó su carrera trabajando para 3 de las mayores empresas de Argentina, YPF (petróleo), Edenor (energía) y Verizon (telecomunicaciones). Federico es licenciado en Ingeniería (B.E.), Ingeniería en Informática de Software por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.

Thomas Anglaret, Google
Thomas Anglaret

Thomas Anglaret


12:30pm - 12:50pm Innovation Stage by BBVA How to survive as a succesful ecommerce in the Amazon era Programa E-Commerce & Platforms Elena Gomez del Pozuelo, Cofundadora BebeDeParis.com

Elena Gomez del Pozuelo



Elena es una emprendedora internacional conocida en España con experiencia en ecommerce, retail, wholesale. Tiene mas de 25 años de experiencia en convertir una idea de negocio de internet en beneficios y es un miembro del consejo de algunas compañías, aconsejándoles sobre como deberían transformarse para aprovechar de la economía digital. Es un miembro de Swan, Women Angels Network.

12:50pm - 01:20pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Going through digital transformation with disruptive innovation Alberto Tornero, PwC (Moderador) Javier Verde, Director de Startups y Pymes en Salesforce Iberia Salesforce
Javier Verde

Javier Verde

Director de Startups y Pymes en Salesforce Iberia


Javier Verde es Director de Ventas en Salesforce para la división de Startups y Pymes, dirigiendo a un equipo de profesionales y clientes que crece a doble dígito incrementando el liderazgo de Salesforce como empresa #1 en CRM, Marketing y la “Plataforma del éxito del cliente”. Javier es un apasionado de las nuevas tecnologías y de las StartUps que se unió a Salesforce tras trabajar casi 4 años en IBM en las divisiones de Hardware y Cloud Computing. Previamente ejerció de consultor comercial y director en Doriath Solutions, transformando empresas e implantando soluciones ERP y CRM, donde empezó a descubrir su pasión por la tecnología y los negocios de rápido crecimiento.

Enrique Jimenez, Managing Director Philip Morris
Enrique Jimenez

Enrique Jimenez

Managing Director

Philip Morris

Born in Madrid, Jiménez has a Law Degree and he is graduate in Business Administration and MBA at the IE. The new managing director leads this region, which he knows perfectly well, as he held different positions of responsibility in Spain, Canary Islands, Andorra and Portugal. For the past few years, he has been managing Philip Morris in Turkey. His objective for the three new markets is to consolidate the IQOS expansion (the company's first major smokeless product venture, which uses high-precision technology to heat tobacco instead of burning it, thus preventing combustion, which is the main cause of smoking-related diseases). Another of Jiménez's main challenges is to open a constructive debate with the community and medical authorities to verify the science behind this electronic device.

01:20pm - 01:50pm Innovation Stage by BBVA The Challenges of Scalability Joe Hazlam, IE (Moderador) Dilek Dayinlarli, 212 VC

Dilek Dayinlarli

212 VC

Dilek Dayinlarli es vicepresidenta en 212 Limited. Dirige sus inversiones en compañías de internet, telecomunicación y tecnología. Trabajó en Groupon como directora de estrategia y análisis, y fue consultora senior en gestión en el área de Comunicación y Alta Tecnología en Accenture. Dayinlarli pasó años de su carrera en Turquía como desarrolladora de negocios en el área de Telecom por Koc Holdings donde estuvo a cargo del desarrollo de negocio y estrategia. Empezó su carrera en Estados Unidos, donde ocupó diferentes cargos en administración de proyectos y también creó su propia startup. Tiene un MBA en Estrategia por la Johnson & Wales University y es licenciada en Ingeniería Mecánica por la Yildiz Technical University.

Juan Miguel Perez, Finboot
Juan Miguel Perez

Juan Miguel Perez


Tomás Coca Stefaniak, Responsable de Evaluación y Selección del Fondo de Emprendedores Fundación Repsol 

Tomás Coca Stefaniak

Responsable de Evaluación y Selección del Fondo de Emprendedores

Fundación Repsol 

Ingeniero Químico por la Universidad de Nottingham (UK), es el Responsable de Selección y Evaluación en el Fondo de Emprendedores Fundación Repsol, gestionando el proceso desde el inicio de la selección hasta el comienzo de la aceleración de las startups, donde a su vez participa como Coordinador desde el 2013, ayudando en el desarrollo técnico y económico de las mismas y promoviendo su crecimiento y éxito. Tiene experiencia multidisciplinar en varias empresas gestionando proyectos y equipos en diferentes sectores tales como el tratamiento de aguas, captura de CO2, refino y otros procesos.

Sara Bravo, Senior Account Executive Venture Capital Salesforce
Sara Bravo

Sara Bravo

Senior Account Executive Venture Capital


Sara Bravo se encarga del Departamento de Salesforce para Capital Riesgo. Ha trabajado en Salesforce con Start ups y Venture Capitals desde hace 5 años, ayudando a los emprendedores a diseñar su visión de empresa cliente y su plan de ejecución, profesionalizando sus equipos de ventas y aumentando la eficiencia de sus organizaciones.

01:50pm - 02:20pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Building companies from zero: opportunities and threats Unai Franco, White Peak Partners (Moderador) Programa StartUp Operations Susanne Birgersdotter, Partner Milky Way Cap

Susanne Birgersdotter


Milky Way Cap

Susanne Birgersdotter, a Swedish self made entrepreneur and investor, shares her inspirational journey from designing her first app from her kitchen table to becoming a partner in the VC company, Milky Way Cap within 7 years. Susanne’s strong instincts and intuition has helped her grow her companies including designing a #1 ranked app and founding Igotcha, SthlmAppLab, SBDM. She is an active mentor/member on several boards, and a popular global speaker giving lectures and workshops on entrepreneurship and venture capital. Susanne was nominated for Sweden’s most powerful female founder in 2017 and 2018.

Valeria Dominguez, Founder & CEO Felino
Valeria Dominguez

Valeria Dominguez

Founder & CEO


Valeria is the Founder & CEO of Felino.com, a strategic eCommerce consultancy that specializes in the digital transformation and online growth for fashion/retail brands. She is a mechanical engineer with an Executive MBA/PLD from Harvard Business School and was named 8th on the Top 100 Economic Leaders of Tomorrow by the French Think Tank Institut Choiseul. El MUNDO quotes her among the "Young business leaders who will lead Spain" and EXPANSIÓN includes her in their "100 young Spanish executives with most potential" list.

Cristina Fanjul, Directora CEEI Asturias
Cristina Fanjul

Cristina Fanjul


CEEI Asturias

Cristina es la directora de CEEI Asturias, dónde dirige incitativas de desarrollo de emprendimiento y crecimiento innovadores de base tecnológica. Los servicios claves de CEEI Asturias incluyen consejos y modelización empresarial mediante programas de aceleracion en biotecnología y salud y en sectores creativos. Unas 30 startup innovadoras cuentan cada año con el apoyo de la organización, que se enorgullece de lograr un índice de supervivencia para estas compañías de mas de 20 puntos por encima de la media nacional. Una otra gran ventaja para CEEI Asturias es la disponibilidad de inversiones y el acceso a servicios financieros, movilizando más de 2,5 Millones de euros anualmente de financiación pública y privada para sus clientes y también organizando la jornada para inversores en Asturias, que reúne alrededor de 75 inversores por edición.Cristina esta muy involucrada en proyectos y estrategias europeas y es un miembro del consejo de EBN- Asociación europea de centros de innovación y también de ANCES.

Javier Ridruejo, Jefe de Innovación y Tecnología Business Federation of La Rioja
Javier Ridruejo

Javier Ridruejo

Jefe de Innovación y Tecnología

Business Federation of La Rioja

Cluster manager in AERTIC, the IT cluster in La Rioja, member of CONETIC and European Digital SME Alliance. Member of the management board of the Computer Engineers Professional Society of La Rioja, member of the advisory board for the Research and Development in La Rioja, member of the advisory board of the Digital Agenda of La Rioja, member of the AENOR Technical Comitee of Smart Cities, member of the National Forum for the Digital Trust of the Telecomunications, member of the Board of Research and Development in CEOE, member of the board of Sciences, Food Sciences and Computer Science Faculty of the University of La Rioja. I also worked in the Economic Development Agency of La Rioja, and was founder and CEO of Neofis New Technologies. PhD in Computer Engineering by the University of the Basque Country, Expert in Tecnological Innovation by the University of La Rioja. I have been taken part in the development of several R+D+I strategic plans, development plans, and technology plans for La Rioja from 2008

02:30pm - 03:30pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Prize giving ceremony Hakathon, Amadeus, Ferrovial, BBVA & Pitching
03:30pm - 04:00pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Accelerator Programs and Approaches followed by Oxentia Programa Corporates & Accelerators
04:00pm - 04:30pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Corporate Innovation and accelerator programs: the impact they are having on the startup ecosystem Jose Iglesias, Techstars (Moderador) Programa Corporates & Accelerators Jordi Escruela Soldevila, Subdirector de Innovació Correos

Jordi Escruela Soldevila

Subdirector de Innovació


Impulsor de nuevas tecnologías desde hace más de 20 años, con experiencia multisectorial en empresas de ámbito multinacional. Director de Organización y Sistemas en Telepizza, Director de Organización en Grifols, Director de Ingeniería de Software y Call Center en eDreams, Director de Organización y Sistemas del Grupo Industrial Petit, Gerente de Deutsche Bank, Director de Desarrollo de Software de Regal Insurance, Gerente de DMR Consulting y más de seis años de consultoria en Accenture. Durante mi carrera destaca el lanzamiento de la tienda On-Line, tienda Facebook, apps para iPhone y Android de Telepizza, desarrollo del portal de viajes eDreams, los sistemas de tienda y oficinas para Telepizza y Deutsche Bank, los callcenters de Regal Insurance, eDreams y Telepizza con más de 3000 agentes, los sistemas de backoffice corporativos y CRM, SAP, JDEdwards, Meta4 para Grupo Grifols y Telepizza, los sistemas logísticos de SEAT o los sistemas comerciales de Repsol-YPF. Soy Ingeniero Químico por la Universidad de Ba

Enrique Penichet, Founding Partner Bbooster

Enrique Penichet

Founding Partner


Enrique Penichet is founding partner at BBooster Ventures, where manages an accelerator program and two regulated seed funds. Being able to launch and fund over 50 startups since 2010. Enrique holds an Executive MBA from IESE Business School and has been invited as an professor to different Universities in Spain and Latam. His experience as an entrepreneur and venture capitalist is primarily focused on Internet and real estate investments. He is a member of the executive board of the private investment network Big Ban Angels, as well as being a member of the jury for some of the most prestigious entrepreneurship awards, such as 4YFN at Mobile World Congress, MIT Emtech, Emprendedor XXI of La Caixa Bank or Emprende con Vodafone. In addition to, Startup Weekend Facilitator (a Google for entrepreneurs & Kauffmann Foundation initiative). Started a Phd on Internet Business Modeling, but still on progress.

Henric Hungerhoff, Managing Director APX Axel Springer Porsche GmbH & Co. KG
Henric Hungerhoff

Henric Hungerhoff

Managing Director

APX Axel Springer Porsche GmbH & Co. KG

Henric is Managing Director early-stage accelerator APX in Berlin. Prior to this, he was Chief of Staff for the CEO of Axel Springer. Henric is a lawyer and holds a PhD in criminal law from Bucerius Law School. A guitarist and singer, he regularly tours across Europe with his international americana and folk band

David Fogel, Co-Founder & Investor Accelerated Digital Ventures
David Fogel

David Fogel

Co-Founder & Investor

Accelerated Digital Ventures

David focuses on finding the best startups in the UK and Ireland and helping them supercharge to create generation defining tech companies at scale. ADV invests patient venture over the long term of a company's journey. He started his career in Israel building B2B software products [Telco and Fintech], worked at an accelerator and early stage VC in Spain and spent three years doing M&A and strategy innovation across Europe, Asia and the US. Before joining ADV David spent two and a half years heading up the acceleration program at Wayra, Telefonica’s early stage investment arm.

04:30pm - 05:00pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Lanzadera innovating with big coorporations. Ismael Valero (Moderador) Programa Corporates & Accelerators Miguel Angel Buñuel, Director of Corporate Innovation BSH Home Appliances Spain
Miguel Angel Buñuel

Miguel Angel Buñuel

Director of Corporate Innovation

BSH Home Appliances Spain

Miguel Buñuel es Director de Innovación Corporativa de BSH Electrodomésticos España desde el año 2011. Su equipo localizado en Zaragoza tiene competencias globales dentro del grupo y desarrolla innovaciones en el área de Ciencia de los Materiales y tecnologías asociadas, Sensores, Ciencia de los Alimentos y desarrollo de nuevos productos. Doctor en Físicas por la Universidad de Zaragoza, tiene amplia experiencia en la gestión de redes de conocimiento y relaciones de innovación abierta con universidades, grandes empresas y startups. Es coautor de numerosas patentes, siendo estas en muy alto porcentaje europeas y americanas relacionadas con materiales, tratamientos superficiales y láser. Es miembro permanente del CONAI (Consejo Asesor Investigador del Gobierno de Aragón).

Miguel Angel Diez, Redkaraoke

Miguel Angel Diez


Roberto Yeste López, Senior New Development Manager Iberia and Marketing Insights & Media Manager PlayStation
Roberto Yeste López

Roberto Yeste López

Senior New Development Manager Iberia and Marketing Insights & Media Manager


Trabajando dentro del Departamento de Marketing, responsable del lanzamiento y control del software de la empresa en Iberia/Wordwide (Todas las Plataformas), formulación de planes de marketing (BTL/ATL), comunicación, desarrollo y despliegue. Control presupuestario, coordinación de acciones de Marketing, Relaciones Públicas y Trade Marketing. Responsable del desarrollo local de productos/proyectos relacionados con las plataformas de Sony Computer Entertainment a través de la creación y liderazgo del programa PlayStation Talents con más de 80 juegos/proyectos/productos de contenido de entretenimiento desarrollados hasta la fecha en los últimos 10 años, desde el desarrollo del concepto hasta la venta del producto.

Christopher Ulled, CBRE Spain Chief Digital Officer
Christopher Ulled

Christopher Ulled

CBRE Spain

Chief Digital Officer

As Chief Digital Officer for CBRE Spain my main responsibility is to drive the digital innovation and transformation of the company in order to remain unquestionable leaders also on the digital era. To this purpose my department leads and coordinates various projects that, aligned with our digital strategy, seek to create new and innovative digital services for our clients and to provide technological tools that make our employees more efficient and productive anywhere, any time.

05:00pm - 05:20pm Innovation Stage by BBVA The Crucial Steps when going through Digital Transformation Ignacio Tovar, Iberia (Moderador) Programa Corporates & Accelerators Jackie Hernandez, SVP en PlugandPlay Plug&Play
Jackie Hernandez

Jackie Hernandez

SVP en PlugandPlay


Cofundadora de PlugandPlay, la aceleradora tecnológica global más grande, y una de las inversoras más activas de Silicon Valley. En este papel, Jackie ha sido fundamental para construir y cultivar el increíble ecosistema de innovación que ha invertido en alrededor de 700 high-tech projects como PayPal, Lending Club, Dropbox, y otros iconos de Silicon Valley. Mrs. Hernandez se graduó en Química con especialidad en Inmunología por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Su pasión por la innovación y la educación la ha llevado a compartir su experiencia en startups en varios fórums internacionales como TEDx, Universidad de Stanford, ClimateKIC Europe, y muchas otras.

05:20pm - 05:50pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Corporate Venture Arm: key for a startup's growth Marc Murtra, Crea Inversion (Moderador) Programa Corporates & Accelerators Suzanna Chiu, Head of Amadeus Ventures Amadeus IT Group
Suzanna Chiu

Suzanna Chiu

Head of Amadeus Ventures

Amadeus IT Group

Suzanna is the Head of Amadeus Ventures and has overall responsibility of managing dealflow, making investments and taking care of the portfolio companies of the fund. Amadeus Ventures is the corporate venture fund of Amadeus IT Group, the leading technology provider in the travel industry globally. Suzanna has successfully expanded the program from its infancy into an integral part of the company’s business, driving strategic values both for the corporation and the portfolio companies. Previously, Suzanna was Senior Manager of Macquarie Capital Advisors working in the telecom and media sector. Suzanna has an MBA degree from London Business School and likes taking photos and playing the piano.

Juan Rubio, Senior Investment Associate Repsol Corporate Venturing
Juan Rubio

Juan Rubio

Senior Investment Associate

Repsol Corporate Venturing

Economista con un MSC en Finanzas. Desde 2009, ha ocupado puestos en Repsol centrados principalmente en Finanzas Corporativas y Relaciones con Inversores. En 2017 se incorporó a Repsol Corporate Venturing (RCV) como Senior Investment Associate.

Lars Bönisch, Investment Manager Evonik Venture Capital GmbH
Lars Bönisch

Lars Bönisch

Investment Manager

Evonik Venture Capital GmbH

Lars Böhnisch is an Investment Manager at Evonik Venture Capital. Prior to joining the team, Lars was heading the External Growth / M&A department at Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH. Between 2012 and 2014 he worked in different strategy functions within Evonik. Before he joined Evonik in 2012, Lars worked as a M&A manager within the E.ON group. In his final position, he was responsible for the management and implementation of national and international acquisition and investment projects at E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH. Lars studied economics in Bochum and Cork (Ireland).

Harrie Vollaard, Head of Rabo Frontier Ventures Rabobank
Harrie Vollaard

Harrie Vollaard

Head of Rabo Frontier Ventures


Harrie Vollaard is head of Rabo Frontier Ventures. Harrie has a tremendous background in innovation at Rabobank as he spurred innovation in his role as Innovation Manager and later as Head of Innovation. He co-founded WeHelpen which is a marketplace for informal care and Fundipal; a crowdfunding comparison site. In his current role as Head of Rabo Frontier Ventures Harrie established several partnerships with startups, manages the Fintech (e.g. we.trade, Facturis) and Agtech investments (e.g. JoinData, ProducePay) for the Rabobank, is involved in Fintech accelerator programs around the globe and created several spinoffs (e.g. Peaks, Tellow).

05:50pm - 06:10pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Corporate Innovation - What does success look like? Programa Corporates & Accelerators Andrew Humphries, Cofundador The Bakery

Andrew Humphries


The Bakery

Andrew es el cofundador de The Bakery, la primera aceleradora para corporaciones dedicada a la innovación, que trabaja con grandes organizaciones en todos los sectores, incluyendo Unilever, Google, Barclays, BMW y muchas otras, que dirige la innovación ayudando a las organisaciones a trabajar con emprendedores. Como negociante para el programa de Global Entrepreneur del gobierno británico, Andrew fomenta inversiones extranjeras directas en UK, ayudando a los emprendedores y a sus negocios a saltar al mercado mundial desde de UK. Antes de Bakery, después de su carrera en ventas IT y Marketing, cofundó 2 negocios exitosos de tecnología, recaudando fondos +$42M y creciendo en Europa y US antes de salir a través de las operaciones de ventas. En 2012, el año de los juegos olímpico de Londres, fue nombrado Tech City Champion por la oficina del primer ministro, creando y dirigiendo el primer "Start-up Games" y The Young Entrepreneurs Festival así que ayudando a impulsar el crecimiento de London’s Tech City.

06:10pm - 06:40pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Living the Era of Data Revolution Joaquin Davila, Todostartups (Moderador) Programa Data Elena Alfaro, Responsable Global de Data y Open Innovation BBVA
Elena Alfaro

Elena Alfaro

Responsable Global de Data y Open Innovation


Natalia Martos Díaz, Founder & CEO Legal Army

Natalia Martos Díaz

Founder & CEO

Legal Army

Natalia Martos is Founder & CEO at Legal Army, the first Spanish NewLaw. Natalia is currently leading the first NewLaw company in Spain, using Legaltech and exponential technologies for disrupting the legal services. Before founding Legal Army, she was partner at Andersen Tax & Legal and counsel at Pérez-Llorca. She was Digital General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer of PRISA Group worldwide. Martos was also General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer at Tuenti Technologies until its sale to Telefónica. Martos is listed in Best Lawyers 2018 at Technology Law category. She was included in The Legal500 General Counsel Powerlist for Iberia 2016 as one of the 70 best in-house Legal Directors in Spain. She was awarded with the Civil Merit Cross of Ministerio del Interior of Spain in 2011 for her collaboration in the protection of citizens privacy (Cybercrimes). Natalia has a master degree in Telecommunications Law and she is recently graduated by Singularity University.

Iván Martín Maseda, Chief Technology Officer at Binfluencer and Professor in Machine Learning IE University
Iván Martín Maseda

Iván Martín Maseda

Chief Technology Officer at Binfluencer and Professor in Machine Learning

IE University

Iván Martín is the Chief Technology Officer of Binfluencer, a data-driven company leveraging the power of machine learning techniques to detect the most influential people in any sized market globally. Formerly a data scientist at McKinsey, he is a software engineer specialized in Artificial Intelligence and earned a Master’s degree in Business Analytics and Big Data at IE Business School. He is also an adjunct professor in Machine Learning at IE.


11:30am - 12:30pm Enlighted EnlightED Opening Jonathan Zittrain, Founder BERKMAN KLEIN CENTRE FOR INTERNET & SOCIETY HARVARD UNIVERSITY (Moderador) Programa Edtech José María Álvarez-Pallete, Chairman & CEO Telefónica S.A
José María Álvarez-Pallete

José María Álvarez-Pallete

Chairman & CEO

Telefónica S.A

El Sr. Álvarez-Pallete es licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. También estudió Economía en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (Bélgica), tiene un International Management Programme (IMP) en IPADE Business School y un título de Investigación Avanzada de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En febrero de 1999 se incorporó al Grupo Telefónica como Director Financiero de Telefónica Internacional S.A.U., y en septiembre de ese mismo año se convirtió en Director Financiero de Telefónica S.A. En julio de 2002, fue nombrado Presidente Ejecutivo de Telefónica Internacional S.A .; en julio de 2006, Director General de Telefónica Latinoamérica, y en marzo de 2009 Presidente de Telefónica Latinoamérica. En septiembre de 2011 fue nombrado Presidente Ejecutivo de Telefónica Europa. Y en septiembre de 2012 fue nombrado Director de Operaciones de Telefónica S.A. Desde el 8 de abril de 2016 es Presidente y Director General de Telefónica S.A. y es Miembro del Consejo de Administración de Telefónica.

12:30pm - 01:15pm Enlighted KEYNOTE: Learning How to Learn Barbara Oakley, OAKLAND UNIVERSITY (Moderador) Programa Edtech Nick van Dam, Global Chief Learning Officer McKinsey
Nick van Dam

Nick van Dam

Global Chief Learning Officer


Nick es un apasionado de ayudar a las personas a alcanzar su máximo potencial. Es un líder de pensamiento internacionalmente reconocido, asesor, investigador, autor y conferencista sobre aprendizaje corporativo, talento y desarrollo de liderazgo. En el transcurso de su carrera, ha prestado servicios a más de 100 clientes en todo el mundo. Como Director de Aprendizaje, dirige el aprendizaje y desarrollo mundial para McKinsey. Es Profesor Titular de Aprendizaje Corporativo y Desarrollo en Nyenrode Business Universiteit, profesor visitante en Harvard y Profesor Asociado en el Programa de Doctorado Ejecutivo Wharton / PENN CLO (EE. UU.). Es miembro de la junta directiva de ICEDR. Nick ha escrito varios artículos y ha sido citado por The Financial Times, Fortune Magazine, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, Management Consulting, Learning & Training Innovations Magazine, T + D Magazine y The India Times. Es autor y coautor de más de 25 libros y numerosos artículos sobre innovaciones en aprendizaje y desarrollo

Rory Simpson, Chief Learning Officer Telefónica
Rory Simpson

Rory Simpson

Chief Learning Officer


Helena Herrero, Managing Director HP Iberia
Helena Herrero

Helena Herrero

Managing Director

HP Iberia

Helena is today Managing Director for HP Iberia. She joined HP in 1982, holding the role of Vice President from 2002. In 2012, she was appointed MD and CEO for Hewlett Packard Iberia. Helena is a Member of the Board of Directors of Gas Natural Fenosa and President of Fundación I+E (Innovación España). She is also a trustee of the COTEC Foundation for Innovation and of the Princess of Girona Foundation. She is a member of the board of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Governing Council of APD, and a member of the Business Advisory Council of the CEOE. She is a Vice-president of Amcham, a member of the Board of Directors of the American Business Council and of the Fundación Consejo España- EEUU. She also serves on the Steering Committee of the Executive Board at IESE and is a member of the Junior Achievement Trust, as well as being a member of the Advisory Board of Atlantic-Cooper Chair in the Mining Engineering School and the Board of Directors of Netmentora Madrid.

Teresa Martín Retortillo, Executive President IE University
Teresa Martín Retortillo

Teresa Martín Retortillo

Executive President

IE University

Teresa Martín-Retortillo is the Executive President of Executive Education at IE Business School since September 2016. She also leads innovation in open programs both on-line and face to face. Prior to that, she was senior vice president of Strategy and Business Development for McGraw-Hill Education in 2014 where she supported CEO David Levin, and the executive team in the digital transformation of the company through strategy definition and execution as well as with investments and partnerships. Teresa began her professional career at Goldman Sachs as a corporate finance analyst in London. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from CUNEF (Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros) in Madrid, and a MBA degree from Harvard Business School.

01:15pm - 02:00pm Enlighted CONVERSATION: When Technology Reinvents the Professions Programa Edtech John Ridding, CEO Financial Times
John Ridding

John Ridding


Financial Times

John Ridding es el Director Ejecutivo de Financial Times Group, una de las organizaciones de noticias comerciales más importantes del mundo, reconocida internacionalmente por su autoridad, integridad y precisión. Bajo su administración, FT ha expandido sus operaciones globales, ha escalado y transformado su núcleo de negocio y ha adquirido varias compañías que respaldan su estrategia multicanal, incluyendo Money-Media, Medley Global Advisors, Exec-Appointments, Assanka (renombrado FT Labs) , Alpha Grid y Longitude. John es miembro del consejo de administración de Bonnier Business Press, parte del conglomerado de medios Bonnier AB. También es presidente de Room to Read, una organización benéfica con sede en los EE. UU. Que apoya la educación y la alfabetización en países en desarrollo y miembro de su Junta Asesora del Reino Unido. John es el Director Ejecutivo del Financial Times. Ha estado en el FT durante más de 25 años en puestos tanto editoriales como ejecutivos.

Francisco González, Presidente BBVA
Francisco González

Francisco González



Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Francisco González es Presidente de BBVA desde el año 2000. Francisco González es miembro del Consejo de Administración del Institute of International Finance (IIF) y de su Executive Committee. Es miembro del European Financial Services Round Table (EFR), del Institut International d'Etudes Bancaires (IIEB), del International Advisory Panel del Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), del International Business Council (IBC) del World Economic Forum (WEF) y del Global Advisory Council de The Conference Board (TCB), de cuyo Board of Trustees es además Vice Chairman, entre otros foros internacionales. Además, representa a BBVA en el International Monetary Conference (IMC). Es Presidente de la Fundación BBVA. Inició su carrera profesional en 1964 como programador en una empresa informática, época de la que viene su clara apuesta por transformar la banca del siglo XXI con el apoyo de las nuevas tecnologías.

Santiago Íñiguez, President IE University
Santiago Íñiguez

Santiago Íñiguez


IE University

Santiago Iñiguez de Onzoño is the President of IE University and a recognized influencer in global higher education. Iniguez has played a leading role in business education over the past two decades and actively contributes in different forums and networks to foster innovation and development in higher education. He was portrayed by the Financial Times as “one of the most significant figures in promoting European business schools internationally”. He is the past Chairman of AACSB and also serves on the boards of Renmin University Business School (China), Antai Business School (Jiao Tong University, China), LUISS Business School (Italy), Mazars University (France) and FGV-EASP Fundaçao Getulio Vargas (Brazil). He has also served as member on the Board of EFMD and the Awarding Body of EQUIS. Iniguez is also the Vice-Chairman of Financial Times/IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance, a leading provider of custom education programs for companies worldwide.

03:30pm - 04:15pm Enlighted DEBATE: The Future of tech Talent. Deep Versus Broad Manuel Muñiz, CEO MADRID INTERNET OF THINGS INSTITUTE (MIOTI) (Moderador) Programa Edtech Chema Alonso, CDO Telefonica

Chema Alonso



Chema Alonso is currently the CDO - Chief Data Officer - at Telefónica. In this position he heads the company’s Big Data strategy, Advertising and the Fourth Platform. As part of the work to define the Fourth Platform, he also leads the Personal Data Bank team and is the main internal promoter of the Data Transparency Lab. He is also responsible for global cybersecurity and data security, having created the new Global Security Unit with the Information Security Global Business in B2B & B2C and Eleven Paths.

Pierre Dubuc, Co-founder and CEO OpenClassrooms
Pierre Dubuc

Pierre Dubuc

Co-founder and CEO


Pierre es el cofundador de OpenClassrooms. Junto con Mathieu Nebra, Pierre creó el precursor de OpenClassrooms en 1999, a la edad de 11 años. Ahora es el CEO de la compañía, uno de los primeros campus en línea en Europa y uno de los EdTech más grandes del mundo. En 2016, Pierre apareció entre los "30 menores de 30" de Forbes en emprendimiento social.

Lee Newman, Dean at IE School of Human Sciences and Technology IE
Lee Newman

Lee Newman

Dean at IE School of Human Sciences and Technology


04:15pm - 04:45pm Enlighted KEYNOTE: Embed Innovation Into Your Organization Programa Edtech Duncan Wardle, Vice President Innovation & Creativity Walt Disney, US
Duncan Wardle

Duncan Wardle

Vice President Innovation & Creativity

Walt Disney, US

Duncan Wardle, un antiguo alto ejecutivo de la compañía más creativa del mundo, Walt Disney Company, es un orador inspirador y cautivador, además de un consultor empresarial provocador y orientado a los resultados, que aplica sus talentos creativos y métodos poco convencionales para ayudar a las empresas y a los individuos a llegar a esas ideas innovadoras que conducen a resultados extraordinarios. Con una energía contagiosa y una colaboración lúdica, Duncan empuja a los ejecutivos y sus equipos a superar las ideas preconcebidas, a actuar con más audacia y a atreverse a soñar con las cosas nuevas y emocionantes que los consumidores están buscando. La pasión número 1 de Duncan es desatar la magia dentro de cada individuo y organización.

04:45pm - 05:30pm Enlighted PANEL: Education disrupted: Views from Start-Up Founders and Investors Programa Edtech Marie-Christine Levet, Founder & Partner Educapital
Marie-Christine Levet

Marie-Christine Levet

Founder & Partner


French internet pionneer, Marie-Christine LEVET has been the founder and CEO of major french internet and media companies. She founded Lycos France in 1997 ,was the CEO of T-Online France from 2001 to 2007 and CEO of Groupe media Tests from 2007 to 2009. After this strong entrepreneurial life, she turned back to venture capitalism in order to bring her experience to younger CEOs In 2009, she tooke part in the creation of Jaina, one of the first entrepreneur fund in France, investing in early stage start ups, including Made.com, Devialet… She was also a venture partner at the « Google Fund for innovation in print media» In 2017, she launched EDUCAPITAL. Educapital mission is to invest in european companies that innovate in the education world , from K12 to corporate training. Marie-Christine serves also as board member of various companies : Iliad (Free), AFP, Maisons du Monde, Econocom, So Local Marie-Christine Levet is a graduate from HEC and holds a MBA from INSEAD.

Avi Warshavsky, Managing Partner HighGrade Ventures
Avi Warshavsky

Avi Warshavsky

Managing Partner

HighGrade Ventures

Apasionado por las oportunidades (y desafíos) que la cultura de Internet aporta al aprendizaje y la enseñanza. Lidera MindCET, un centro de innovación edtech con sede en Israel. Posee una amplia gama de experiencia centrada en ELearning y E books. Tuvo una variedad de puestos en Administración, en la industria de la tecnología ed israelí.

Freddy Vega, CEO & Founder Platzi
Freddy Vega

Freddy Vega

CEO & Founder


Cofundador y CEO de Platzi: educación efectiva en línea. Imparte cursos de diseño, marketing y programación, con una tasa de finalización del 70%, a más de 400,000 estudiantes en todo el mundo. Platzi tiene colaboración en tiempo real entre los estudiantes y los líderes de la industria, como los maestros. Las clases son transmitidas en directo para una comunidad vibrante. Su objetivo es ser el hogar profesional para el aprendizaje permanente de habilidades profesionales. Además es líder y fundador de Cristalab, la mayor comunidad de diseño web en español (Stack Overflow for Latam)

Bernhard Niesner, Co-founder & CEO busuu
Bernhard Niesner

Bernhard Niesner

Co-founder & CEO


CEO y cofundador de busuu, la red social más grande del mundo para el aprendizaje de idiomas con más de 60 millones de usuarios. Nuestra visión es permitir que todos en el mundo puedan aprender un idioma extranjero. Me encanta aprender e intercambiar constantemente mi conocimiento con otros. Disfrute de la docencia como Profesor Asociado en IE Business School en el área de marketing / emprendimiento digital y como mentor de nuestras startups. Frecuentemente invitado a hablar en varias conferencias internacionales sobre edtech y emprendimiento como DLD, Webit Congress, Noah Conference, SIME, Noah Conference, SXSW Edtech, BETT, etc. Originario de Viena, viajé por todo el mundo durante mis estudios, pasé 5 años en la soleada Madrid y ahora viviendo en Londres, donde se encuentran nuestras oficinas centrales. ¡Constantemente buscando talentos inteligentes, ambiciosos e interesantes que quieran unirse a nuestra emocionante aventura! Especialidades: web 2.0, redes sociales, marketing en línea, comunidades,...

Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez

Daniel Suarez

Miguel Arias, COO Telefónica

Miguel Arias



Miguel Arias, emprendedor y ángel inversor, tiene mas de 12 anos de experiencia en la creación de startups tecnológicas con alcance mundial. COO de CartoDB, esta dirigiendo las ventas, finanzas y los esfuerzos operacionales desde de las oficinas de Madrid y Nueva York, dirigiendo el crecimiento de la compañía y su escalabilidad. Cofundó IMASTE, el líder de entorno virtual y la plataforma webcasts en Europa, hasta su adquisición en Junio del 2012 por ON24,Inc , una multinacional con sede en Silicón Valley. Luego gestionó el proceso de integración entre IMASTE y ON24, Inc., como EMEA director de ventas. Intentó mejorar el ecosistema emprendedor español, cofundó y preside Chamberí Valley y MULTIVENT, una agencia de eventos innovadores con enfoque en ferias de carreras de universidad en España.

Sonia Fernández, Partner Kibo Ventures
Sonia Fernández

Sonia Fernández


Kibo Ventures

05:30pm - 06:45pm Enlighted ENLIGHTED STARTUP FINALS & WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT Programa Edtech

October, 4 2018


10:40am - 11:00am Arena Riding the wind: story of a 10 times world champion Eva Cruz, journalist (Moderador) Programa Inspirational Gisela Pulido,
Gisela Pulido

Gisela Pulido

Campeona del Mundo de Kitesurf

Gisela muestra desde muy temprana edad gran interés por todo lo relacionado con el mar y los deportes que conlleven cierto riesgo, algo que ha heredado de su padre. Se da a conocer en 2004 al proclamarse Campeona del Mundo KPWT. El año 2006 fue otro año extraordinario para esta joven kitesurfista española. A medida que su palmarés se llena de trofeos, Gisela va atrayendo a un sinfín de patrocinadores, poniendo el broche de oro a la temporada con el título de Campeona de España. Eleva el listón de nuevo en 2007 al entrar en el Libro Guinness de los Récords como la Campeona del Mundo más joven, con solo 13 años.

11:00am - 11:30am Arena Disrupting the financial services sector Programa Fintech Derek White,
Derek White

Derek White

Global Head of Customer Solutions

Derek joined BBVA in March 2016 and is based in Madrid. Prior to BBVA, he worked for Barclays, joining through the acquisition of Juniper Bank, where he was an early member of the start-up internet bank. In his final role at Barclays, Derek led the U.K. bank’s digital banking initiative, embracing disruptive technologies and the startup ecosystem, while overseeing the design and launch of market leading applications, platforms and services. Before joining Barclays, Derek was an entrepreneur, and was part of the team that created the world’s first internet bank (wingspan), and also worked at First USA Bank (now JPMorgan Chase) in the U.S. Derek is originally from Utah, having graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts and Sciences. He subsequently studied for an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Pennsylvania – The Wharton School.

11:30am - 11:50am Arena Making Hyperloop a Reality Programa Smart Mobility Ryan Kelly, Head of Marketing and Communications Virgin Hyperloop One
Ryan Kelly

Ryan Kelly

Head of Marketing and Communications

Virgin Hyperloop One

Ryan oversees global marketing and communications for Virgin Hyperloop One and supports the commercialization of hyperloop technology through strategic global campaigns. Ryan gained knowledge and expertise in digital strategy and marketing from years spent consulting with hundreds of brands at companies large and small. Ryan worked at The New York Times on one of the first integrated advertising teams, as well as WPP, one of the first advertising networks, and was the Digital Director at Media-Corps, managing a 6 billion impression per month network. Pivoting to the agency realm, as a partner at GWNewYork, he oversaw digital strategy, buying, and planning for B/S/H appliance brands and various others. Other clients included Salesforce, Oracle, Lufthansa, American Express, and Bose. Ryan also teaches marketing strategy to Fortune 1000 companies through General Assembly. He holds a BA in Advertising and BS in Marketing from Syracuse University.

11:50am - 12:20pm Arena From an idea to being acquires vs. going public Susana De Antonio, Euronext (Moderador) Programa Scalability Shmuel Chafets, General Partner & Vice Chairman Target Global
Shmuel Chafets

Shmuel Chafets

General Partner & Vice Chairman

Target Global

Prior to joining Target Global Shmuel was a partner at the Berlin based Hasso Plattner Ventures where he invested in companies such as iZettle and Hansoft and served as a board member in DreamLines and reBuy. Before that Shmuel was a partner at Giza Venture Capital in Tel Aviv where he invested in companies such as Soluto (sold to Asurion), Vishal.ly and other early stage internet ventures. Together with Giza, Shmuel founded GPV, a pioneering Warsaw based venture fund where he also lead virus internet and software investment. Shmuel was also co-founder of LocaLoco (sold to Say Media Group ) a social gaming start up targeting emerging markets.

Luis Sanz, Director de Operaciones & Jefe de Tecnología y Desarrollo de Producto Olapic

Luis Sanz

Director de Operaciones & Jefe de Tecnología y Desarrollo de Producto


Luis Sanz trabaja en las oficinas centrales de Olapic en Nueva York, como Director de Operaciones ycomo Jefe de Tecnología y Desarrollo de Producto. El profundo bagaje tecnológico de Sanz le impulsó a desarrollar el algoritmo predictivo de Olapic Photorank™, que analiza más de 27 características diferentes de una imagen para determinar la probabilidad de que dicha imagen pueda conllevar y provocar una compra. Criado en Zaragoza, Sanz obtuvo su título de Ingeniería Eléctrica por la Universidad de Zaragoza, completando una tesis sobre control activo del ruido mediante el aprendizaje automático. Sanz también tiene un MBA por la Universidad de Columbia en NY, donde co-fundó Olapic en 2010. Antes de fundar Olapic, Sanz fue consultor de Accenture, trabajando en proyectos para defensa y para el sector aeroespacial en Europa, y también trabajó en Ericsson, como responsable de todos los equipos de apoyo de los departamentos de medios de pago y aprovisionamiento de Europa, África y Oriente Medio.

12:20pm - 12:45pm Arena Scaling for sustainable growth Ian Marsh, DNCapital (Moderador) Programa Scalability Gordon Willoughby, CEO WeTransfer
Gordon Willoughby

Gordon Willoughby



Gordon Willoughby is the CEO of WeTransfer, based in Amsterdam. He took over from the company’s founder Bas Beerens in January 2017 tasked with growing the user-base, scaling the company and taking the brand to the next level. Gordon has a heavyweight business background, with senior experience at multi-national companies like eBay, The Financial Times and Diageo. Before joining WeTransfer, he spent eight years at Amazon, overseeing among other things the Kindle’s European launch and later working as the company’s Director of Consumables. Gordon’s skills focus on connecting new products and services with new audiences, and pursuing significant growth while maintaining the brand DNA on which previous success has been built. He joined WeTransfer at an exciting time in the company’s story, following its $25 million investment and the opening of its US office in Los Angeles. With 40 million monthly active users in 195 countries, Gordon combines a respect for what WeTransfer stands for with his wide-ranging comm

Sunir Kapoor, Director Atlantic Bridge Ventures

Sunir Kapoor


Atlantic Bridge Ventures

Sunir es un ejecutivo lider en Silicon Valley, emprendedor y concejero en la industria del software. Tiene mas de 30 años en gestión internacional y experiencia técnica trabajando en tecnología para empresas como Oracle (VP Marketing y VP Global Strategy) donde ha sido pate de comités de gestión y Microsoft (Director de estrategia mundial) donde ha reportado a la oficina del Presidente. Sunir fue recientemente CEO de UBmatrix Inc, el creador de XBRL, el estándar global para intercambio de información de negocios que fue adquirida por RR Donnelley (NASDAQ:RRD). Sunir fue también parte del directorio de XBRL. Fue cofundador y CEO de E-Stamp, a la que se le acredita la invención de la tecnología STMP y uno de los primeros sistemas de pago de internet. Sunir también ha trabajado para Novell Inc., Honeywell así como también en la Agencia Espacial Europea. Sunir tiene un grado en Física de la Universidad de Birmingham y una maestría en informática de Cranfield Institute of Technologie.

12:45pm - 01:10pm Arena Rethinking high-speed mobility Inês Oliveira, Wayra Spain (Moderador) Programa Smart Mobility Emilio Gayo Rodriguez, President Telefónica Spain
Emilio Gayo Rodriguez

Emilio Gayo Rodriguez


Telefónica Spain

Isaías Táboas Suárez, Chairman Renfe
Isaías Táboas Suárez

Isaías Táboas Suárez



Born in Valencia on March 2, 1958, married and father of two, he has a degree in History and has obtained postgraduate in Management Function in Public Administration at ESADE and in Marketing Management at EADA. He has developed his professional career between the Public Administration and the private sector. In the public sector he has been Secretary of State for Transport (2010-2011; Ministry of Fomento, Government of Spain), General Secretary of the Presidency of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2006-2010) and Director of the Cabinet of the Minister of Industry (Government of Spain,2004-2006). Previously he was Director of Communications and Institutional Relations and Responsible of Patrimony and Urbanism in Catalonia and Aragon (1991-1996) at Renfe. In the private sphere, he has been linked to the Open University of Catalonia as director of Editorial UOC and Eureca Media SL (1996-2004) and as Project Director (2012-2013). He has been Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Observatory of Ideas.

01:10pm - 01:30pm Arena Cyber's greatest challenge: Securing the Cloud Alex Doll, Ten Eleven Ventures (Moderador) Programa Cybersecurity Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk, CTO of Cloud and AI Security Microsoft

Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk

CTO of Cloud and AI Security


Michal and team are driving the Microsoft security strategy and innovation. Prior to her promotion, Michal was the Azure Cybersecurity GM where among other achievements, she initiated and managed Azure Security Center, Microsoft's leading hybrid security SaaS. She is a world-class expert in Cyber Security and a renowned speaker. Prior to joining Microsoft in November 2013, Michal worked at RSA/EMC (now Dell). Michal came to RSA via the Cyota acquisition in 2006. Following the acquisition, she became the GM of RSA Israel and the global leader of the Cyber Fraud and Risk Analytics product line. Under Michal’s leadership, the revenues of the Fraud and Risk Analytics product line grew 20-fold (to over $200M) and the number of protected users worldwide reached 300M. Michal was later appointed as the GM of RSA Global Solutions and was tasked with business-driven innovation. At Cyota, an innovative Cyber startup, Michal served as the COO, leading the R&D, product management and the Anti-Fraud array of services.

01:30pm - 02:00pm Arena Big Outcomes & The Long Game: the AlienVault Journey Alberto Yépez, Forge Point Capital (Moderador) Programa Cybersecurity Julio Casal, Founder Alien Vault & 4iQ 4iQ
Julio Casal

Julio Casal

Founder Alien Vault & 4iQ


Julio Casal es un experto en seguridad informática y ha estado en el frente de la guerra cibernética por más de 15 años. Guió el desarrollo de OSSIM, el cual se ha convertido en el sistema de seguridad informática y de organización de eventos más ampliamente implantado en el mundo. En 2007, Julio creó AlienVault del que fue CEO. Con el apoyo de Adara trabajaron hacia un crecimiento internacional y su establecimiento en Silicon Valley. Desde entonces, AlienVault, ha formado un nuevo equipo de gestión dirigido por Barmak Meftah que consiguió reunir $ 60 millones de fondos adicionales procedentes de inversores tales como, Trident Capital, Kleiner Perkins, Intel Capital, GGV Capital y Sigma. Julio estudió Física en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Además, es ampliamente reconocido como experto líder en gestión de seguridad y frecuentemente, realiza presentaciones sobre el tema en fórums comerciales y gubernamentales por todo el mundo.

04:00pm - 04:20pm Arena Scaling talent for growth Bernardo Hernandez, eVentures (Moderador) Programa Scalability Arsenio Otero, SVP, Business Operations EMEA Salesforce
Arsenio Otero

Arsenio Otero

SVP, Business Operations EMEA


04:20pm - 04:40pm Arena Innovation in Banking Programa Fintech Ezequiel Szafir, Banco Santander CEO Open Bank
Ezequiel Szafir

Ezequiel Szafir

Banco Santander

CEO Open Bank

04:40pm - 05:00pm Arena Building and hiring for mission based companies Programa Fundraising & Growth Shradha Agarwal, Founder and Managing Partner JumpStart Ventures

Shradha Agarwal

Founder and Managing Partner

JumpStart Ventures

Shradha Agarwal is an entrepreneur and investor, with a passion for aligning profit and purpose, people and information and technology with humanity. In 2006, Shradha co-founded ContextMedia, now known as Outcome Health, which serves relevant health education to patients at 40,000+ physician practices around the country to help improve health outcomes. The company has won several accolades for culture, product innovation and growth. Shradha also co-founded Jumpstart Ventures in 2011 to fund other passionate entrepreneurs executing ambitious solutions in healthcare and education. She is a startup mentor and frequent speaker. She also serves on several non-profit boards in the education space, including OneGoal and The Chicago Public Education Fund. Shradha has been recognized by the White House as a Champion of Change and in Chicago for her deep commitment to civic engagement.

05:15pm - 05:30pm Arena Startup World Cup announcement
05:30pm - 06:30pm Arena Final Round StartUp competition


10:00am - 10:30am Playground The Future of AI and how it will change our lifes Francisco de Sousa, Webber Cortical (Moderador) Programa AI Jasper Masemann, Principal Holtzbrinck Ventures

Jasper Masemann


Holtzbrinck Ventures

Jasper empezó a trabajar en Holtzbrinck Ventures en 2015. Antes de trabajar para HV, Jasper fue fundador y CEO de greatcontent.com, una plataforma líder en la elaboración de textos facilitando el copywriting en 18 lenguas para miles de conocidos clientes a nivel mundial. Jasper se ha dedicado a ser un business angel así que un mentor en la internet alemana durante anos. Jasper empezó su carrera como consultor en estrategia para The Boston Consulting Group. Trabajó para sus finanzas corporativas y practicas de desarrollo corporativo enfocándose en M&A, planificación corporativa y proyectos de estrategia corporativa. Jasper tiene una licenciatura de la European Management por Lancaster University Management School con honores de primera clase así que una licenciatura en ADE por la European School of Business de Reutlingen.

Isabel Fernandez, Managing Director & Lead of Advanced Analytics Iberia Accenture
Isabel Fernandez

Isabel Fernandez

Managing Director & Lead of Advanced Analytics Iberia


She is passionate about how digital business models make customers owners of the relationship more than ever before. A real Customer Centric culture cannot wait anymore. She firmly believes that Digital Transformation brings cost efficiencies, engaged employees and loyal customers to the companies. People-centric technology, boosting digital society transformation.

Noory Bechor, Co-Founder and CEO Lawgeex
Noory Bechor

Noory Bechor

Co-Founder and CEO


Xabi Uribe-Etxebaria, Founder & CEO Sher.pa
Xabi Uribe-Etxebaria

Xabi Uribe-Etxebaria

Founder & CEO


10:30am - 10:45am Playground Human Prospects and Artificial Intelligence Programa AI Thomas Holl, CTO Babbel

Thomas Holl



Thomas Holl es cofundador y Director de Estrategia (CSO) de Babbel, la aplicación de aprendizaje de idiomas líder del mercado. Como OSC, supervisa el equipo de Nuevas Iniciativas Empresariales que identifica y desarrolla nuevas fuentes de ingresos e iniciativas estratégicas. Antes de esto, Thomas lideró la expansión de la compañía en Norteamérica como Presidente de Babbel Inc. También ha ocupado el cargo de CTO de Babbel (Director Técnico). "Es el equipo internacional lo que hace que Babbel sea tan especial", dice. "Todos están totalmente comprometidos con el desarrollo del producto de aprendizaje principal, y todos disfrutamos de la certeza de trabajar en algo que el mundo realmente necesita". Thomas co-fundó su primera empresa en el campo del software de música: creó la primera herramienta de DJ MP3 del mundo mientras estudiaba informática en la Universidad de Marburg y en el Instituto de Tecnología de Karlsruhe.

10:45am - 11:00am Playground Is AI the new Blockchain? Programa AI Huy Nguyen Trieu, CEO The Disruptive Group
Huy Nguyen Trieu

Huy Nguyen Trieu


The Disruptive Group

Huy is the CEO of The Disruptive Group – a business builder and advisory firm in innovation and finance. Huy was a Managing Director at Citi, and previously at RBS and SG. Before, he was the CEO of Ukibi, a VC-funded startup in the US and a precursor of LinkedIn. He likes to teach and share with students and entrepreneurs, and is regularly quoted in articles on innovation and finance. He also dedicates a lot of time “off the clock” to helping the industry grow and expand via his blog, Disruptive Finance. He sits on the Fintech advisory board of the World Economic Forum, and on the advisory boards of Fintech HK, Trusting Social and Fintech Connect.

11:00am - 11:15am Playground Cybercrime : Where is it going? Programa Cybersecurity by Adara Ventures Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk, CTO of Cloud and AI Security Microsoft

Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk

CTO of Cloud and AI Security


Michal and team are driving the Microsoft security strategy and innovation. Prior to her promotion, Michal was the Azure Cybersecurity GM where among other achievements, she initiated and managed Azure Security Center, Microsoft's leading hybrid security SaaS. She is a world-class expert in Cyber Security and a renowned speaker. Prior to joining Microsoft in November 2013, Michal worked at RSA/EMC (now Dell). Michal came to RSA via the Cyota acquisition in 2006. Following the acquisition, she became the GM of RSA Israel and the global leader of the Cyber Fraud and Risk Analytics product line. Under Michal’s leadership, the revenues of the Fraud and Risk Analytics product line grew 20-fold (to over $200M) and the number of protected users worldwide reached 300M. Michal was later appointed as the GM of RSA Global Solutions and was tasked with business-driven innovation. At Cyota, an innovative Cyber startup, Michal served as the COO, leading the R&D, product management and the Anti-Fraud array of services.

11:15am - 11:45am Playground Intelligence in Cybersecurity: How autonomous systems are making an impact Alberto Gómez, Adara Ventures (Moderador) Programa Cybersecurity by Adara Ventures Julio Casal, Founder Alien Vault & 4iQ 4iQ
Julio Casal

Julio Casal

Founder Alien Vault & 4iQ


Julio Casal es un experto en seguridad informática y ha estado en el frente de la guerra cibernética por más de 15 años. Guió el desarrollo de OSSIM, el cual se ha convertido en el sistema de seguridad informática y de organización de eventos más ampliamente implantado en el mundo. En 2007, Julio creó AlienVault del que fue CEO. Con el apoyo de Adara trabajaron hacia un crecimiento internacional y su establecimiento en Silicon Valley. Desde entonces, AlienVault, ha formado un nuevo equipo de gestión dirigido por Barmak Meftah que consiguió reunir $ 60 millones de fondos adicionales procedentes de inversores tales como, Trident Capital, Kleiner Perkins, Intel Capital, GGV Capital y Sigma. Julio estudió Física en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Además, es ampliamente reconocido como experto líder en gestión de seguridad y frecuentemente, realiza presentaciones sobre el tema en fórums comerciales y gubernamentales por todo el mundo.

Alex Doll, Founder & Managing Partner Ten Eleven Ventures
Alex Doll

Alex Doll

Founder & Managing Partner

Ten Eleven Ventures

Alex is the Founder of Ten Eleven Ventures, the industry's original venture capital fund that is focused solely on investing in digital security. Underneath the digital security umbrella, the firm invests globally and is stage agnostic, working as KKR's joint investment alliance partner for stages growth and later. Since our founding in 2015 Ten Eleven has made 12 investments including Cylance, Darktrace, Jask.io and Twistlock and achieved 2 exits in Ping Identity (Vista) and Hexadite (Microsoft). The founding of Ten Eleven brought together the breadth of experiences in finance, investing, software and security operating roles in Silicon Valley. The cornerstone being his role as a co-founder in 2002 of PGP Corporation that combined the vision for a new security company with the secure email standard OpenPGP. Alex was the critical business architect of the hybrid structure that combined an innovation-led startup with the buyout of assets from Network Associates (McAfee).

Vin Lingathoti, Head of Ventures Investments Europe, Cisco

Vin Lingathoti

Head of Ventures Investments Europe,


Vin Lingathoti is a senior investment professional at Cisco Investments focusing on venture investments in Cybersecurity. In his current role, Vin serves as a board observer at Panaseer, Behaviosec, Intersec, and 6Wind. He is also a member of LP Advisory Committee at Evolution Equity, Partech Ventures and Idinvest. Vin has over a decade experience in tech industry and has held multiple roles in corporate development, private equity, management consulting and product management.

Pedro Castillo, Founder & CTO Devo
Pedro Castillo

Pedro Castillo

Founder & CTO


Pedro Castillo brings more than 15 years of experience in the IT sector to Devo. As CTO of one of the most innovative financial institutions in Spain, Pedro saw an opportunity to unify access to data for companies of any size and sector - and founded Logtrust, now Devo.

11:45am - 12:15pm Playground Blockchain: A new paradigm in Security Leonard Boord, Tokenizo (Moderador) Programa Cybersecurity by Adara Ventures Adam Draper, Founder and Managing Director  Boost VC

Adam Draper

Founder and Managing Director 

Boost VC

For Adam Draper, Managing Director at Boost VC, no idea is too crazy. He dreams of building an ironman suit and leads the deals in the wildest SciFi Tech investments - exoskeletons, jetpacks, rockets... Go big or go home. He co-founded Boost VC after his success as an Angel Investor in companies like Coinbase, Amplitude and Plangrid. In a previous life, he wanted to be a professional tennis player and has an odd affinity for Australians. He once drank an entire bottle of tabasco sauce (the big ones) in 43 seconds. 4th generation venture capitalist, 2 time entrepreneur, and most importantly, he's a friend.

Alex Puig, CEO Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem
Alex Puig

Alex Puig


Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem

Alex Puig is a software R+D engineer and tech entrepreneur. Due to his Interest in cryptocurrencies, he founded Digital Currency Summit, a conference aiming to debate about the economic impact of blockchain and decentralized technologies in our society. His areas of interest are Blockchain, DAG, Self Sovereign IDs, Zero Knowledge Proof and Tokenomics. He also founded Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem, the first National Wide semi-public blockchain Platform, and now is leading the Technical Team at Caelum Labs, a Blockchain consultancy and development firm based in Barcelona.

Olga Blanco Poves, Executive Partner IBM
Olga Blanco Poves

Olga Blanco Poves

Executive Partner


•Executive Partner at IBM Global Business Services •Responsible for the Business Analytics and Strategy Service Line in SPGI focusing on Digital Transformations driven by Insights. The portfolio includes Analytics, Big Data, Data Platforms, AI (Cognitive), Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 •IBM Blockchain leader in SPGI – Since April 2017 A recognized Consultancy expert who combines a unique profile in both leadership and consulting advising leading companies/organisations. 20 years of successful track record in business development, strategy formulation and delivery of innovative & creative revenue and profit growth capabilities working with a large variety of stakeholders.

12:15pm - 12:30pm Playground Smarter Systems & Smarter Attacks Programa Cybersecurity by Adara Ventures Michal Salat, Threat Intelligence Director Avast

Michal Salat

Threat Intelligence Director


Michal Salat joined Avast in 2010 as a Malware Analyst and is now Avast’s Threat Intelligence Director, leading a team of more than 10 Threat Labs experts. His team’s main focus is identification and analysis of new malware strains and threats targeting Avast users. Prior to working at Avast, Michal Salat worked as a programmer and network administrator. He holds a Master degree in System Programming from the Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ and has also studied Computer Science on Texas Tech University in Lubbock, U.S.

12:30pm - 01:00pm Playground Getting Security Adoption Right Alberto Yepez, ForgePoint Capital (Moderador) Programa Cybersecurity by Adara Ventures Alejandro Becerra, CISO Telefónica
Alejandro Becerra

Alejandro Becerra



Alejandro Becerra, currently Global CISO for Telefonica Group since May 2017, has previously been responsible in Telefonica for Group IT Security, leading security transformation across Telefonica operating businesses and global areas and embedding security into the Telco key business and operation transformations. Seasoned professional with more than 25 years of experience in the Telco world, he has worked in Mobile & Satellite communications including 3G standardization, mobile Service platforms development, HR platforms transformation, Security innovation, Managed Security Services definition and implementation and more recently IT Security assurance across Telefonica global footprint. He has actively participated in standardisation initiatives, international research & development programmes and has led global harmonization initiatives for Telefonica.

Agustín González, Global CIO Prosegur
Agustín González

Agustín González

Global CIO


“ Agustín González is holding, since 2008, the post of global Chief Information Officer at Prosegur, one of the main multinational companies in the private security industry. Previously he carried out European Regional CIO functions and held other posts of responsibility in the consulting sector in companies such as Deloitte, Teradata and American Management Systems. Since the beginning of his professional career, he has been helping multinational businesses to use technology as one of the primary drivers of growth and increased productivity within organizations. Key achievements as a group CIO have been conducting a very ambitious organizational and technological transformation within Prosegur by simplifying, standardizing, centralizing, and upgrading the global digital platform in a context of relevant inorganic growth and international expansion (24 countries on 5 continents). Within his IT organization, he also launched in 2015 the start-up idea of a new line of business, Cyber Security.

Román Ramírez Giménez, Head of Security Ops & Architecture Ferrovial
Román Ramírez Giménez

Román Ramírez Giménez

Head of Security Ops & Architecture


With more than 25 years of experience on Information Technologies and Cybersecurity, has developed several roles in different markets. Started career as a banking applications developer in Intercomputer working for customers like ‘la Caixa’, Deutsche Bank or Banco Pastor. Then as Systems and Security Department Director on encomIX, the very first independent ISP in Spain, that become PSINet Spain within the global PSINet Europe structure. Founded Teracom with two partners, as a small startup (with an expiration date) to develop a software solution for Optical stores in Zaragoza. Next role, acted as Lead of presales and CTO for eEye Digital Security (now Beyond Trust) for Europe and some MENA countries, supporting sales and customer care. Then founded and managed Chase The Sun, a cybersecurity services company with customers like Telefónica, Meditelecom (Morocco), Inversis Bank, Bank of Spain and several others.

Adolfo Hernández, Head of Advanced Cyber Defense Banco Sabadell
Adolfo Hernández

Adolfo Hernández

Head of Advanced Cyber Defense

Banco Sabadell

01:00pm - 01:40pm Playground From Funding to Internationalizing your business Laura González Estefani, The Venture City (Moderador) Programa International Expansion Ekaterina Skorobogatova, Chief Growth Officer The Venture City
Ekaterina Skorobogatova

Ekaterina Skorobogatova

Chief Growth Officer

The Venture City

In her most recent role, before joining TheVentureCity, as WhatsApp’s Growth and Partnerships Manager, she was focused on strategic initiatives (either in the product development, marketing, or customer development aspects) aimed at expanding WhatsApp’s user base and reach globally. From 2013 to 2015, she managed a variety of product market and partnership projects related to the launch and expansion of Internet.org, Facebook initiative of bringing connectivity to the developing markets. Before Internet.org, she worked on growing Facebook’s operations in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region. In that role, from 2010 to 2013, she engaged a variety of partnership, marketing, and public relations initiatives to expand Facebook’s reach in that part of the world. Prior to coming to Facebook, she expanded business and marketing partnerships in Russia and the CIS region for Nokia.

Patricia de Loro, Chief Product Officer The Venture City
Patricia de Loro

Patricia de Loro

Chief Product Officer

The Venture City

Previous to joining TheVentureCity Patricia was Digital Transformation Director at Vodafone Spain leading and executing the multi-year transformation plan across the whole company not only from the business point of view but also from the cultural and talent. Previous to that she was responsible for all the digital and social channels: ecommerce, self-service, mobile apps and social care.  Before Vodafone she was Head of Verticals Strategy and Product Management at eBay, driving strategic projects across the globe from London and San Francisco offices. After working in Consulting in a number of industries, she has a broad experience leading international teams and projects across multiple disciplines (technical, marketing and commercial)  On top of this, Patricia is also an Angel Investor, an Advisor for a number of startups and a Teacher in 2 of the most renowned digital schools in Madrid.

Rosa Jiménez Cano, Chief Ecosystem Relations  The Venture City
Rosa Jiménez Cano

Rosa Jiménez Cano

Chief Ecosystem Relations 

The Venture City

Rosa Jiménez Cano runs Ecosystem Relations at TheVentureCity, a VC fund and Tech Accelerator. Prior to this she was the Silicon Valley Correspondent for El País, where she is still a contributor. Rosa covers technology, business and cultural subjects.

Victor Servín, Chief Technology Officer The Venture City
Victor Servín

Victor Servín

Chief Technology Officer

The Venture City

Victor has integrated systems and services with the Key Silicon Valley companies, Google, Facebook, Youtube, Whastapp, etc.... He has a very clear understanding of the 360degrees of Tech, from The Mobile infrastructure and/or broadband, to the OTT world in all it’s variants; Messaging, e-commerce, Video, payments, etc. He loves working with multicultural teams building products with the goal of making them robust, scalable and measurable. Before joining TheVentureCity Victor worked as Director of Digital Development and Innovation for Millicom International Cellular (for it’s Tigo Brand) overseeing Digital Development for all Latam Properties (Mobile and Fixed) and leading the team responsible for developing all Tigo Apps which as today are in hands of more than 4 MM customers and all OTT partnerships and integrations.

Andy Areitio, Investment Director The Venture City
Andy Areitio

Andy Areitio

Investment Director

The Venture City

Andy has more than 10 years of experience in technology entrepreneurship, finance and strategy in Europe and Asia. He has founded and built two startups, one of which through venture capital. Previously, he had held various roles in strategic advice at Monitor / Deloitte and project finance at Abengoa. Before entering TheVentureCity, Andy graduated in business administration and management from INSEAD, with a grant from the Ramón Areces Foundation. During the race he specialized in data science, capital-irrigation, establishing a relationship with the main technological ecosystems of the world. After all these experiences have allowed him to develop a network of entrepreneurship, skills for finance and an undeniable experience in technology and operations.

01:40pm - 02:20pm Playground Cybersecurity: key when going international Néstor Serravalle, VUSecurity (Moderador) Programa Cybersecurity Jeff Zitomer, Director of Corporate Strategy SAP

Jeff Zitomer

Director of Corporate Strategy


Jeff Zitomer is a Director of Corporate Strategy at SAP, and is the team’s Cybersecurity Lead. As part of his role, he advises the SAP.iO Fund on cybersecurity startup investments and educates SAP.iO Fund and Foundry startups on cybersecurity-related enterprise-readiness. Before SAP, Jeff was a microchip designer, a management consultant with Bain & Co., and a Sr. Product Manager with Akamai Technologies. He received a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from The Technion and an MBA from Kellogg School of Management. Jeff lives in Silicon Valley with his wife and young daughter.

Laurent Dumas Crouzillac, Partner CapHorn Invest

Laurent Dumas Crouzillac


CapHorn Invest

Laurent Dumas-Crouzillac has spent most of his career in high tech investment and M&A activities. Over the last 13 years he has been investing in technology companies in France and Europe within funds like Idinvest Partners and A Plus Finance. He is now Partner at CapHorn Invest focusing on ICT investments in European based companies. He has been an investor and board member in successful companies such as : Sigfox, Trace One, Groupe Concoursmania, Laboratoire Sebbin, … He is now actively invested in : Ledger, Saagie, FinalCad and Antvoice. Laurent is an engineer EFREI/Georgia Tech and graduated from ESSEC MBA. He started his career in strategic marketing at Schneider Electric before becoming a Product manager at WorldCom (now Verizon). He spent part of his childhood in southern California, is bilingual French/English.

Ernest Sánchez, Managing Partner Nekko VC
Ernest Sánchez

Ernest Sánchez

Managing Partner

Nekko VC

GP and co-founder of Nekko Capital, a Venture Capital firm aimed at investing in scalable early-stage companies (series A/B mainly) led by outstanding teams focused on traditional sectors (e.g. Real Estate, Insurance, Banking, Mobility, Travel) where digitization remains incomplete (supply chain, consumer interactions, transactions…) Nekko investments are scouted and managed from 3 hubs (Barcelona, London, Paris). Senior Entrepreneur and Investor with 15 years’ experience in running startups and funds globally. Ernest has been board director of companies such as Glovo, Zapper and Shoppiday. Former Partner for EU @Entrée Capital, a London-Tel Aviv based fund with 50+ investments and 7 exits including IPO’s. BA in Business Administration and AvMP for Stanford and VC/PE for HBS.

Samuel Linares, Managing Director Accenture

Samuel Linares

Managing Director


Samuel Linares is Managing Director and Europe and Latin America IoT Lead for Resources at Accenture, Independent Evaluator at European Commission and CIIP Expert at ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency). With more than 2 decades of security, system integration and multinational and multicultural projects management experience, he has participated as project leader, consultant, speaker, chairman or teacher in more than 35 countries all over the world. Samuel is the founder and former Director of the Industrial Cybersecurity Center (CCI), and was Senior Lead Technologist for Industrial Cybersecurity in Booz Allen Hamilton for the last 3 years. Samuel is a highly sought after global speaker, and actively contributes to the community being a member of the executive steering committee of GIAC’s GICSP (Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional) certification, ISACA Global Cybersecurity Task Force, SANS Institute Advisory Board, Control System Cyber Security Association International, etc.

Pedro Pablo Pérez, Global Security VP Telefónica
Pedro Pablo Pérez

Pedro Pablo Pérez

Global Security VP


Damián Ruiz Soriano, Red Team Manager Bankia
Damián Ruiz Soriano

Damián Ruiz Soriano

Red Team Manager


03:15pm - 03:45pm Playground Industrial IoT and growing investments in this field Tobias Schirmer, Join Capital (Moderador) Programa Industry 4.0 & Logistics Jeff Clavier, Fundador & CEO SoftTech VC

Jeff Clavier

Fundador & CEO

SoftTech VC

Jeff Clavier es el fundador y socio gerente de SoftTech VC, una de las empresas de capital riesgo para empresas semilla más establecidas de Silicon Valley, con más de 170 inversiones cerradas desde 2004. Un inversor de primera fase en Web 2.0, Jeff y su equipo han prestado apoyo a startups de éxito como Mint (Intuit), Kongregate (GameStop), Brightroll (Yahoo), LiveRamp (Acxiom), Milo (eBay), Wildfire (Google), Bleacher Report (Turner), Gnip (Twitter), Fitbit (NYSE:FIT), Eventbrite, Sendgrid, Poshmark, Hired, Postmates y Vungle. Y la cartera ha sido testigo también de adquisiciones de Groupon, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo y AOL. Actualmente, la compañía está invirtiendo su Fondo IV, de 85 millones USD, con 16 compromisos de 850.000 USD anuales en saas móviles/en la nube, servicios al consumo, hardware conectado, mercados y TI para la asistencia sanitaria.

Benjamin Joffe, Partner HAX
Benjamin Joffe

Benjamin Joffe



Benjamin Joffe (@benjaminjoffe) is a Partner at HAX, the world’s most active investor in hardware startups (>200 investments in robotics, IoT, consumer and health tech). HAX is part of SOSV, an early stage fund with a deep tech focus, running vertical accelerator programs and milestone-based investment. Benjamin also spoke at over 200 events across 30 countries, including TechCrunch Disrupt and two TEDx. His presentations and annual “Hardware Trends” report collected over 1 million online views. He has also written for Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat and IEEE Spectrum, and was featured in numerous media such as Nature, Wall Street Journal and WIRED. Trained as an aerospace engineer in France, Benjamin turned to corporate strategy and Asia (mostly China and Japan), where he lived from 2000 to 2017.

Nicolas Iordanov, Principal Iris Capital
Nicolas Iordanov

Nicolas Iordanov


Iris Capital

Nicolas joined Iris Capital in 2017 as Principal, responsible for late-stage investments in France and in Europe, with a key expertise in Software and B2C services. Before joining Iris Capital, Nicolas was Principal at the Digital Venture Fund of Bpifrance, the French state-owned investment bank, which he joined in 2013. There he invested mainly in French venture and growth stage companies with strong international traction. While at Bpifrance, he backed companies such as Synthesio, Launchmetrics, S4M, Teads, Netatmo, Meilleurs Agents and Evaneos. Previously, he has been an Associate for 4 years at Seventure Partners where he was focused on early stage investments in France and Germany. Nicolas holds an Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Lyon (France) and a specialization in Finance at EM Lyon Business School (France).

03:45pm - 04:25pm Playground The 4th Industrial Revolution & Logistic Solutions for Smart Factories Mario Lopez, Accenture (Moderador) Programa Industry 4.0 & Logistics Nabil Malouli, VP of Customer Solutions & Innovation DHL

Nabil Malouli

VP of Customer Solutions & Innovation


Nabil Malouli is the Vice President for DHL’s Customer Solutions & Innovation. Based out of Florida, Nabil leads the development of innovative logistics projects to support fortune 500 companies doing business globally. Jointly with his team, he is managing and growing relationships with these companies to develop high growth initiative related to E-commerce, digitalization, big data, drones, autonomous vehicles, automation & robotics. Nabil is specialized in the field of Ecommerce, Logistics & Strategic Account Management. Prior to his current position, he served as Director Latin America & Asia Pacific overseeing teams across the regions and around the world, developing customer commercial strategies to grow their business in the region. Nabil is passionate by innovation & entrepreneurship and also serves as advisor & board member of high growth startups. As a speaker & Consultant, Malouli has deep experience on topics related to E-commerce, Corporate Innovation, Omni-channel, Sales and Customer relation

Fernando Gago, Head of Open Innovation Kaleido Logistics
Fernando Gago

Fernando Gago

Head of Open Innovation

Kaleido Logistics

Head of Open Innovation at Kaleido, Ideas & Logistics. Civil Engineer with an MBA from IESE and extensive track record in responsibility roles in various industries. Focused on the real economy and social, environmental and financial sustainability, his experience expands though Europe, the US, Australia and Africa. Fernando defines himself as an engineer specializing in management, with a drive for innovation applied to the real market. Before joining Kaleido where he is responsible for the Open Innovation Ecosystem fostering collaboration between start-ups and corporations, Fernando worked at companies such as GILSANZ MURRAY STEFICEK LLP and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, and has started up companies such as Loconomics, INC. and Latitude.

Jens Heitland, Head of Innovation Ikea
Jens Heitland

Jens Heitland

Head of Innovation


Caroline Das-Monfrais, Chief Strategy Officer EMEA and Executive Leadership Sponsor for inclusiveness and corporate citizenship FTI Consulting
Caroline Das-Monfrais

Caroline Das-Monfrais

Chief Strategy Officer EMEA and Executive Leadership Sponsor for inclusiveness and corporate citizenship

FTI Consulting

Caroline is the Chief Strategy Officer EMEA and Executive Leadership Sponsor for inclusiveness and corporate citizenship at FTI Consulting. She is an active #Women4tech #TechForGood ambassador and passionate about the role of business in driving positive change. Over the past 2 years, Caroline has been leading a global sector strategy; developing several innovation and co-creation methodologies to help C-suite and Boards think differently about the changes impacting their markets, and how best to respond. Prior to joining FTI, she spent 12 years at EY where she worked on complex performance improvement client projects across industries and created the ConvergenceLab© ecosystem-based innovation methodology. Caroline started her career at Coca-Cola, and spent a year at the Confederation of British Industry leading a national consultation on business trust and ‘future industries’. She was the UK business representative for the first UN consultation on business and human rights in partnership with Harvard.

04:30pm - 04:50pm Playground Technology and the emotional brain - drivers for innovation Victor de Avila, Director de Estrategia y Desarrollo Corporativo Sacyr
Victor de Avila

Victor de Avila

Director de Estrategia y Desarrollo Corporativo


His current scope of responsibilities includes: - Corporate Strategy development for all four business units ( Construction, Concessions, Industrial EPC projects and Services (Waste Management, Facilities Management, Energy and Water) - Digital Transformation Process for +30,000 employees - Leading the Innovation agenda across +25 countries With an extensive international experience, Mr. De Avila has worked in more than 15 countries accross Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia. During his professional tenure he has worked in the Chemical & Minning sectors, in the Strategy Management Consulting business for Booz Allen & Hamilton and for AT Kearney, having advised some of the largest Energy, Utilities and Manufacturing companies in the world. Aditionally, Mr. De Avila has more than 15 years of experience in the Waste Management and W2E field, having developed a number of projects across Spain, Africa and Latin America. Mr. De Avila holds a BSc. degree in Chemical Engineering from t

04:50pm - 05:20pm Playground The Amazon effect María Eugenia Girón, IE (Moderador) Programa E-Commerce & Platforms Philippe Chainieux, CEO made.com

Philippe Chainieux



Philippe Chainieux is CEO of made.com. The company sells quality furniture at an affordable price. Made.com wants to disrupt high-end furniture stores by controlling everything from manufacturing to the e-commerce platform. He was the Chief Executive Officer of Meetic, a division of Match/IAC, listed on the French Stock Market . In his role, Philippe oversaw the management of Match.com's european online dating portfolio that comprises leading properties like match.com, meetic, neu.de, lexa.nl, twoo.com. These businesses generated revenues of over € 165 million and EBITDA over € 39 million in 2012, across 15 markets. Prior the tender offer of IAC on Meetic in 2011, Philippe was the Managing Director of Meetic and had managed the growth of the company since 2004, through the development its brands in each individual market, the international expansion (Europe, China, Latin America) and acquisitions.

Luis Monserrate Castillo, Director de moda Alibaba
Luis Monserrate Castillo

Luis Monserrate Castillo

Director de moda


Luis es Licenciado en Administración de Empresas y Master en Auditoría y Finanzas. Anteriormente, ha liderado el comercio electrónico y la optimización online en ZARA.COM con el objetivo no sólo de impulsar los ingresos a través del comercio electrónico sino, lo que es más importante, de introducir una huella digital en todo el negocio online. Anteriormente, ha trabajado en Deloitte como Consultor Senior de Estrategia y Operaciones y ha lanzado su propia start-up homig.com. Recientemente ha sido Director de Grupo Online en Pepe Jeans y últimamente Director de Moda en Alibaba Group (AliExpress). Luis es miembro de la facultad de Programas Ejecutivos del MIT, enfocándose en negocios digitales y transformació Traducción realizada con el traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator

05:20pm - 05:50pm Playground How Technology is Shaping the Future of Content, Media & Entertainment.  Alberto Iglesias (Moderador) Programa Entertainment Hector Prieto, CEO Yerba Buena VR
Hector Prieto

Hector Prieto


Yerba Buena VR

Héctor es co-fudador de YBVR, la start-up tecnologica del Silicon Valley que va a revolucionar el Broadcasting inmersivo de eventos deportivos en vivo, haciéndonos vivir experiencias y sensaciones inmersivas como no se habían conocido hasta ahora. YBVR consigue la distribución optima de video 360/VR por internet, aportando una mayor densidad de pixeles donde el usuario está mirando, consiguiendo así máxima eficiencia en la distribución de alta calidad y también máximo alcance donde el ancho de banda no es abundante. Hector es un entrepreneur de repetición, con amplia experiencia internacional en empresas relevantes del sector media y también como empresario. Fue co-fundador de HyC, especializada en IPTV que fue adquirida por Ericsson en 2007. Antes de YBVR, Héctor trabajó en Ericsson, HyC, ONO, Hispasat y en la Agencia Espacial Europea. En ERICSSON fue VP Media Sales Americas desde USA.

Javier Polo, CEO Playgiga
Javier Polo

Javier Polo



High level executive with broad experience in Marketing, Operations and Strategy. An engineer and MBA with 11 years experience as Director of Marketing & Commercialisation (B2B, B2C) in Telco’s (Orange). 10 years strategic consultant in various industries (Monitor Deloitte Group). Javier is Board Advisor to Berocam Consulting and Associate Professor at the IE Business School in Madrid

Guillermo Sánchez Vega, Editor El País
Guillermo Sánchez Vega

Guillermo Sánchez Vega


El País

Carlos López, Founder & CEO Oarsis
Carlos López

Carlos López

Founder & CEO


05:50pm - 06:20pm Playground Personalized advertising and hyper-targeted content Alex Jankelevich, Vice (Moderador) Programa Entertainment Ignacio Bachiller, CEO Fever
Ignacio Bachiller

Ignacio Bachiller



Ignacio estudió Ingeniera mecánica en MIT, con un especialización en energía y pasó un año fuera en la Universidad de Cambridge. Después de graduarse, Ignacio trabajó para McKinsey durante un año, donde se ocupaba del seguro, banking y de proyectos de energía. Poco tiempo después, empezó a trabajar para Fever como jefe de expansión , y después de pasar algún tiempo en Nueva York y luego Londres, asumió la responsabilidad de COO y después de CEO.

Gianluca Dettori, Founder and Chairman - Primomiglio SGR

Gianluca Dettori

Founder and Chairman - Primomiglio SGR

Gianluca Dettori is founder and chairman of Primomiglio SGR, investment company authorized by Bank of Italy operating in early stage venture capital. Primomiglio SGR has launched Barcamper Ventures, its first technology venture fund. In 2006 founded dpixel, technology venture capital advisory firm that develops advisory and consulting project in the area of startups collaborating with partners such as ERG, QVC, Cisco, Microsoft, Fondazione Cariplo, Aster (Regione Emilia Romagna), StartCup Calabria, StartCup Basilicata, Cipnes (Consorzio Industriale Olbia), Rome Chamber of Commerce, Maker Faire, City of Napoli, IWBank, Banca Sella. Started to operate as angel investor in 2003, funded and co-founded several startups (im3D, Sitonline, Urbissimo, Banzai, Liquida) and late ras founder of dpixel. As investor is active with over twenty investments in the Internet and software sectors among which Sardex, Kiver, Seolab, Mangatar, SmartRM, Vivaticket, Eco4Could, Viamente, Ciceroos, Cortilia, Iubenda, Mapendo.

Sergio Oslé, President Movistar+ at Telefónica
Sergio Oslé

Sergio Oslé


Movistar+ at Telefónica

Jorge Poyatos, Co-Founder Seedtag
Jorge Poyatos

Jorge Poyatos



Fernando Enrile, Movistar Plus
Fernando Enrile

Fernando Enrile

Movistar Plus


09:45am - 10:45am Sandbox Startup competition: Healtchare & Biotech Startups Programa Healthcare & Biotech
10:45am - 11:45am Sandbox Startup competition: B2C Programa B2C
12:00pm - 01:00pm Sandbox Startup competition: B2B Enterprise Service Programa B2B Enterprise Tech
01:00pm - 02:00pm Sandbox Startup competition: B2B Enterprise Technologies Programa B2B Enterprise Tech
02:00pm - 02:20pm Sandbox Winner announcement track Healthcare,B2C, B2B Enterprise Services, B2B Enterprise Technologies
03:20pm - 03:50pm Sandbox How new models of innovation can make the healthcare system more accessible Todd Morrill, NH-I-Corps program (Moderador) Programa Healthcare & Biotech Stefano Molino, Partner Innogest Capital

Stefano Molino


Innogest Capital

Stefano is Partner at Innogest SGR SpA, where is currently in charge of the digital practice and focuses on deal selection, transaction management, contract negotiation and closing of new investment opportunities. He is board member/observer in several companies such as CornerJob (leading European HR marketplace), Digital Magics (digital Italian incubator/accelerator listed at AIM stock exchange), Supermercato24 (leading Italian online grocery marketplace), Soulkitchen (B2B food delivery service for professional restoration segment) Armadio Verde (secondhand clothes marketplace), Prestiamoci (peer-to-per lending platform), Agroils Technologies (biofuels and proteins-based productions). He has been member/observer in companies such as Silicon Biosystems (medical device, sold to Menarini Group), Beintoo (mobile marketing), HT Srl (Cybersecurity) and Mobango (leading independent app store sold to Mauj Mobile). Before joining Innogest, Stefano was Investment Manager at Piemonte High Technology.

Frederic Llordachs Marqués, Co-Founder & Partner Doctoralia

Frederic Llordachs Marqués

Co-Founder & Partner


Dr. Frederic Llordachs Marqués is co-founder and partner of Doctoralia, the leading global platform that connects health professionals with patients. Since 2012 he has been in charge of the Health 2.0 in its Spanish editions. His experience in health management includes 8 years of work in some of the leading health insurance companies in Spain and in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as 5 years working as medical director of the prestigious CIMA Clinic in Barcelona. Doctoralia has been filling the digital gap between doctors and patients for the last 10 years.

Eduardo Diaz Sanchez, Director madri+d Foundation´s Entrepreneur Support Area
Eduardo Diaz Sanchez

Eduardo Diaz Sanchez


madri+d Foundation´s Entrepreneur Support Area

Eduardo Diaz, physicist from the University of Salamanca and MBA from IE is an expert in the management of R&D, Innovation and Technology-Based Entrepreneurship. He is currently Director at the madri+d Foundation´s Entrepreneur Support Area with technology-specialized incubation and acceleration programs (ESA BIC Madrid Region, healthstart, cleantechstart). Quality Mentoring is promoted through its madri+d Mentoring Network and its businessmentor certification, and the search for funding through its Business Angel Network BAN madri+d. With more than 25 years experience in managing programs related to European, National and Regional Public Policies, Eduardo has been, among others, Strategy Consultancy Manager at Socintec, University Lecturer and Software Engineer in the electronics and aeronautical sectors.

Paz Alvarado, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer Merck
Paz Alvarado

Paz Alvarado

Chief Digital & Innovation Officer


Paz Alvarado is Chief Digital & Innovation Officer in Merck, a leading global company in healthcare, science and technology, with more than 50,000 employees that work together to develop the technology of the future and take one step further in personalized medicine for the patient, the central axis of everything. She has more than 15 years of experience in digital marketing and communication across diverse sectors. She has a Telecommunication Engineering Ms Degree at Polytechnic University of Madrid and an Executive MBA in IE Business School. Alvarado is an expertise in digital transformation and innovation in the development of new business models.

03:50pm - 04:00pm Sandbox Breakthrough therapies and building scale in Pharma Programa Healthcare & Biotech Leandro Sigman, Presidente Chemo

Leandro Sigman



Leandro es el presidente del grupo Chemo, una empresa farmacéutica multinacional con presencia en mas de 40 países a través de 4 continentes. Con mas de 6000 profesionales, 15 plantas industriales, y 10 centros de I+D en el mundo, el grupo Chemo por casi 40 anos se ha comprometido a proporcionar mejoras constantes en healthcare. La visión familiar del negocio reflecta la pasión de Leandro por la innovación y la continua búsqueda de talentos disruptivos y de revolución en el sector de healthcare para facilitar y mejorar la vida de las personas. Emprendedor y fundador de varias startups relacionadas con e-health y tecnología, Leandro esta ahora dirigiendo una otra iniciativa, ChemoStart para ayudar otras startups con proyectos innovadores en health, para hacer de sus ideas una realidad. Leandro tiene un MBA de IAE Business School y es un miembro activo del consejo de diferentes organizaciones que apoyan emprendedores como Endeavor España y es el presidente de la cámara de comercio de Argentina en España – CEAES

04:00pm - 04:30pm Sandbox Road towards Wellbeing: Making personalized health a reality Programa Healthcare & Biotech Daniel Nathrath, Founder and CEO Ada Health

Daniel Nathrath

Founder and CEO

Ada Health

Daniel Nathrath is Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Ada, an AI powered health guide that helps people understand and manage their health. As a serial entrepreneur in consumer tech, Daniel led the shift of Ada from a purely doctor-facing tool to a global consumer app after seeing a huge need in the market. Since then, Ada has become one of the world’s fastest growing medical apps in 2017, with over four million completed health assessments, and a new assessment completed every 5 seconds. In October 2017, Ada raised €40 million in its first institutional funding round. Daniel has lived and worked in Germany, Denmark, the UK and the US as Founder, Managing Director and General Counsel at several internet startups. He also spent some years as a Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. He trained as a lawyer in Germany and the US, where he was a Fulbright Scholar, and earned his MBA from the University of Chicago.

Benjamin Joffe, Partner HAX
Benjamin Joffe

Benjamin Joffe



Benjamin Joffe (@benjaminjoffe) is a Partner at HAX, the world’s most active investor in hardware startups (>200 investments in robotics, IoT, consumer and health tech). HAX is part of SOSV, an early stage fund with a deep tech focus, running vertical accelerator programs and milestone-based investment. Benjamin also spoke at over 200 events across 30 countries, including TechCrunch Disrupt and two TEDx. His presentations and annual “Hardware Trends” report collected over 1 million online views. He has also written for Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat and IEEE Spectrum, and was featured in numerous media such as Nature, Wall Street Journal and WIRED. Trained as an aerospace engineer in France, Benjamin turned to corporate strategy and Asia (mostly China and Japan), where he lived from 2000 to 2017.

04:30pm - 04:35pm Sandbox Presentation of the PublicTech Lab Programa PublicTech & Govtech by IE Manuel Muñiz, Decano de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales IE University
Manuel Muñiz

Manuel Muñiz

Decano de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales

IE University

MANUEL MUÑIZ es Decano de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales de IE University y Director Fundador de su Centro para la Gobernanza del Cambio, una institución dedicada a estudiar los desafíos planteados por el acelerado cambio societal y tecnológico a los sectores público y privado y proponiendo soluciones y marcos para manejar estos desafíos. Los intereses de investigación del Dr. Muñiz se encuentran dentro de los campos de la innovación y la interrupción, la geopolítica y la gobernanza regional y global. Ha realizado investigaciones sobre los procesos de cooperación e integración en Europa y el Atlántico Norte con el fin de comprender cómo los Estados abordan la interdependencia y la complejidad. El Dr. Muñiz es también Asociado Senior en el Centro Belfer de Ciencias y Asuntos Internacionales de Harvard, así como uno de los promotores de su Iniciativa de Relaciones Transatlánticas, así como un miembro elegido de la Junta Directiva de Alumnos de la Escuela Kennedy de Gobierno.

Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano, PublicTech Lab- IE University Managing Director
Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano

Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano

PublicTech Lab- IE University

Managing Director

Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano is the Managing Director of the PublicTech Lab at IE University and has more than 12 years of professional experience, working on government affairs, international development and public innovation. Between 2017 and 2018, she spent a year at MIT studying the relationship among entrepreneurial innovation, technology, and public service delivery, and the use of open innovation methodologies for the public sector. Previously, she worked as the principal advisor to the Secretary of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), supporting the Secretary on the relationship with the 48 shareholder countries and helping in the political and strategic decision-making process of the institution. Idoia has developed her professional career in countries such as Uruguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, Spain and the United States. She holds an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, a Master’s degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, and a JD from the Universidad de Comillas (ICADE).

04:35pm - 05:05pm Sandbox How Amazon Innovates Programa PublicTech & Govtech by IE Paul Misener, VP, Global Innovation Policy and Communications Amazon
Paul Misener

Paul Misener

VP, Global Innovation Policy and Communications


Paul Misener is Vice President for Global Innovation Policy and Communications. An Amazon veteran of 18 years, Paul is an engineer, attorney, and inventor named in three patents. Prior to his current role, in which he explains and advocates Amazon’s culture and methods of customer-obsessed innovation, Paul founded Amazon’s public policy operations and served as the company’s Vice President for Global Public Policy from February 2000 to May 2016. On behalf of Amazon and its customers, he has testified before the US Congress over 30 times, and many times before policymaking bodies around the world. In 2013, Paul chaired the technical subcommittee of the FAA’s advisory committee that recommended allowing airline passengers to use electronic devices during taxi, takeoff, and landing. Prior to joining Amazon, he was a partner in the law firm of Wiley, Rein & Fielding; for Intel Corporation he led the computer industry’s Internet Access Coalition; he was centrally involved in the development of digital televis

Paul Misener, VP, Global Innovation Policy and Communications Amazon
Paul Misener

Paul Misener

VP, Global Innovation Policy and Communications


Paul Misener is Vice President for Global Innovation Policy and Communications. An Amazon veteran of 18 years, Paul is an engineer, attorney, and inventor named in three patents. Prior to his current role, in which he explains and advocates Amazon’s culture and methods of customer-obsessed innovation, Paul founded Amazon’s public policy operations and served as the company’s Vice President for Global Public Policy from February 2000 to May 2016. On behalf of Amazon and its customers, he has testified before the US Congress over 30 times, and many times before policymaking bodies around the world. In 2013, Paul chaired the technical subcommittee of the FAA’s advisory committee that recommended allowing airline passengers to use electronic devices during taxi, takeoff, and landing. Prior to joining Amazon, he was a partner in the law firm of Wiley, Rein & Fielding; for Intel Corporation he led the computer industry’s Internet Access Coalition; he was centrally involved in the development of digital televis

05:05pm - 05:50pm Sandbox PANEL I: Government as platfrom: myth or reality? Paris Martín Quintana (Moderador) Programa PublicTech & Govtech by IE Bernard le Masson, Managing Director Accenture Strategy
Bernard le Masson

Bernard le Masson

Managing Director

Accenture Strategy

Bernard le Masson is managing director for Public Service within Accenture Strategy and acts as global, Europe, Africa and Latin America lead for Accenture Health & Public Service Management Consulting. His role focuses on helping senior public service officials develop the capabilities, talent and offerings to drive better strategic outcomes. Mr. le Masson has 25 years of deep management consulting skills and experience in Accenture and strong industry knowledge. He has worked on a number of significant government transformation projects, including the State reform program in France, and many strategic consulting programs for agencies, ministries and local governments. Mr. le Masson was part of the public service innovation experts group, which produced a 2013 report on Public Service innovation in Europe at the request of the European Union—Directorate General for research and innovation.

Tanya Filer, Public Policy Research and Policy Engagement University of Cambridge
Tanya Filer

Tanya Filer

Public Policy Research and Policy Engagement

University of Cambridge

Diego Molano, Consultor internacional McKinsey
Diego Molano

Diego Molano

Consultor internacional


Richard J.Pope, The Kennedy School
Richard J.Pope

Richard J.Pope

The Kennedy School

05:50pm - 06:30pm Sandbox PANEL II: Publictech-preneurs: designing scalable solutions for a livable future Anjali Sastry, MIT (Moderador) Programa PublicTech & Govtech by IE Mariano Silveyra, Country Manager Spain Cabify
Mariano Silveyra

Mariano Silveyra

Country Manager Spain


Passionate, dynamic, highly motivated and result-driven executive with +18 years in B2B and B2C sales, marketing, business development and project management experience. Highly focus on deliver world-class high-transactional e-commerce products and services that help customers lead better lives. Create and deliver seamless Digital Journeys that matter to millions of users, through innovative and agile execution in fast-paced and multicultural international environments. Foster team spirit and manage highly talented people to match their strengths and capabilities with business and costumer needs.

Javier Sancho, Senior International Consultant One Concern
Javier Sancho

Javier Sancho

Senior International Consultant

One Concern

Alvaro Salvat, General Manager Lime
Alvaro Salvat

Alvaro Salvat

General Manager


Passionate about building more liveable cities by combining a human-centred focus with operational efficiency through innovation, Álvaro has launched the market strategy and successfully led the expansion of Lime in Spain& Portugal. Before joining Lime, Álvaro has been working in management and conceptual development for top-notch retail, corporate, and tech clients as well as lecturing for over 10 years. Thanks to an Executive MBA at IESE and a strong international experience, he has been able to achieve a better understanding of both the human and the fact-based sides of the business, allowing him to transform complex information into an impactful language.

Oscar Bachs, Director de Desarrollo de Negocio Unblur
Oscar Bachs

Oscar Bachs

Director de Desarrollo de Negocio


Oscar es un joven profesional español con un título en Negocios y Tecnología en La Salle (Barcelona), interesado en el espíritu emprendedor y en cómo la tecnología puede ayudar a los seres humanos. Complementando su formación empresarial en Londres y San Francisco, comenzó a introducirse en el lanzamiento del ecosistema de startups y a trabajar en 4 startups, desde el Sector de Bienes de Consumo y eCommerce hasta sus mayores aprendizajes en la Industria del Software. Oscar tiene experiencia dirigiendo el departamento de negocios, aprendiendo y entendiendo cómo la tecnología está siendo aceptada y utilizada en un mercado globalizado.

Jordi Diaz, CEO Play&go
Jordi Diaz

Jordi Diaz



ordi trabajó como consultor tecnológico y de innovación en una gran multinacional durante 10 años gestionando proyectos nacionales e internacionales en los sectores del turismo, las telecomunicaciones y la administración pública, liderando equipos multidisciplinares de hasta 50 personas. También dirigió startups de base tecnológica en los sectores de turismo, marketing y juegos de azar. Actualmente Jordi es el CEO de varias startups como Play&go experience, Global e-Accelerator y TripMenu. Jordi tiene un Executive MBA y un Programa de Marketing Digital del IE, un Master en Sistemas de Información y es ingeniero de telecomunicaciones. Está especializado en la gestión de proyectos complejos con equipos multidisciplinares, buscando siempre la excelencia y la máxima satisfacción de todos los grupos de interés: clientes, empleados, colaboradores, sociedad e inversores.

06:30pm - 06:50pm Sandbox Disrupting the Beauty Industry Programa PublicTech & Govtech by IE Jaime del Valle, Chief Marketing Officer L'Oréal-Spain
Jaime del Valle

Jaime del Valle

Chief Marketing Officer


The Next Big Thing

10:00am - 10:30am The Next Big Thing Pitching Startups Argentina Programa Startup Pitching
10:30am - 11:00am The Next Big Thing From Silicon Valley to the World Christian Prada, Spain Tech Center (Moderador) Programa International Expansion Laurence Fontinoy, Woom
Laurence Fontinoy

Laurence Fontinoy


Pablo Ruiz Correa, Liberbank
Pablo Ruiz Correa

Pablo Ruiz Correa


Diego de Alcala Cachero Rodriguez, CEO 3DSeatMapVR
Diego de Alcala Cachero Rodriguez

Diego de Alcala Cachero Rodriguez



Entrepreneur passionate about technology, management and advanced user interfaces. Dreaming and flying with our latest project "3D SeatMapVR" the future of airlines seat maps visualization, a Crystal Cabin award-winning technology (the aircraft cabin “Oscars”). Responsible for strategy, business and management. Wide experience as lead manager in projects developed for Emirates, Accenture, Indra, Telefónica, AFE - Association of Spanish Footballers, etc. UX/UI innovation: Futuristic web based user Interfaces, 3D, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, WebVR, etc. The new challenge? The implementation of advanced user interfaces in IoT, futuristic control and command centers and Smartcities.

11:00am - 11:30am The Next Big Thing Savia: Unleashing senior talent to foster social change through a digital platform Carlos Gomez Múgica, Fundación Endesa (Moderador) Pablo Rivas, Founder Global Alumni
Pablo Rivas

Pablo Rivas


Global Alumni

Pablo holds his bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and an MBA from IESE Business School. Additionally, he studied at Harvard, Berkeley and Loyola University in Chicago. He has senior management experience in both, public and private sectors. He is the founder of Global Alumni, a pioneer edtech company.

Carlos G. Plaza Vegas, Director and Chief Editor Phaedrus Music Porta
Carlos G. Plaza Vegas

Carlos G. Plaza Vegas

Director and Chief Editor

Phaedrus Music Porta

Born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1959. With almost 30 years of experience in consulting, Mr. Plaza has been involved in complex IT project implementations on a wide variety of markets, with different solutions and customers ranging from medium to global enterprises. Mr. Plaza worked for Indra for almost 16 years, holding different positions related to International Operations in the Technology Solutions Division, and Business Development for Public Sector and Health Markets. Between 2013 and 2016, Mr. Plaza held the position of SVP for Public Sector and Health in Indra USA, putting focus on Indra’s robust portfolio around Smart Cities, interoperability and citizen-centric solutions. Mr. Plaza is currently a member of the Innotalent Hub consultancy group and is Director and Chief Editor of the digital music portal Phaedrus.

Sergio Gabrin, General Manager Essence Group Spain
Sergio Gabrin

Sergio Gabrin

General Manager

Essence Group Spain

Systems Engineer by National University of the Province of Buenos Aires. PAD in Digital Transformation by IE Business School. PMP Certified by PMI. His Executive Profile is completed with his accreditations as Master Certified Executive, Directive and Organizational Coach by IAC. Coach accredited by AECOP. With over 25 years of experience as a Manager in IT Business Development at INDRA, Soluziona and Coopers & Lybrand. He has an international professional and personal experience developed in different geographies and cultures, residing in Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Italy, Mexico and currently in Spain.

Stephanie Zweifel, Directora del Área de Empresas Fundación máshumano
Stephanie Zweifel

Stephanie Zweifel

Directora del Área de Empresas

Fundación máshumano

En total cuenta con 18 años de experiencia en las áreas de Recursos Humanos y 4 años de experiencia en Operaciones y Gestión de Servicio al Cliente. Trabajó 7 años en DHL Worldwide Express como Director de Operaciones para América Latina en Fort Lauderdale, Miami, EE.UU. y posteriormente como Director de Recursos Humanos para el Cono Sur con sede en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Formó parte del Grupo Vips en Madrid, España durante 7 años como Director de Recursos Humanos. Actualmente trabaja en la Fundación máshumano desde hace 7 años como Director Corporativo de empresas nacionales e internacionales cuya misión es humanizar las organizaciones para cambiar sus procesos y poner a su gente en el centro de su estrategia.

Ignacio de Pinedo, CEO ISDI
Ignacio de Pinedo

Ignacio de Pinedo



11:30am - 11:45am The Next Big Thing Personal innovation - reinventing ourselves Luis Pardo Céspedes, CEO & Vice Chairman Sage Iberia

Luis Pardo Céspedes

CEO & Vice Chairman

Sage Iberia

CEO and vice chairman of Sage Iberia since 2014, Luis Pardo runs a company that innovates to facilitate the day to day of companies. In Sage he took on greater responsibilities in Europe until he was appointed Manager of Spain and Portugal, a role that combines with being the counselor of several companies, including Director of different startups. His wide experience gives him a panoramic vision on the challenges of digitalization. Luis Pardo not only speaks about technological development and the improvement of business management processes. He has a proven track record of leading companies in their strategic innovative steps to succeed in business development, in digital adaptation, in management of equipment, business culture, leadership and internationalization. He is member of the Business Council of the CEOE, of the Employment Promotion Advisory Council and of the Committee of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain. In 2016 he published 'The ABC of the Autonomous' (Deusto).

11:45am - 12:25pm The Next Big Thing Entering new markets, raising capital and recruiting top talent Suzanne Newman (Moderador) Ann-Christine Roope, Fundadora & CEO Ethan Partners
Ann-Christine Roope

Ann-Christine Roope

Fundadora & CEO

Ethan Partners

Ann es la fundadora y la CEO de Ethan Partners, una compañía ejecutiva global de búsqueda enfocada en empresas de internet de fuerte crecimiento. Ethan Partners ha respaldado mas de 150 empresas de internet exitosas y identificó +3000 candidatos de alto nivel. Estés clientes incluyen, entre otros, Uber, Houzz, Naspers, Zomato, Ringier, Deliveroo y Goldman Sachs. Antes de eso, Ann-Christine fue la directora de contratación a nivel internacional de Rocket Internet donde fue responsable de la contratación de fundadores y de altos ejecutivos para +75 compañías con cartera en +45 países, permitiendo a Rocket Internet empresa europea de 1000 personas de convertirse en una empresa mundial +25 000 personas en 2 años. Antes de eso, Ann fue la directora de contratación a nivel internacional de Groupon ya que entró +50 países. Ann también apoyó algunas de las mas grandes VC’s y PE’s con la adquisición de talentos.Ann tiene un posgrado en Marketing y comunicación de negocios de la Universidad Copenhagen Business School

Emma Fau, Fundadora EU Capital

Emma Fau


EU Capital

Emma tiene más de 20 años de experiencia profesional en Bruselas, incluyendo 12 años de trabajo de defensa política en nombre de la industria de capital privado y capital de riesgo ante las instituciones de la UE y otras organizaciones internacionales. Antes de incorporarse a la Asociación Europea de Capital Riesgo y Capital de Riesgo ("EVCA", ahora "Invest Europe"), Emma trabajó durante más de tres años para el Banco Bilbao Vizcaya-Argentaria (BBVA), que se ocupa de la gestión financiera de fondos europeos , Asesorando al banco ya los principales clientes en las líneas presupuestarias de la UE, subvenciones y subvenciones de interés para ellos en una amplia variedad de sectores. En 2012, Emma se convirtió en empresaria y fundó EUcapital SPRL con el objetivo de apoyar a las empresas y fondos para recaudar capital, ayudar a las primeras empresas a conseguir inversiones y prestar asistencia a algunas organizaciones en relación con sus relaciones con las instituciones de la UE.

Patricio Guitart, Fundador Guitart&Partners
Patricio Guitart

Patricio Guitart



Asesor de organizaciones líderes en Latinoamérica, USA y España en temas relacionados con crecimiento, innovación en el modelo de negocio, implementación de estrategias y alineamiento organizacional. Fundador de Guitart&Partners, una red de consultores y expertos en management, innovación y transformación organizacional. En el ámbito de investigación académica y de consultoría en Latinoamérica, Patricio trabaja estrechamente con el Dr. Robert Kaplan (Harvard Business School), Francis Gouillard (Michigan Ross Business School) y Renée Mauborgne (INSEAD Business School) Es Profesor del Centro de Educación Empresaria de la Universidad de San Andrés, Profesor invitado del Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA y además es Profesor Invitado en el INALDE Business School de Bogotá, Colombia. Es Coordinador del Innovation Lab en el Centro de Educación Empresaria de la Universidad de San Andrés, Mentor de la Red Endeavor y Miembro del Consejo de Administración de Fundación Leer.

María Jesús Fernández, Director of Finance & Investor Relations ICEX-Invest in Spain
María Jesús Fernández

María Jesús Fernández

Director of Finance & Investor Relations

ICEX-Invest in Spain

María J. Fernández is Director of Finance & Investor Relations at ICEX-Invest in Spain, a position she took after having served as Trade Commissioner of Spain in Chicago for five years and Director General for International Financing at the Ministry of Economy and Finance for two years. During her extensive professional career, she has also held senior positions at the Bank of Spain, where she was Head of the International Relations Division and Head of the European Affairs Division; at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, where she represented Spain at the Executive Board as Senior Advisor and Alternate Executive Director respectively; and at the Defense of Competition Tribunal, where she was Head of the President’s Office and Deputy Director of the Studies Department.

12:40pm - 01:20pm The Next Big Thing Finding alternatives to fundraising Oriol Juncosa, Co-Founder, Encomeda & White Peak Partners (Moderador) Jose Manuel Carol, Director de BStartup 10 Banco Sabadell

Jose Manuel Carol

Director de BStartup 10

Banco Sabadell

Director de BStartup10 en Banco Sabadell. BStartup es un vehículo de inversión para startups en su primera etapa que hace 10 inversiones por año de 100 mil euros cada una. Previo a unirse a Banco Sabadell, José desarrolló su carrera profesional trabajando como management consultant en Deloitte, manager en La Salle Technova Business Angel Network, analista de finanzas para fusiones y adquisiciones y banquero privado en Banco Sabadell. Jose tiene un grado en investigación de mercado y un MBA en IE Business School.

Pepe Borrel, Managing Director CrowdCube
Pepe Borrel

Pepe Borrel

Managing Director


Crowdcube makes equity investments easy and rewarding for anyone, anywhere. Since 2011 we've helped +800 businesses to raise over 500M€. Key responsibilities include managing Barcelona team and office, adapting our value proposition for non-UK customers, representing Crowdcube in front of local institutions, regulators, partners and media, and spending time with startup founders and C-Level Executives raising over 1M€.

Santiago Reyna,
Santiago Reyna

Santiago Reyna

Business Angel

I am CEO of Realiza, a small VC based in Valencia-Spain. We have inveted mainly in biotech and digital technologies. Moreover, I am founder of Bracken IR, a financial communications agency with office in Madrid-Spain. I've been General Manager of DCN Ventures during the last 7 years. I am Lawyer and AMP from Instituto de Empresa.

Karel Escobar Sánchez, Dealflow Manager & Startup Relations Startupxplore
Karel Escobar Sánchez

Karel Escobar Sánchez

Dealflow Manager & Startup Relations


Analyst at Startupxplore, the premium investment platform, focusing on early stage startups and seed capital. Karel is in charge of startup relationships and scouting activities. Since Startupxplore they have financed more than 20 companies with a total investment of 5 million€. The financing rounds of Startupxplore range from 200k€-500k€. Before joining the Startupxplore team, he spent 4 years in Tetuan Valley, the first pre-accelerator in Europe. In Tetuan Valley he spent 2 years as CEO developing entrepreneurship programs in Spain, working on European Commission projects and collaborating with corporations in Open Innovation activities. In addition to the above, she has experience in early stage startups, has acted as an investor and is a member of the COTEC 100.

Carlos Silva, Entrepreneur in Residence Seedrs

Carlos Silva

Entrepreneur in Residence


Carlos es actualmente un empresario en residencia en Faber Ventures, una compañía de capital de riesgo de fase semilla con sede en Portugal. Carlos también es el cofundador de Seedrs, plataforma líder de crowdfunding en Europa, así que uno de los fundadores de Beta-I, una compañía portuguesa sin ánimo de lucro que promueve el emprendimiento y la innovación. Además de eso, Carlos trabaja como mentor en muchos programas de aceleración (Seedcamp, Lisbon Challenge, Founder Institute, etc.) y es consejero para varias start-ups. Ha ganado un premio Young Gun en UK, como la persona mas prometedora demenos de 35 anos, y ha sido reconocido como uno de los mejores de los cuarenta de menos de 40 años en Portugal. Carlos tiene una carrera de Ingenieria Informática del InstitutoSuperior Técnico y un MBA de la universidad de Oxford.

01:20pm - 01:50pm The Next Big Thing Using technology to empower Culture Borja Alvarez Rubio, Ministerio de Cultura (Moderador) Andreu Garrido, Socio y Consultor Teknecultura

Andreu Garrido

Socio y Consultor


Ha trabajado en diferentes empresas y varios años como autónomo en proyectos vinculados al sector cultural en tareas de consultoría, comunicación y producción. Actualmente es socio y consultor en Teknecultura, empresa especializada en el análisis de datos y desarrollo de estrategias de marketing 'Data-driven decision', un enfoque innovador para el sector cultural y gracias al que seguimos aprendiendo día tras día. Anteriormente había sido Director de proyectos en Bissap Gestió Cultural, consultora especializada en planificación y gestión de públicos culturales. Colabora regularmente con el programa de Gestión Cultural de la Universidad de Barcelona en proyectos de investigación sobre políticas culturales. Actualmente es el Presidente de la Asociación de Gestores Culturales de Catalunya compartiendo proyecto con un amplio grupo de profesionales de diversos ámbitos del sector cultural.

Miguel Fernández Díaz, Co-Fundador Arqueovuelos

Miguel Fernández Díaz



Miguel es arqueólogo, piloto-operador de RPAS/drones y especialista en Nuevas Tecnologías aplicadas al Patrimonio, centrándose tanto en la investigación como en la divulgación de contenidos histórico-culturales. Es fundador y CEO de Virtua Nostrum, así como cofundador de Arqueovuelos (junto al equipo de Pequeños Arqueólogos), un proyecto dedicado a la divulgación, difusión y educación Patrimonial mediante la tecnología dron.

Carlo D'Ursi, Producer Potenza Producciones
Carlo D'Ursi

Carlo D'Ursi


Potenza Producciones

Carlo D’Ursi has more than fifteen years of experience in the film industry with coproductions that achieved selections in important festivals such as Cannes, Malaga, Venice, Seville, among others. Consultant of many projects and renowned film enterprises business plans, as well as counsellor for funding applications. As a film producer, he started working with El Deseo (Agustín and Pedro Almodóvar production company), and Alta Producción (Alta Films). In 2004 he founded Potenza Producciones. Films produced by Potenza Producciones have won more than 200 national and international awards. InCannes Festival (2017), he represented Spain on the Producers on the Move European Film Promotion’s (EFP) networking platform. The experience of Carlo as a film producer is only a part of his career. In 2015, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture-Cultural Industries, Potenza Producciones has launched VEOBEO, an online film distributor for on-demand projections.

01:50pm - 02:20pm The Next Big Thing COCA COLA- Pitches
03:30pm - 04:00pm The Next Big Thing PITCHING STARTUP SESAME Programa Startup Pitching
04:00pm - 04:20pm The Next Big Thing A Hard Day's Night: Putting a customer-centric strategy into practice Hugo Giralt, Propelland (Moderador) Programa Customer Experience Carmen Carey, COO Unbabel
Carmen Carey

Carmen Carey



Carmen Carey is the Chief Operating Officer of Unbabel, the Translation as a Service platform which removes language barriers between companies and their customers using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and a global crowd of human editors. Carmen has held a wealth of executive leadership roles in fast-growing global VC-backed and publicly-traded technology companies like Apica, Big Data Partnership, MetaPack, ControlCircle and MessageLabs. In 2017 she received the Stevie Bronze Award for Most Innovative Woman of the Year in Technology - the world’s top honour for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees and the organisations they run. Carmen graduated from California State University where she received a Bachelors and Masters in Communications.

04:20pm - 04:50pm The Next Big Thing Buidling a scalable Customer Experience is key to success Jaime Moreno, Mormedi (Moderador) Programa Customer Experience Aitor del Coso, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer Mutua Madrileña
Aitor del Coso

Aitor del Coso

Chief Digital and Innovation Officer

Mutua Madrileña

Currently, Executive Board member of Grupo Mutua Madrileña (MM), responsible for transforming MM in a customer-centric and digital-first organization (across all business lines and channels). MM is the second largest non-life insurance Group in Spain, with 5+ Bn€ premiums. Also, member of the Board of Directors of Antai Venture Builder (Mutua's partner for the creation of disruptive business models) Prior experience in Management Consulting, with focus on Banking/Insurance and Digital/Multichannel projects, taking Associate Principal role at McKinsey and Company. Passionate about insurance, analytics, digital transformation and digital marketing and sales. M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Telecomms Engineering (2003 and 2008, respectively). Working proficiency in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

Alberto Knapp, Fundador y Presidente The Cocktail - Spain
Alberto Knapp

Alberto Knapp

Fundador y Presidente

The Cocktail - Spain

Founder and President of the main Digital Design Consultancy in Spain, The Cocktail, with offices in Madrid, Mexico D.F. and Bogota. Alberto invests in internet startups and helps entrepreneurs through startup accelerators like Seedrocket, Wayra, AIEI (Internet Investors and Entrepreneurs Association) and the Bankinter Foundation of Innovation. He is also partner and advisor at Seaya Ventures, a Venture Capital dedicated to growth and later stage internet companies. Alberto was awarded the Young Businessman Award in Madrid in 2011, is member of the Future Trends Forum and is a regular speaker at business schools and internet congresses. In the past, Alberto founded an internet startup in 1998 that was sold in 1999, worked in one of the main TV companies in Spain and was head of New Products and Services at a Telecom Company.

Isaac Hernandez, Google
Isaac Hernandez

Isaac Hernandez


Rafael Tamames, Socio Fundador Findasense
Rafael Tamames

Rafael Tamames

Socio Fundador


Experto en transformación digital, marketing y emprendimiento. Findasense, empresa global de Customer Experience con tres áreas de negocio: consultoría de innovación, factoría de experiencias e integradora tecnológica con más de 300 empleados y presencia en 12 paises. Consultor en transformación digital de compañías multinacionales con más de 15 años de experiencia en Digitalización de sectores, experiencias ominicanal del consumidor, Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial y marketing digital. Cuenta con un conocimiento profundo y multidimensional del consumidor en más de 10 industrias, obtenido al trabajar como partner de compañías como: L'Oreal, The Coca-Cola Company, Kimberly Clark, FOX, Huawei, Warner, Lenovo, Banco Santander, Electronic Arts, IE Business School, Orange, Bayer, Bimbo, entre otros. Es autor de ¿Qué robot se ha llevado mi queso? Su foco de trabajo es la innovación y la transformación de las compañías a través de herramientas digitales necesarias para el futuro empresarial.

04:50pm - 05:20pm The Next Big Thing Dealing with the real issues Jose Luis, Unltd (Moderador) Programa Social Impact Antonio Espinosa, Co-Founder AUARA
Antonio Espinosa

Antonio Espinosa



Antonio Espinosa es licenciado en arquitectura por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, donde recibió una matrícula de honor por su proyecto de fin de carrera relacionado con la construcción de un Hospital en Etiopía. Ha colaborado en proyectos de cooperación en países como Perú, Camboya y Etiopía. Fue uno de los fundadores de la revista La Grieta, y forma parte del programa YTP MBA de IESE. Actualmente es co-Fundador y CEO de AUARA. En 2017 fue incluido en la prestigiosa lista ’30 under 30’ de Forbes España que reconoce a los 30 jóvenes más influyentes, jóvenes encaminados a ser referentes de una generación.

Arturo Garcia Alonso, Managing Director Global Social Impact

Arturo Garcia Alonso

Managing Director

Global Social Impact

I am working as Managing Director in Global Social Impact, advisor to the new Impact Investment Fund GSIF, currently being set up in Luxembourg. Previously I worked for Open Value Foundation, as trustee in a UK based charity, Strategy Manager in Sareb, Finance Director in a multinational group, consultant in BBVA Group, researcher at IESE Business School, finance analyst at Deloitte, among others. I hold a Ms. Degree in Business Administration with a major in Finance and a Ms. Degree in Law, both from ICADE University (Madrid, Spain). I have also completed the Executive MBA at IESE Business School. I am the author of the book “El ABC de la crisis” (The ABC of the crisis), adapted and translated to Portugal, and have published several papers on Finance and hundreds of articles for newspapers.

05:20pm - 05:40pm The Next Big Thing Raising money for the greater good Programa Social Impact
05:40pm - 06:00pm The Next Big Thing Reaching your dream: Don't Think, run! Programa Inspirational Chema Martínez,

Chema Martínez


Spanish athlete and medallist, renowned speaker and communicator, Chema Martínez has participated in two Olympic Games and seven World Championships in Athletics. He is a triple medallist in the European Championships, the Mediterranean Games and the Athletics World Cup. Illustrating his versatility, Chema has recently tested his skills under extreme conditions, including the Atacama Desert, the Sahara, Antarctica and the Marathon Des Sables. Besides, he collaborates with various solidarity initiatives, including the Telefonica Foundation Proniño program, which helps underprivileged children, and the Spanish Association Against Cancer. This is his motto: “Do not think, run.”

06:00pm - 06:20pm The Next Big Thing Reaching for the stars: a cosmonaut story Programa Inspirational Alexander Misurkin, Cosmonaut Roscosmos
Alexander Misurkin

Alexander Misurkin



• Commander of the International Space Station for Expedition 54 • Lieutenant-colonel of the Russian Armed Forces, retired • Participated in 2 space missions in 2013 and 2017 • Time in space 334 days 11 hours 29 minutes • Done 4 extravehicular activities. Total EVA time - 28 hours 14 minutes • In 2016 awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation • On February 2, 2018 Misurkin along with flight engineer Anton Shkaplerov participated in a 8-hour 13 minutes spacewalk outside of the ISS to replace an old electronics box for a high-gain communications antenna. At completion, the two cosmonauts set a new record for the longest Russian spacewalk to date • Father of 2 children. • Public speaker. Develops social and sports projects in Russia

06:20pm - 06:50pm The Next Big Thing Marittimotech Project Pitching Marittimotech Project Pitching (Moderador)

Investors Den powered by IE

10:00am - 10:40am Investors Den powered by IE Seed Investments in Europe Christopher Rolfe, GoBeyond (Moderador) Sergio Pérez Merino, Director de Venture Capital Banco Sabadell
Sergio Pérez Merino

Sergio Pérez Merino

Director de Venture Capital

Banco Sabadell

Sergio Pérez es Gerente de Inversiones en la división de capital de riesgo de Banco Sabadell. Sabadell Venture Capital es la iniciativa de Banco Sabadell para proveer capital a empresas en sus primeras etapas con un foco en ICT y filosofía enfocada en dar soporte a emprendedores. Previo a unirse a Banco Sabadell, Sergio Perez trabajó en Caixa Capital Risk, donde colaboró con la expansión y consolidación de la división por más de 10 años. Además de su experiencia como inversor, Sergio fue parte del equipo inicial de Southwing, una startup de tecnología en el campo de dispositivos Bluetooth. Anteriormente trabajó en Vodafone como ingeniero en el departamento de soluciones integradas. Sergio tiene un grado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) y una Maestría en leyes de finanzas corporativas, fusiones, adquisiciones y financiación de negocios en ESADE.

Rodrigo Mallo Leiva, Program Director SOSV
Rodrigo Mallo Leiva

Rodrigo Mallo Leiva

Program Director


Rodrigo is Partner & Program Director at SOSV, where he leads the European early-stage life sciences investment team, focused on the intersection of biology and engineering. He's passionate about how founders can engineer science to solve most of the world's biggest challenges. He sits on the boards of Algiknit, Visusnano,and Chronomics, and serves as a mentor for The Founder Institute, Techstars, and Startup Chile. Before his venture career, Rodrigo founded four LatAm companies in the food, gaming, and digital advertising industries. He is a regular speaker at Slush, Vivatech, Dublin Tech Summit, and Biofabricate, among others, and is an Ambassador for the MIT Technology Review in Europe. Rodrigo is a Kauffman Fellow.

Gonzalo Tradacete Gallart, CEO & Co-Founder Faraday Venture Partners
Gonzalo Tradacete Gallart

Gonzalo Tradacete Gallart

CEO & Co-Founder

Faraday Venture Partners

Gonzalo Tradacete co-founded Faraday Venture Partners, a private investors club in technological startups. Faraday analyses and presents to its Partners a selection of what it considers the best investment opportunities, manages the investment process and negotiations on behalf of its Partners and represents their interests in their invested companies. Faraday represents today 192 Partners having invested over 10 million Euros in 23 startups. Previously, Gonzalo worked in KPMG’s M&A department, in a London based Hedge Fund / Private Equity, as technology consultant for alternative investment funds an as alternative investment companies’ auditor in PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. Gonzalo is a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder, Master in Business Entrepreneurship by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, MSc in International Finance by the Westminster University and holds a Licence in Economic Sciences by the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Pieter Welten, Principal Prime Ventures

Pieter Welten


Prime Ventures

Pieter Welten es el principal de Prime Ventures desde 2013. Se encuentra en Ámsterdam, y forma parte de los consejos de administración de Iwoca y Eatstreet. Antes de trabajar en Prime, Pieter trabajó en una boutique de finanzas corporativas y capital de riesgo con sede en Londres donde trabajó en varias fases iniciales y de crecimiento de inversiones de capital en empresas tecnológicas. A lo mismo tiempo, Pieter cofundó una start-up social de móvil que ahora esta en la app graveyard.

Gonzalo Martinez de Azagra, Co-Founder & Managing Partner Cardumen Capital
Gonzalo Martinez de Azagra

Gonzalo Martinez de Azagra

Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Cardumen Capital

Gonzalo has over 13 years of technology, venture capital, and advisory experience. He is co-founder and Managing General Partner at Cardumen Capital, a European venture capital firm investing in deep tech in Israel. Prior to Cardumen, Gonzalo spent four years in Korea at Samsung’s headquarters. He then founded and lead Samsung Ventures Israel’s office. At Samsung Ventures he deployed over $120 million in capital in the USA, Europe, and Israel. Notable deals include: Replay (acquired by Intel), PrimeSense (acquired by Apple), Cortica, Earlysense, Corephotonics, Celeno, Aveni, StoreDot, Humavox, Elastifile, Yume (NYSE), and Rounds (acquired by Kik). In the past Gonzalo was a strategy consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers and a systems engineer at the former Atomic Energy authority (AEA Technology) in the UK.

10:40am - 11:10am Investors Den powered by IE From Voice assistants to smart back offices: What scope of AI is the most interesting for investors? Cristina Aranda (Moderador) Tobias Schirmer, Managing Partner JOIN Capital

Tobias Schirmer

Managing Partner

JOIN Capital

Después de graduarse de la Universidad de Exeter en 2003, Tobias empezó su carrera en el sector financiero, trabajando para Merrill Lynch y Deutsche Bank en Europa. Después de su MBA de IE Business School en 2007, Tobias fundó dos startups antes de unirse al programa de emprendimiento Bertelsmann en 2008. Durante este periodo, Tobias trabajó para Random House en Nueva York, Antena 3 en Madrid y BMG Rights Management en Berlín. Después de eso, trabajó como Principal para Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments donde realizó inversiones directas y de fondos a través de Europa. En España, Tobias invirtió en compañías como Traity, Whisbi y Marfeel. En 2015, Tobias cofundó JOIN Capital, una empresa de capital de riesgo de fase inicial con sede en Berlín que invierte en empresas y en startups de tecnología industrial en Europa.

James Wise, Partner Balderton
James Wise

James Wise



Pauline Roux, Partner, Elaia Partners

Pauline Roux

Partner, Elaia Partners

Pauline joined Elaia Partners in early 2014 as Investment Manager. She began her career as an Equity Research Analyst at Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux (former broker of Crédit Agricole CIB), then in an independent firm, Genesta Finance, where she spent three years covering European midcap stocks in the internet and video games sector. In 2011, she joined the Corporate Finance team at the investment bank Bryan, Garnier & Co. Still specialising in the Internet and TMT industries, Pauline has realised more than ten transactions, from M&A to fundraising/IPOs and capital restructuring. She became Partner in 2017. Education: EM Lyon (MSc in Management), Corvinus University of Budapest Expertise: AdTech, HR Tech, E-commerce, Digital Media, SaaS Followed participations: Agriconomie, Criteo, Cryptosense, Easyrecrue, Pandacraft, Selectionnist, Talent.io, Tinyclues, Wyplay, Realytics, Keymantics

11:10am - 11:50am Investors Den powered by IE The strategy behind picking seed investments Iñaki Arrola, KFund (Moderador) Sebastian Peck, Managing Director InMotion Ventures
Sebastian Peck

Sebastian Peck

Managing Director

InMotion Ventures

Sebastian Peck es Director General de InMotion Ventures, la división de movilidad y capital riesgo corporativo de Jaguar Land Rover. Sebastian comenzó su carrera en el Boston Consulting Group y más tarde se unió al equipo asesor de TMT de UBS Investment Bank, proporcionando servicios financieros corporativos para clientes de telecomunicaciones, medios de comunicación y tecnología. Durante los últimos siete años, Sebastian ha estado involucrado en negocios de tecnología en sus primeras etapas como inversionista y operador. Como CFO / COO de Digital Science, un proveedor de software científico de rápido crecimiento, construyó con éxito un negocio con el apoyo de las empresas desde cero. También estableció a Digital Science como una de las principales empresas de capital riesgo, desarrollando su enfoque de inversión de firma y completando más de cincuenta transacciones en su etapa inicial.

Andrea Martinelli, Consejera de inversión y desarrollo de negocio Nello Investments & WA4STEAM
Andrea Martinelli

Andrea Martinelli

Consejera de inversión y desarrollo de negocio

Nello Investments & WA4STEAM

Ejecutiva e inversora angel con gran experiencia international y en desarrollo de negocios en los sectores industrial y salud. Andrea ha liderado crecimiento de negocios, desarollo, adquisiciones, integraciones, devestimientos, transofmraciones y restrcuturaciones. Desde 2016 da soporte al desarollo del ecosistema de emprendimiento en ciencias de vida, invirtiendo, capacitando y como consejera de startups. Es miembro de SWAN Women Angels Network and of AMCES, la asociación española de mentoring.

Juuso Koskinen, Investment Analyst OpenOcean
Juuso Koskinen

Juuso Koskinen

Investment Analyst


Juuso has been working with and in startups since 2012. Before OpenOcean, he worked for one of our portfolio companies, Oppex, focusing on user activation and product marketing. Prior to that, he spent a couple of years organizing Slush, Europe’s leading startup conference and running the Startup Sauna accelerator for the most promising early-stage startups in Northern and Eastern Europe. Juuso holds a degree in M.Sc. from Aalto University, where he majored in Strategic Management and Work Psychology, but spent time also with UX Design and Financial Engineering.

11:50am - 12:20pm Investors Den powered by IE Data Science in VC Guillem Sagué, Nautacapital (Moderador) Stefano Gurciullo, Partner and Head of Science & Technology Redstone VC
Stefano Gurciullo

Stefano Gurciullo

Partner and Head of Science & Technology

Redstone VC

Stefano is Partner and Head of Science & Technology at Redstone, a data-driven venture capital firm empowering the corporate venture capital activities of several global companies. Stefano focuses on early stage investments related to artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics and generally frontier tech, and is leading the building Redstone's own tech stack investment. Stefano holds a PhD in Financial Computing from University College London, has built a company and worked with several public bodies, such as the Italian Government, the European Commission and the Bank of England, on matters related to finance and data science. He is a Global Shaper of the World Economic Forum.

Tom Mendoza, Venture Lead EQT Ventures

Tom Mendoza

Venture Lead

EQT Ventures

Antes de trabajar en EQT, dirigió la expansión internacional de Hotel Tonight a través de UK y Irlanda. También fue el fundador y CEO de Tep, una operadora móvil virtual global para viajadores. Empezó su carrera como un inversor de hedge fund enfocado en el sector tecnológico.

Carles Illa, Data Scientist Nauta
Carles Illa

Carles Illa

Data Scientist


Carles Illa is a Software Engineer and Data Scientist at Nauta Capital in Barcelona. He works on the development of the Dealflow Engine, a proprietary tool to automatically extract, structure and enrich data of potential investment opportunities. Prior to Nauta, Carles was Chief Technology Officer at APIMATICA, an Information Technology Company focused on extracting information and knowledge from open sources. As the CTO, Carles guided the technical direction of the company and also contributed to software development. Carles holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the UAB in Barcelona and an MBA from ESADE.

Francesco Corea, Investor Four Trees Merchant Partners Inc.
Francesco Corea

Francesco Corea


Four Trees Merchant Partners Inc.

Francesco Corea, Ph.D., is a complexity scientist and tech investor who is mainly focusing on science-driven companies in high-social-impact verticals including life sciences, energy, and artificial general intelligence. Francesco has a background that ranges from economics and finance to applied machine learning, and he's been working on a variety of different data problems over the past few years (e.g., sentiment analysis, fraud detection, behavioral science, etc.). Currently, he is working with a few AI companies as well as an emerging VC fund. Dr. Corea holds a Ph.D. in Economics.

Arturo Moreno, Founding CEO Preseries

Arturo Moreno

Founding CEO


Arturo is a firm believer that technology financing must be a fast, data-driven and fair process. He is the cofounder and CEO of PreSeries, a spin-off from BigML, and the rising-leader software startup for venture capital data management and predictive modelling. At PreSeries he is building an affordable, best-in-class software tool to allow all investors leverage the benefits that data and ML represents for the generation of insights. Arturo previously worked in Bessemer Venture Partners as a venture capitalist, Kensho Technologies and Ferrovial as an Investment Manager. He holds an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, as well as BS in Business and an LLB from Universidad Carlos of Madrid. He is the former President of MIT FinTech and MIT Martin Trust Center for entrepreneurship Practice Leader.

12:20pm - 12:40pm Investors Den powered by IE Key trends on financing the economy of innovation Carlos Trenchs - Director dayOne Caixabank (Moderador) Sonya Iovieno, Managing Director Silicon Valley Bank
Sonya Iovieno

Sonya Iovieno

Managing Director

Silicon Valley Bank

Sonya Iovieno heads up the Growth and VC-Backed division of Silicon Valley Bank’s UK Branch. Working closely with high growth technology and innovation companies, Sonya brings a deep pool of banking and debt resources to support these businesses in a fast changing world. She liaises closely with companies and investors to build financing solutions for some of the UKs most exciting and innovative businesses. Sonya joined SVB from Lloyds Bank in September 2016, where she was responsible for New Business Origination with Mid-Market companies. She brings 20 years of corporate and commercial banking experience with both large and mid-sized corporates. Her career spans M&A, Corporate Leverage and Relationship Banking. With a keen sense of responsibility to pass on her experience to the next generation, Sonya sits on the board of a Southwark schools charity initiative through Career Ready, mentoring and supporting sixth form students to prepare them for the world of work.

12:45pm - 03:30pm Investors Den powered by IE Ascri Event (Private Event)
03:40pm - 04:10pm Investors Den powered by IE Making Corporate Venture Funds work Javier González, VentureSpec (Moderador) Jay Reinemann, Socio Propel Venture
Jay Reinemann

Jay Reinemann


Propel Venture

After over 25 years in financial services as an investor and operator, Jay is a General Partner at Propel Venture Partners, investing in early-stage companies that are leveraging technology to transform financial services. Prior to Propel Venture Partners, Jay founded and led BBVA Ventures through its spin-out into Propel. While at BBVA he was also responsible for emerging technology strategy and corporate development, including investments such as TravelBank, SimplyCredit, DocuSign, Coinbase, Personal Capital and the acquisition of Simple. Jay previously held several investment and operational roles at Visa, ultimately heading the Corporate Ventures and Strategic Alliances group, which invested in and guided companies that were acquired by larger firms such as Motorola, Sybase, HP, and VeriFone. His background includes launching a start-up challenged by the financial crisis, as well as positions at Old Kent Financial Corporation (Fifth Third), and Andersen Consulting.

Vin Lingathoti, Head of Ventures Investments Europe, Cisco

Vin Lingathoti

Head of Ventures Investments Europe,


Vin Lingathoti is a senior investment professional at Cisco Investments focusing on venture investments in Cybersecurity. In his current role, Vin serves as a board observer at Panaseer, Behaviosec, Intersec, and 6Wind. He is also a member of LP Advisory Committee at Evolution Equity, Partech Ventures and Idinvest. Vin has over a decade experience in tech industry and has held multiple roles in corporate development, private equity, management consulting and product management.

Julian Vinue, Director in Barcelona Wayra Barcelona

Julian Vinue

Director in Barcelona

Wayra Barcelona

Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones y MBA, dirigía el Área de Emprendimiento en La Salle Technova Barcelona hasta 2012, donde administré una comunidad de más de 100 startups que buscaban inversiones y les brindé apoyo en el desarrollo de sus negocios. Luego pasé a dirigir Wayra en Barcelona, ​​el Hub de innovación abierta más global, conectado y de tecnología impulsado por Telefónica para apoyar a emprendedores tecnológicos con proyectos en Europa y América Latina. Las inversiones de Wayra Barcelona han sido un éxito, recaudando rondas de inversión de terceros para las startups por un total de más de $ 30 millones y también ejecutaron 3 retiros con altos rendimientos para la compañía. También soy observador en el directorio de las 27 empresas que tenemos en el portfolio de Wayra Barcelona. También soy orador en conferencias de emprendimiento y universidad, tratando de comunicar a nuevos empresarios y estudiantes de grado mi experiencia con otras startups.

04:10pm - 04:40pm Investors Den powered by IE The ''tricky'' side of VC investment: cutting the follow-on while maintaining a good relationship Itxaso del Palacio, formerly at M12 (Moderador) Brian Caulfield, Socio Draper Esprit

Brian Caulfield


Draper Esprit

Brian es un emprendedor en serie convertido en VC. Anteriormente fundó las empresas de software Exceptis Technologies que fue adquirido por Trintech Group y Similarity Systems que fue comprado a su vez, por Informatica. Antes de unirse a Draper Esprit, Brian fue socio de Trinity Venture Capital, donde trabajó en las juntas directivas de AePONA (Intel), ChangingWorlds (Amdocs), CR2, SteelTrace (Compuware) y APT (CSR). Actualmente se encuentra en el consejo de administración de The Irish Times, el principal diario de Irlanda, además de sus compañías del portfolio de Draper Esprit. Brian es graduado en Ingeniería Informática por el Trinity College Dublin.

Vytautas Balsys, Vice President Eight Roads Ventures
Vytautas Balsys

Vytautas Balsys

Vice President

Eight Roads Ventures

Vytautas Balsys is a Vice President at Eight Roads in the Europe Ventures team, where he focuses on investments in enterprise software, online & mobile consumer platforms and financial technology. Earlier in his career, Vytautas advised leading companies on strategy, technology and operations at McKinsey, ran a tech-enabled insurance brokerage business, and built software.

Boris Golden, Principal Partech Ventures

Boris Golden


Partech Ventures

Boris es director en Partech, en París, centrado en las actividades semilla. Ha invertido hasta un millón de euros en startups de etapa temprana alrededor de toda Europa. Boris se incorporó a Pantech en febrero del 2015. Antes de entrar a formar parte de Partech, Boris fue Director de Producto en Viadeo, la red profesional de network líder en Francia y China. También fue mentor en Le Camping Startup Accelerator y Microsoft Ventures, y ayudó en asesorando a numerosas startups. Antes de esto, Boris fue el fundador y director general de Pealk, una startup SaaS para encontrar y contactar a profesionales en las redes sociales. Pealk fue adquirida en el año 2012 por Viadeo, el competidor de LinkedIn.

04:40pm - 05:20pm Investors Den powered by IE Fundraising in SV Monica Pal, 4iQ (Moderador) Jeff Clavier, Fundador & CEO SoftTech VC

Jeff Clavier

Fundador & CEO

SoftTech VC

Jeff Clavier es el fundador y socio gerente de SoftTech VC, una de las empresas de capital riesgo para empresas semilla más establecidas de Silicon Valley, con más de 170 inversiones cerradas desde 2004. Un inversor de primera fase en Web 2.0, Jeff y su equipo han prestado apoyo a startups de éxito como Mint (Intuit), Kongregate (GameStop), Brightroll (Yahoo), LiveRamp (Acxiom), Milo (eBay), Wildfire (Google), Bleacher Report (Turner), Gnip (Twitter), Fitbit (NYSE:FIT), Eventbrite, Sendgrid, Poshmark, Hired, Postmates y Vungle. Y la cartera ha sido testigo también de adquisiciones de Groupon, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo y AOL. Actualmente, la compañía está invirtiendo su Fondo IV, de 85 millones USD, con 16 compromisos de 850.000 USD anuales en saas móviles/en la nube, servicios al consumo, hardware conectado, mercados y TI para la asistencia sanitaria.

Tytus Cytowski, Founder Cytowski & Partners
Tytus Cytowski

Tytus Cytowski


Cytowski & Partners

Tytus Cytowski is an American technology lawyer and founder of Cytowski & Partners, a law firm for startups, series A and US expansion. Tytus has developed a successful startup law practice focusing on European startups scaling and fundraising in Silicon Valley. He has mentored over 500+ founders, helped launch over 100+ startups and assisted 50+ startups to raise almost $1 billion in financing. His clients are companies from Y Combinator, 500 Startups and Techstars. He holds his law degree from Harvard Law School and Warsaw University. He is mentor at several incubators/accelerators in the US and EU.

Alberto Yepez, Co-Founder & Managing Director  ForgePoint Capital 

Alberto Yepez

Co-Founder & Managing Director

 ForgePoint Capital 

Alberto is one of the pioneers of the cybersecurity industry and has played significant roles as a serial entrepreneur, public/private company CEO, board member and venture capital investor. He founded enCommerce in 1995 to enable the secure use of the Internet for business, was co-CEO & President of Entrust, and Chairman & CEO of Thor Technologies leading them to successful exits. He spent 10 years at Apple and 2.5 years at Oracle in senior leadership roles. He is currently on the board of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) and is chairman of the Hispanic IT Executive Council (HITEC). Alberto is recognized as one of the leading investors in cybersecurity and for his company building skills.

Adam Draper, Founder and Managing Director  Boost VC

Adam Draper

Founder and Managing Director 

Boost VC

For Adam Draper, Managing Director at Boost VC, no idea is too crazy. He dreams of building an ironman suit and leads the deals in the wildest SciFi Tech investments - exoskeletons, jetpacks, rockets... Go big or go home. He co-founded Boost VC after his success as an Angel Investor in companies like Coinbase, Amplitude and Plangrid. In a previous life, he wanted to be a professional tennis player and has an odd affinity for Australians. He once drank an entire bottle of tabasco sauce (the big ones) in 43 seconds. 4th generation venture capitalist, 2 time entrepreneur, and most importantly, he's a friend.

Pablo Massana, Operating Partner Urizen Ventures - United States
Pablo Massana

Pablo Massana

Operating Partner

Urizen Ventures - United States

Pablo es el socio operador de Urizen Ventures en Barcelona. Como socio operador en Urizen Ventures I, Pablo se enfocó en trabajar con la estrategia de internacionalización y el desarrollo de negocio de algunos portfolios de compañías como Fingi, Simppler, Earnest y Instacart entre otras. Antes de eso, Pablo trabajó para Opinno en 2009 como el cuarto empleado de la empresa y responsable de la creación y del liderazgo de las funciones de negocio de Opinno en US. Las funciones incluían el desarrollo de negocio, las operaciones de negocio, la financiación y el aumento del equipo de 5 empleados hasta mas de 150. En cuanto trabajaba para Opinno, Pablo colaboró con MIT Technology review para recibir los TR35 Young Innovators Award en España y América Latina. Pablo empezó su carrera en T-Systems como líder de proyectos en Seur Logistics donde implementó y dirigió el programa estratégico TQM que impulsó un mejoramiento de la calidad de controles de procesos y de soluciones logísticas en todo el país.

05:20pm - 05:50pm Investors Den powered by IE Europe as an ecosystem, cross boarder investing Unai Franco, Managing Partner, White Peak Partners (Moderador) Ben Marrel, Founding Partner Breega Capital

Ben Marrel

Founding Partner

Breega Capital

Ben Marrel is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Breega Capital, a Paris- based venture capital firm managing over 150€ million in seed and Series A funding, dedicated to fueling start-ups across Europe in a variety of sectors, from fintech and martech to AI. Breega Capital is backed by blue chip executives and entrepreneurs, including the former CEO of Vodafone Europe and a member of the co-founding team of LinkedIn. Ben Marrel is co-founder of Breega Capital, a VC firm managing over 150€ million in funding, fueling start-ups across Europe. Breega Capital is backed by the former CEO of Vodafone Europe and a Linkedin co-founder among others.

José del Barrio, CEO & Socio Fundador La Nevera Roja & Samaipata Ventures
José del Barrio

José del Barrio

CEO & Socio Fundador

La Nevera Roja & Samaipata Ventures

José del Barrio es el Socio Fundador de Samaipata Ventures, VC especializado en marketplaces y DNVBs en fase semilla, en el sur de Europa y Francia. También es el fundador y ex-Consejero Delegado de La Nevera Roja, marketplace de comida a domicilio líder en España, vendido a Rocket Internet en 2015 por $100 millones. José es un respetado venture capitalist en el ecosistema europeo de marketplaces y un conocido emprendedor en el espacio del FoodTech. Tras 18 meses liderando Samaipata Ventures, se han analizado más de 4.000 startups y se han realizado 8 inversiones en 4 países de Europa. 

Gabrielle Thomas, VC Investment Manager BlackFin Capital Partners

Gabrielle Thomas

VC Investment Manager

BlackFin Capital Partners

Gabrielle Thomas has been an Investment Manager at BlackFin since early 2018. She focuses on the Fintech, Insurtech and Regtech markets in Europe. She started her career as a strategy consultant at Suez (Lyonnaise des Eaux), where she had the opportunity to work directly with the CEO on several tech projects, turning them into strategic added value. In 2013, her career took then an international turn as she co-managed a startup competition/acceleration program based in both France and California (UC Berkeley). Back in France, she joined Alter Equity as a VC analyst, and contributed to the launch of the fund. In 2014, Gabrielle joined XAnge (Siparex group) as a VC Associate, where she supported 20 startups, including MicroDon, Docéa Power (sold to Intel), La Ruche Qui Dit Oui!, Digiteka (sold to Ouest France – Rossel), Roctool, Quadrille, Arcure, Scentys, and Elum, among others. A French national, Gabrielle is a graduate of ESSEC Business School and La Sorbonne Paris IV.

Jacky Abitbol, Cathay Innovation

Jacky Abitbol

Cathay Innovation

Jacky brings more than 17 years of advisory and operational experience and has a proven expertise in consultancy, private equity, corporate and business development. Specialties include:  Deep knowledge of the telco and digital arena  Solid relationships with the VC community, leading mobile operators and digital groups  Extensive Strategy & BizDev experience  Corporate and M&A experience  Proven track record with start-up (IPO, merger & acquisition) Previously, he has worked as: - Venture Partner at Iris Capital - Managing Director at Fab Israel - Board Member at Orange Advertising Services - Board Observer at My things - Investment Director at Orange Capital - Business Development & Sales Director at SanDisk - Corporate & Business Development Director at GFI - Vice President at Fantine Group (now Aviv Venture Capital)

05:50pm - 06:20pm Investors Den powered by IE Responsable Investing: are we really making the world a better place? Ian Noel, Angel Investor (Moderador) Benoit Wirz, Socio Inversor Brighteye VC

Benoit Wirz

Socio Inversor

Brighteye VC

Benoit Wirz es socio en Brighteye y trabajan con startups que utilizan tecnología para ayudar a la gente a aprender, crear y participar en la economía del conocimiento. Brighteye Ventures es el primer y más grande fondo enfocado en EdTech Venture Capital basado en Europa, invirtiendo en las primeras etapas de compañías en Europa, Israel y Estados Unidos. Anteriormente, Ben comenzó y gestionó el Knight Enterprise Fund, un fondo de capital semilla, como parte del fondo Knight Foundation con $2,5 Billones enfocado en compañías edtech, medios y govtech, invirtiendo en más de 40 startups, incluyendo Nearpod, Newsela y Tapad (adquirida por Telnor). Previo a Knight, Ben fue socio de US Global, donde desarrolló e invirtió en startups de energía, manufactura y tecnología. Ben cuenta con BA y MA de Stanford University, MBA de INSEAD y es miembro de Kauffman.

Mercedes Storch, Responsable de Relaciones Internacionales AXIS Participaciones Empresariales SGEIC SA
Mercedes Storch

Mercedes Storch

Responsable de Relaciones Internacionales

AXIS Participaciones Empresariales SGEIC SA

Tras más de quince años de experiencia en riesgo y finanzas, y habiendo participado en la estructuración del primer Bono Social en España en el Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), Mercedes pasó a ser Consultora Senior de Financiación en el Banco de Desarrollo del Consejo de Europa en París, donde también se estructuró un Bono Social "por primera vez". El año pasado, se incorporó a AXIS´ team como responsable de Relaciones Internacionales y su preocupación por el ESG está desempeñando un papel en este nuevo puesto. Mercedes también ha sido profesora de la Universidad Carlos III en varias ocasiones. Diploma Certificado EFFAS en Medio Ambiente, Social y Gobernabilidad (ESG).

David Fogel, Co-Founder & Investor Accelerated Digital Ventures
David Fogel

David Fogel

Co-Founder & Investor

Accelerated Digital Ventures

David focuses on finding the best startups in the UK and Ireland and helping them supercharge to create generation defining tech companies at scale. ADV invests patient venture over the long term of a company's journey. He started his career in Israel building B2B software products [Telco and Fintech], worked at an accelerator and early stage VC in Spain and spent three years doing M&A and strategy innovation across Europe, Asia and the US. Before joining ADV David spent two and a half years heading up the acceleration program at Wayra, Telefonica’s early stage investment arm.

Iker Marcaide, Fundador Zubilabs
Iker Marcaide

Iker Marcaide



Iker Marcaide es el fundador de Zubi Labs donde se centra en las empresas de impacto en busca de un retorno financiero, social y medioambiental. En 2017, fundó La Pinada, una eco-ciudad de Valencia actualmente en diseño que pretende crear una ciudad inteligente, sostenible, amigable para los niños, saludable de más de 25 hectáreas de tierra donde más de 4000 personas disfrutarán de “living-as-a-service” innovadora experiencia. La ciudad está siendo co-diseñada por los futuros vecinos en un modelo lean aplicado a los desarrollos urbanos y ya ha sido elegido por la UE como pionero en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Anteriormente, Iker co-fundó en 2016 Imagine Montessori School, una escuela centrada en la educación personalizada. En 2009, fundó PeerTransfer (alias flywire) uno de los fintechs de más rápido crecimiento, y hoy el líder mundial en pagos de educación internacional y un emprendimiento que recaudó más de $ 43M de los mejores VCs. Iker es graduado en MIT Sloan MBA, MIT TR 35 y de Valencia

Innovation Stage by BBVA

10:00am - 10:05am Innovation Stage by BBVA Content organized by BBVA: Welcome Marisol Menéndez, Head of Open Innovation Spain Startup - South Summit
Marisol Menéndez

Marisol Menéndez

Head of Open Innovation

Spain Startup - South Summit

Marisol es una experta con más de 20 años de experiencia en las áreas de innovación abierta, fintech y transformación digital. Como directora de innovación abierta de BBVA, trabaja para conectarse y colaborar con fintechs con el objetivo de acelerar el ritmo de la innovación y la transformación digital de la industria financiera. Esto incluye todas las actividades para explorar el ecosistema de emprendedores y desarrolladores en todo el mundo y conectarlos con los departamentos relevantes de BBVA para desarticular la industria financiera. Uno de los mejores ejemplos es BBVA Open Talent, la competición fintech más grande y de mayor duración en el mundo que este año celebra su décima edición. Marisol tiene un título de Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad Panamericana (México), un Executive MBA de IESE Business School y actualmente es candidata a PhD en innovación abierta en Hasselt University (Bélgica)

10:05am - 10:35am Innovation Stage by BBVA Wake up with CEO's Pedro Muñoz, Head of Partnerships @ BBVA Open Innovation (Moderador) Pablo Leguina, Seedtag
Pablo Leguina

Pablo Leguina


Pablo is the CFO at seedtag, the leading in-image advertising platform. Seedtag was founded in 2014 by two former googlers with a clear mission: to change how online advertising is done. Today we have a large international presence with over 100 employees and are positioned as the leading In-Image Advertising platform in Europe and LATAM. Previously, Pablo was CFO at 3INA, a cosmetics start-up based in Madrid, and held positions of responsibility in several blue chip companies both in UK and Spain, including Ferrovial, TUI Group or Deloitte. He holds a BA in Business Management and Finance from CUNEF

David Rovira, Co-Founder & CSO Polaroo
David Rovira

David Rovira

Co-Founder & CSO


Balázs Faluvégi, Co-founder & CEO Blueoped
Balázs Faluvégi

Balázs Faluvégi

Co-founder & CEO


SRI advisor and wealth manager from Budapest, Hungary. My mission is to help investors to achieve their financial goals, while putting their money to work for the good of society. A vast of research material clearly proves, that no one needs to give up good returns on securities markets investing in environmentally and socially responsible companies. As a Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) advisor, I use ESG research which stands for: Environmental, Social and Governance factors. Only positive screening is applied, which lets our investors to hold only the truly best end most beneficial companies be in their portfolios.

10:35am - 10:55am Innovation Stage by BBVA Digital On-boarding and Biometric Payment solutions: lessons learned and learning lessons. Programa Fintech Eduardo Azanza, Co-founder Veridas
Eduardo Azanza

Eduardo Azanza



Trabajó en la industria de Windpower desde 1999 hasta 2012 como Director de Desarrollo de Producto de la energía eólica Nordex-Acciona. En mayo de 2012, cofundó das-Nano, una empresa dedicada al desarrollo de aplicaciones y soluciones basadas en Inteligencia Artificial y Terahertz Waves. Con un fuerte respaldo científico y productos innovadores, la compañía se enfoca en la industria de impresión, automoción y aeroespacial de alta seguridad. En mayo de 2017, BBVA y das-Nano crearon una Joint Venture, Veridas, enfocada en tecnologías de Autenticación Digital, utilizando biometría y verificación de documentos digitales en la nube como SaaS. Actualmente, la compañía está entregando soluciones de Abono Digital y Abonado Biométrico a la industria bancaria. , Seguros y Telecomunicaciones en todo el mundo.

10:55am - 11:10am Innovation Stage by BBVA Open Innovation. Connecting to the core Ainhoa Campo (Moderador)
11:10am - 11:30am Innovation Stage by BBVA Coffee Networking w/ Startups
11:30am - 12:00pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Is there something broken in insurance? Programa InsureTech Ion Cuervas-Mons, CEO Wondo - Ferrovial
Ion Cuervas-Mons

Ion Cuervas-Mons


Wondo - Ferrovial

Ion es Business Designer, Architect and Entrepreneur. Es CEO y fundador de Muno, una compañía de insurtech de BBVA que ofrece productos de seguros basados ​​en la comunidad para proteger a los profesionales independientes (www.somosmuno.com). En su puesto anterior en BBVA, diseñó, creó prototipos y amplió nuevas Startups de alto crecimiento. Es fundador y ex CEO de Think Big Factory (www.thinkbig-factory.com), una compañía de tecnología que crea productos y servicios para Internet de las cosas. Durante este período trabajó con clientes como Telefonica, Megafon, Jardines Matheson o Tesco. Experto en pensamiento de diseño, metodologías de innovación e internet de las cosas, es también fundador del proyecto Openarch y ha sido ponente en conferencias en los Estados Unidos (Harvard y MIT), Brasil, China, Chile, Reino Unido y España.

12:00pm - 12:30pm Innovation Stage by BBVA BBVA Valora View Programa Fintech Ricardo Segoviano, Head of BBVA API_Market BBVA
Ricardo Segoviano

Ricardo Segoviano

Head of BBVA API_Market


Ricardo Segoviano es el responsable de BBVA API_Market, la iniciativa de open APIs de BBVA para potenciar la colaboración y partnerships con start-ups, grandes empresas y administraciones públicas a través del modelo de Open Banking. De origen mexicano, es ingeniero en telecomunicaciones con más de 17 años de experiencia en servicios transaccionales bancarios en BBVA tanto en Europa como en Latinoamérica. A lo largo de su trayectoria profesional, ha ocupado posiciones como vicepresidente de proyectos especiales y gestión de demanda en BBVA Servicios Transaccionales, responsable global de servicios a clientes, responsable de banca electrónica global y responsable de desarrollo de producto y servicio al cliente en Latinoamérica (cash management) Ricardo es program consultant certificado por SAFe y representante de BBVA en el CGI (XML ISO20022).

12:30pm - 01:00pm Innovation Stage by BBVA BBVA's Open banking Experience Ricardo Segoviano (Moderador) Programa Fintech
01:00pm - 01:40pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Hacia una organización agile Programa Fintech Beatriz Mediavilla, BBVA
Beatriz Mediavilla

Beatriz Mediavilla


Trabajando desde el 2018 en BBVA y desde el 2015 en temas relacionados con Agile. Actualmente en la Disciplina Agile Global implantando Agile en todas las áreas del banco

Sara Aguilera, Global Agile Team BBVA
Sara Aguilera

Sara Aguilera

Global Agile Team


Desde el 2002 trabajando en el sector de telecomunicaciones y en BBVA desde el 2005. Desde el 2014 en temas relacionados con Agile. Actualmente en la Disciplina Agile Global implantando Agile en todas las áreas del banco

Antonio Martín Sereno, BBVA
Antonio Martín Sereno

Antonio Martín Sereno


Trabajando desde el 2017 en BBVA, en 2004 empezó con el Kitesurf, viendo en 2007 la necesidad de bucear con tiburones y en 2011 empezar a esquiar como best practices de hacer vida en familia.

03:30pm - 03:40pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Keynote
03:40pm - 04:00pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Innovations: Strategies for overcoming risks for Startups Programa StartUp Operations Mikhail Fedorenko,
Mikhail Fedorenko

Mikhail Fedorenko

Member of Russian Government Council for Strategic Initiatives

Did you know that there are companies that existed for a thousand years? Or how to create an eternal business or prolong your own lifetime? Mikhail is an expert. Born in Siberia, he travelled all around to learn the best practices: to Japan and Italy to study the secrets of oldest businesses in the world, to China to learn from Shaolin monastery, to Qatar to see how they transform education system for the future generations, studied the past and present for the examples of the most prominent sports teams. With all this knowledge it is hardly surprising that Mikhail Fedorenko is developing his own MBA program and educational projects. He is married and has two kids, whose upbringing is based on the principle of divergent thinking.

04:00pm - 04:30pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Learning in Startup & Large Corporate Collaboration Fabio Tentori, Enel Innovation Hubs (Moderador)
04:30pm - 04:45pm Innovation Stage by BBVA How to build a successful startup Dr Ekta Dang, Venture Partner Fenox Venture Capital
Dr Ekta Dang

Dr Ekta Dang

Venture Partner

Fenox Venture Capital

Dr Ekta Dang is a Venture Partner at Fenox Venture Capital. She is a seasoned Industry Executive with 15 years of experience in Product, Business Development and Venture Capital. She brings a stellar network from the Venture Capital and Corporate world to the startups, eg Innovation/Investment arms of Honda, Yamaha, NTT, SAP, Google, Samsung, etc. She is also the CEO and Founder of U First Capital. She has been a member of Hillary Clinton's Technology Policy Advisory Committee. She is an invited Speaker at several top Venture Capital/Startup conferences, like TiE, Silicon Valley Open Doors, etc. She has a PhD in Physics and is a graduate of UC Berkeley Haas School's Venture Capital program. She has published several research papers in IEEE and other reputed international journals. Ekta has advised several companies over her career. She is a Mentor at top Accelerators like Google Launchpad, Alchemist Accelerator, Stanford Technology Ventures Program, etc.

04:45pm - 05:15pm Innovation Stage by BBVA IoT and driving cross-industry value Pedro Moneo, Opinno (Moderador) Programa Industry 4.0 & Logistics Iván Hernández, Head of Consumer IoT EMEIA EY
Iván Hernández

Iván Hernández

Head of Consumer IoT EMEIA


Mónica Oriol, Seguriber
Mónica Oriol

Mónica Oriol


05:15pm - 05:30pm Innovation Stage by BBVA IoT 3.0: from useless gizmos to real life changing technologies Raph Crouan, Fundador & CEO Startupbootcamp IoT
Raph Crouan

Raph Crouan

Fundador & CEO

Startupbootcamp IoT

Raphael es un Consejero Senior, Inversor (Undagrid / Beasts of Balance) y Ponente Internacional con experiencia en Ventas, Marketing y Desarrollo Estratégico Empresarial (Telecom, Apple). Actualmente es el Fundador y CEO del Programa Startupbootcamp IoT situado en Londres: http://bit.ly/SBCIoT. También es miembro fundador y presidente de las SMEs en el AIOTI (Alliance for IoT Innovation) en la Comisión Europea, consejero de MakerWhard, miembro fundador de la IoT Think Tank francesa y miembro del consejo fundador del French Tech Hub en Reino Unido.

05:30pm - 06:00pm Innovation Stage by BBVA The digital revolution in real estate sector Kike Sarasola, Room Mate (Moderador) Programa Proptech Ernest Sánchez, Managing Partner Nekko VC
Ernest Sánchez

Ernest Sánchez

Managing Partner

Nekko VC

GP and co-founder of Nekko Capital, a Venture Capital firm aimed at investing in scalable early-stage companies (series A/B mainly) led by outstanding teams focused on traditional sectors (e.g. Real Estate, Insurance, Banking, Mobility, Travel) where digitization remains incomplete (supply chain, consumer interactions, transactions…) Nekko investments are scouted and managed from 3 hubs (Barcelona, London, Paris). Senior Entrepreneur and Investor with 15 years’ experience in running startups and funds globally. Ernest has been board director of companies such as Glovo, Zapper and Shoppiday. Former Partner for EU @Entrée Capital, a London-Tel Aviv based fund with 50+ investments and 7 exits including IPO’s. BA in Business Administration and AvMP for Stanford and VC/PE for HBS.

Andres Pla, CEO & co-founder Prontopiso
Andres Pla

Andres Pla

CEO & co-founder


Andrés Plá, CEO y co-fundador de la compañía. Profesional con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector de real estate. Es licenciado en Administración de empresas y MBA por ESADE. Ha desarrollado su carrera profesional como fundador y socio director en Idomia, director de la División de Real Estate en Engel&Völkers y vicepresidente de Ventas&Alquileres en Century 21. Actualmente es CEO de ProntoPiso y uno de los fundadores de la compañía.

Albert Bosch, Fundador Housfy
Albert Bosch

Albert Bosch



Albert Bosch Palomas es consejero delegado y fundador de Housfy desde su constitución en mayo de 2017. Una plataforma tecnológica de compraventa de inmuebles que está liderando la desintermediación del sector inmobiliario, consolidándose como una de las agencias más grandes de España. Entre 2012 y 2015 fue director general de Groupalia. Anteriormente trabajó para firmas como Odgers Brendtson, Everis o Henkel y está licenciado en ADE y MBA por ESADE.

Adrian Niculescu, CMO EMEA CloudCoin Consortium

Adrian Niculescu


CloudCoin Consortium

Adrian is the CMO EMEA at CloudCoin Consortium, and the Regional Director for the UK & Romania at Faster Capital Dubai. Adrian has 20 years of experience in building and developing companies, and 10’000 students in his online and offline marketing and business courses since 2013. He mentored 30 tech start-ups since 2014, spoke at 500 gig events, and has been coaching, consulting, and mentoring on all continents since 2010. He completed 250 real estate transactions since 2008. He also possesses copywriting skills, notably in sales pages, e-mails, funnels, facebook ads, and ads on other platforms. His tech skills include Blockchain, RAIDA, Marketing automation expert, Clickfunnels, Sales Manago, Infusionsoft, Leadpages, and Facebook. His marketing skills include marketing, product, and startup launch strategies. He is addicted to personal development and continuous improvement, loves to speak at events about subjects he has practical experience, while keeping as primary focus to add value to the audience.

06:00pm - 06:30pm Innovation Stage by BBVA Selling your company: when and how to do it successfully? Oriol Juncosa, Co-Founder, Encomeda & White Peak Partners (Moderador) Ander Michelena, Co-Founder Ticketbis & All Iron

Ander Michelena


Ticketbis & All Iron

Ander Michelena Llorente (Bilbao, 28 años) licenciado en Administración de Empresas y Finanzas en la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE (Madrid). Comenzó su carrera en Morgan Stanley en Londres, donde se especializó en fusiones, adquisiciones y salidas a bolsa de instituciones financieras europeas. En 2009 abandonó el banco para crear Ticketbis.com – un mercado de compra venta de entradas para fans – con su socio Jon Uriarte. Ticketbis es líder en el mercado secundario de entradas en el sur de Europa, LATAM y Asia, con presencia en más de 40 países y más de 400 empleados en 14 oficinas alrededor del mundo, reportó ingresos de 84 millones de euros en 2015.

José del Barrio, Founding Partner Samaipata

José del Barrio

Founding Partner


José del Barrio fundó Samaipata Ventures a mediados del 2015 y es su CEO desde entonces. Fue cofundador en 2011 de la La Nevera Roja, la página web líder en el mercado español de reparto de comida a domicilio, donde fue CEO durante cuatro años. En enero de 2015 capitaneó la venta de la compañía a Rocket Internet por 80 millones de euros. Durante un par de meses tras la adquisición ayudó a los compradores en el proceso de transición. Empezó su carrera trabajando como manager del Grupo de Estrategia de PwC. Antes de esta experienca Jose había trabajado como analista de supply chain en Accenture y como director de proyecto en la Fundación H.N en Bolivia. Jose posee una Licenciatura en Económicas y otra en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Gonzalo Ortiz, Co-Founder Mitula & Onza Capital
Gonzalo Ortiz

Gonzalo Ortiz


Mitula & Onza Capital

François Derbaix, Co-Founder Toprural & Indexa Capital

François Derbaix


Toprural & Indexa Capital

Entrepreneur and investor : Co -founder and CEO Bewa7er since 2014 , sale of economic rights in unlisted companies Co -founder Aplazame.com since 2014 , consumer credit for ecommerce Co -founder Soysuper.com since 2012 , a new type of supermarket online Founder Toprural.com in 2000 , sold in 2012 HomeAway . Co -founder Rentalia.com in 2003 , sold in 2012 idealista.com . Investors in Internet business in Spain and Belgium :11870.com , Vinogusto , Masquemedicos , toTombola , Mumumio , Zacatrus , Kantox , Deporvillage , Comunitae , Ducksboard , etece.com , Tiendeo , Percentile , Reclaimer , We Are Knitters , Beroomers ,, Startupxplore , etc.


09:30am - 10:30am Enlighted KEYNOTE: Technology, Humanity and Digital Programa Edtech Gerd Leonhard,
Gerd Leonhard

Gerd Leonhard

Futurist, Visionary Thinker, Keynote Speaker and Author ‘Technology vs Humanities

Gerd Leonhard es un futurista ampliamente conocido y mejor calificado, con más de 1500 compromisos en más de 50 países desde 2004 y una audiencia combinada de más de 1 millón de personas. Gerd se centra en las observaciones "actuales" del futuro cercano y las previsiones procesables en los sectores de humanidades, la sociedad, los negocios y el comercio, los medios, la tecnología y las comunicaciones. Gerd es también un autor influyente, un cotizado "entrenador futuro" ejecutivo y un asesor estratégico de confianza. Es coautor del exitoso libro The Future of Music y autor de otros 5 libros, incluido "The Humanity Challenge" (junio de 2016). Gerd también es el anfitrión de la serie de televisión web TheFutureShow y el CEO de TheFuturesAgency, una red mundial de más de 30 futuristas. Gerd es considerado como una voz líder en una amplia gama de temas, incluida la transformación digital y los desafíos de oportunidad de la próxima sociedad exponencial.

10:30am - 11:15am Enlighted PANEL: Universities in the Digital Era José Escamilla DG TECNOLOGICO DE MONTERREY (Moderador) Programa Edtech Carlos Ivan Simonsen, President FGV Foundation
Carlos Ivan Simonsen

Carlos Ivan Simonsen


FGV Foundation

FGV Foundation takes great pleasure in receiving you in Rio de Janeiro for the GES 2012 event. FGV’s role in this event has been gaining significance since 2010, when we were invited to participate in panels and debate sessions which brought together representatives with a renowned knowledge of the themes being addressed. With the support of Bertelsmann Stiftung and of ZBWLeibniz, and through an important partnership established with the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the GES is being held this year in Brazil for the first time. The GES is being reinforced as an important initiative for the generation of ideas, as well as practical and concrete proposals to help solve the main problems that we face in the contemporary world. At a time when the world is being rocked by instability, and when many countries are suffering the effects of an extended crisis, it has become increasingly important to rethink our societal organization, as well as the political and economic models currently in effect.

Pelayo Covarrubias, Director de Relaciones Institucionales Fundación País Digital
Pelayo Covarrubias

Pelayo Covarrubias

Director de Relaciones Institucionales

Fundación País Digital

Pelayo Covarrubias is a Business Engineer and MBA with extensive experience as a consultant to numerous companies and public organizations, in matters related to education, telecommunications, concessions, transport and other sectors of the economy. He has led various projects at the University of Desarrollo, the Municipality of Santiago, the SIPSA holding and the Bank of Chile among others. In 1999 he received the Young Leader of the Year award given by Diario Financiero newspaper and today Pelayo is currently President of the Fundación País Digital and Director at University of Desarrollo, vice chairman of Hubtec and La Protectora Foundation and member of the board of many private and public companies. He also is founder and shareholder of Globe companies and anchorman of CNN program of Science, Technology and Innovation

Juan Romo, Rector Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Juan Romo

Juan Romo


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Juan Romo (Madrid, 1959). He obtained a degree in Mathematical Sciences in 1982 at Universidad Complutense de Madrid with Honors finished his Ph.D. in Mathematics at Texas A&M University in 1987. He completed a postdoctoral stay at the City University of New York in 1989. He obtained the position of Associated Professor in the Statistics Department of Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1988 and was an Associated Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he is Professor of Statistics and Operations Research since 1996. In that University he has been Vice-Rector of Graduate Studies, and for Faculty and Departments. He is Rector of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid since March 2015. He was elected President of the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) in September 2015 and has been re-elected in October 2017. This network consists of the eighteen best European universities created in the last fifty years.

11:15am - 11:50am Enlighted KEYNOTE: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Programa Edtech Joseph Aoun,
Joseph Aoun

Joseph Aoun

President Northeastern University in Boston, Author`Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence´

Joseph E. Aoun, líder en política de educación superior y reconocido erudito en lingüística, es el séptimo presidente de Northeastern University. El Presidente Aoun, una voz internacionalmente respetada sobre el valor de la educación global y experimental, ha mejorado el programa cooperativo de Northeastern con oportunidades en todo el mundo. Los estudiantes de la Northeastern han trabajado, estudiado y realizado investigaciones en 136 países, en los siete continentes, con una red de más de 3.000 socios empleadores. El presidente Aoun ha alineado estratégicamente la empresa de investigación de la Universidad con tres imperativos globales: salud, seguridad y sostenibilidad. Durante el mandato del presidente Aoun, la Universidad ha logrado un crecimiento del 189 por ciento en fondos de investigación externa, junto con aproximadamente 1.500 solicitudes de patentes presentadas por profesores y estudiantes.

Luis Garicano, Professor of Economics and Strategy IE Business School
Luis Garicano

Luis Garicano

Professor of Economics and Strategy

IE Business School

Luis Garicano is a leading researcher in topics such as the impact of technology on economic growth and on the organization of the economic activity, or the future of work in the knowledge economy. He joined IE in 2017, as professor of Economics and Strategy and as head of the Center for the Digital Economy. The center will fund and organize research activities in the fields of economics, business, sociology and law and will develop courses for the IE Business School students, as well as lectures to disseminate the center´s research. Garicano has developed an extensive academic career at the University of Chicago and the London School of Economics, where he has been Full Professor and Chair; in addition, he has been visiting professor at other institutions, among others MIT and London Business School. Likewise, he has held positions as an economist of the European Commission and McKinsey & Company, where he has also held a named chair with the FEDEA foundation.

11:50am - 12:30pm Enlighted PANEL: Industry 4.0: Shaping Newly Skilled Managers in the Digital Revolution Nunzio Quacquarelli, President QS (Moderador) Programa Edtech Francisco Veloso, Dean Imperial College Business School
Francisco Veloso

Francisco Veloso


Imperial College Business School

Francisco Veloso es el decano de la Imperial College Business School. Anteriormente, fue Decano en la Universidad Católica Escuela de Negocios y Economía de Lisboa, donde ocupó el puesto de NOS en Innovación y Emprendimiento. Francisco también conserva una cita adjunta en la Universidad Carnegie Mellon, donde fue profesor titular. La investigación de Francisco se centra en la innovación de alta tecnología y el espíritu empresarial. Tiene varias docenas de publicaciones en importantes revistas académicas y ha ganado varios premios por sus contribuciones. Con frecuencia contribuye como consultor y asesor de una serie de nuevas empresas, empresas establecidas, universidades y gobiernos de todo el mundo. Actualmente es miembro de RISE - Expertos en Investigación, Innovación y Ciencia. Francisco tiene un doctorado en Tecnología, Gestión y Políticas del MIT - Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts, así como un MSc en Gestión de Tecnología y un Grado en Ingeniería Física, ambos de la Universidad de Lisboa.

Jikyeong Kang, President and Dean Asian Institute of Management
Jikyeong Kang

Jikyeong Kang

President and Dean

Asian Institute of Management

Jikyeong Kang is President and Dean of the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), and holds the MVP Chair in Marketing. Prior to assuming her post at AIM, Jikyeong was Director of the DBA Program at Manchester Business School (MBS) from 2010 to 2014. At MBS, she also served as Director of the Postgraduate Centre in charge of their MBA Programs from 2001 to 2007, where she was instrumental in propelling the full-time MBA Program’s Financial Times ranking from 47th in the world in 2002 to 22nd in 2007, the highest ranking it has ever achieved. Whilst she was in charge of the MBA Programs, MBS became one of the first schools in the world to earn triple accreditation from AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. Jikyeong has also taught at top business schools around the world as a Visiting Professor, including IE in Madrid; the Rotterdam School of Management in Rotterdam; ESSEC in Paris; HEC in Montreal; CEIBS in Shanghai; and Sogang Graduate School of Business in Seoul.

Enase Okonedo, Dean Lagos Business School, Nigeria
Enase Okonedo

Enase Okonedo


Lagos Business School, Nigeria

Dr Enase Okonedo, Dean, Lagos Business School (LBS), Nigeria has the responsibility for setting strategic direction for the School, as well as overseeing all academic and administrative matters. She is the Secretary-Treasurer of AACSB International Board of Directors and serves as a member of the academic advisory board of the Global Business School Network (GBSN). She is also a member of the Panel of Advisors, Africa Initiative for Governance as well as a member of the Academic Advisory Board, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. She was, between 2012 and 2013, the chairperson of the Association of African Business Schools (AABS), and a member of the Board up until May 2016. Dr Okonedo is also the President of AIFA Reading Society, Nigeria and was listed by a leading Nigerian daily as one of the 50 Most Influential Nigerians in 2017.

Martin Boehm, Dean and Professor of Marketing IE University
Martin Boehm

Martin Boehm

Dean and Professor of Marketing

IE University

Martin Boehm is the Dean and Professor of Marketing at IE Business School in Madrid. He previously served as the Dean of Programs, the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies at IE University and the Associate Dean of the Master in Management at IE Business School. Martin’s intellectual interests center on Customer Management. His research provides managerial implications on how to build profitable and long-lasting customer relationships. His primary concern is to quantify the impact of various customer management activities on a customer’s lifetime value – the net present value of the stream of future profits expected over a customer’s lifetime. At the same time, he develops analytical models to estimate or approximate a customer’s lifetime value. As a consultant he works primarily with firms in the financial services industry to provide them with a roadmap for growth. He completed his academic education with a Doctorate in Marketing which he obtained from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frank

12:30pm - 01:15pm Enlighted KEYNOTE: Skills, not Jobs! New opportunities for HigherEd in the hybrid economy Programa Edtech Matt Sigelman, CEO Burning Glass Technologies
Matt Sigelman

Matt Sigelman


Burning Glass Technologies

Matt Sigelman es CEO de Burning Glass Technologies, una empresa líder en análisis de mercado laboral. Durante más de una década, dirigió Burning Glass para aprovechar la tecnología de datos y la inteligencia artificial que han revolucionado el código genético del mercado de trabajo. Desarrollado por la base de datos de trabajos y talentos más grande y sofisticada del mundo, Burning Glass ofrece datos en tiempo real y herramientas de planificación innovadoras que informan sobre carreras, definen programas académicos y dan forma a las plantillas. Burning Glass ha ayudado a llenar millones de empleos y sus iniciativas de datos impulsan a más de una docena de gobiernos estatales y nacionales. Matt es consultado con frecuencia por medios nacionales, investigadores y la Casa Blanca. Anteriormente fue miembro en McKinsey & Company y Capital One. Tiene un A.B. de la Universidad de Princeton y un M.B.A. de Harvard.

Montserrat Gomendio, Head of OECD Centre for Skills
Montserrat Gomendio

Montserrat Gomendio

Head of OECD

Centre for Skills

01:15pm - 02:00pm Enlighted KEYNOTE: Disrupting College. The future of higher education Programa Edtech Michael Horn,
Michael Horn

Michael Horn

Co-Founder of Clayton Christensen Institute, Author of “Disrupting Class”

Michael Horn habla y escribe sobre el futuro de la educación y trabaja con un portafolio de organizaciones educativas para mejorar la vida de todos y cada uno de los estudiantes. SeTrabaja como Director de Estrategia para Entangled Group, un estudio de tecnología educativa, y como socio principal de Entangled Solutions, que ofrece servicios de innovación a instituciones de educación superior. También es cofundador y miembro distinguido del Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, un grupo de expertos sin ánimo de lucro. Michael fue seleccionado como Eisenhower Fellow 2014 para estudiar innovación en educación en Vietnam y Corea, y la revista Tech & Learning lo nombró en su lista de las 100 personas más importantes en la creación y el avance del uso de la tecnología en la educación. Michael tiene una licenciatura en historia de la Universidad de Yale y un MBA de la Harvard Business School.

Sanjay Sarma, Vice President Open Learning MIT
Sanjay Sarma

Sanjay Sarma

Vice President Open Learning


Sanjay Sarma es Profesor de Ingeniería Mecánica en el MIT. Es el Vicepresidente de Open Learning en MIT. Fue co-fundador del Auto-ID Center en MIT y desarrolló muchas de las tecnologías clave detrás del conjunto de estándares RFID de EPC que ahora se utilizan en todo el mundo. También fue el fundador y director de tecnología de OATSystems, que fue adquirido por Checkpoint Systems (NYSE: CKP) en 2008. Forma parte de los consejos de administración de GS1US y Hochschild Mining y de varias empresas nuevas, entre ellas Top Flight Technologies. El Dr. Sarma realizó el máster en la Universidad Carnegie Mellon y su doctorado en la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Sarma trabajó en Schlumberger Oilfield Services en Aberdeen, y en Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories. Es autor de más de 100 artículos académicos en geometría computacional, detección, RFID, automatización y CAD, y ha recibido numerosos premios de docencia e investigación, incluidos MacVicar Fellowship, Business Week eBiz Award,...

Diego del Alcázar Benjumea, Executive Vice President IE University
Diego del Alcázar Benjumea

Diego del Alcázar Benjumea

Executive Vice President

IE University

Vicepresidente ejecutivo de IE Business School e IE University y miembro del Consejo de Administración. Tengo un papel clave en la visión estratégica y la gestión general de la institución, muy centrado en promover la estrategia de innovación y su ejecución, impulsar la transformación digital de IE y liderar la inmersión tecnológica de IE. A finales de 2014, me uní al directorio de FT | IE Corporate Learning Alliance (FT | IE CLA), una empresa conjunta creada por IE Business School y Financial Times Group para diseñar e implementar educación personalizada para empresas. También soy el cofundador y miembro de la junta de The South Summit, una de las conferencias de innovación y puesta en marcha más importantes de Europa. Tengo un MBA de INSEAD Business School y un doble título en Derecho y Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En 2017, me otorgaron la Beca David Rockefeller que otorga mi participación en la Comisión Trilateral (www.trilateral.org) hasta 2020.

03:30pm - 03:50pm Enlighted NMC Horizon Report 2018. Which trends and technologies will drive educational change in the future? Programa Edtech John O´Brien, CEO EDUCAUSE
John O´Brien

John O´Brien



Presidente y CEO de EDUCAUSE, una asociación sin fines de lucro cuya misión es promover la educación superior a través del uso de la tecnología de la información. La afiliación actual comprende más de 1,800 instituciones y 300 corporaciones con aproximadamente 60,000 miembros activos en más de 40 países. A lo largo de su carrera de 25 años en la educación superior, John se ha involucrado profundamente con los sectores de tecnología educativa y de TI. Más recientemente, John fue vicerrector sénior de asuntos académicos y estudiantiles en los Colegios y Universidades Estatales de Minnesota (MnSCU), el quinto sistema de educación superior más grande del país. En este puesto, se dedicó a garantizar el éxito de los estudiantes e implementó cambios estratégicos para ayudar a MnSCU a adaptarse a las necesidades cambiantes de la educación superior. Fue miembro de la facultad de Normandale Community College, Augsburg College, la Universidad de Minnesota, la Universidad de St.Thomas y Augustana College (Dakota del Sur)

03:50pm - 04:30pm Enlighted PANEL: Views of distance learning providers Programa Edtech Carolina Jeux, CEO Telefonica Digital
Carolina Jeux

Carolina Jeux


Telefonica Digital

Ingeniera en Informática por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Master por INSEAD. Anteriormente, ocupó diferentes responsabilidades en Arthur Andersen y Alcatel-Lucent. Cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector EdTech. Bajo su dirección, Telefónica Educación Digital lidera el sector de formación en línea en España, ofreciendo soluciones de aprendizaje integrales para Educación y Formación a más de 300 clientes en Europa, Estados Unidos y América Latina. Algunos de sus proyectos emblemáticos incluyen Miríadax, la primera plataforma iberoamericana para MOOC en español y portugués; ScolarTIC, un espacio de colaboración para el aprendizaje, la innovación y las mejores prácticas para los docentes; SIELE, un examen de certificación en línea para español; y el Instituto Tecnológico de Telefónica. Carolina preside la Junta de Educación de la Fundación Cotec y es miembro de la Junta de Fideicomisarios de la Fundación CYD.

Simon Nelson, CEO Future Learn
Simon Nelson

Simon Nelson


Future Learn

Simon Nelson es director ejecutivo de FutureLearn, la plataforma líder de aprendizaje social y primer proveedor británico de cursos en línea abiertos masivos (MOOC, por sus siglas en inglés), que ahora ha evolucionado para ofrecer grados totalmente en línea. Tiene experiencia en disrupción digital como pionero en llevar a marcas de medios y contenido al mundo online. Pasó 14 años en la BBC, donde jugó un papel decisivo para poner la radio en línea y supervisar su servicio de podcasts y el innovador Radio Player. Luego pasó a dirigir todas las actividades de contenido digital para sus divisiones de televisión, donde dirigió el desarrollo de la BBC iPlayer y otros productos y servicios innovadores en línea. Simon y su equipos han ganado múltiples premios por innovación digital y desarrollo de productos, incluidos varios premios Emmy, Webby y Bafta, el Prix Italia, Prix Europa y Rose D'or.

Carlos Souza, Managing Director in Latin America, Brazil Udacity
Carlos Souza

Carlos Souza

Managing Director in Latin America, Brazil


Carlos Souza es el Director Gerente de Udacity en América Latina, un nuevo tipo de universidad en línea "construida por Silicon Valley" que enseña las habilidades que los empleadores de la industria necesitan hoy en día, entrega credenciales respaldadas por los empleadores, y educa por una fracción del costo de las escuelas tradicionales. Con gigantes de la industria-Google, Facebook, IBM, Amazon, Mercedes-Benz, etc.- Udacity ofrece programas y credenciales de Nanogrado, diseñados para que los profesionales se conviertan en Ingenieros de Inteligencia Artificial, Científicos de Datos, Desarrolladores Móviles, Ingenieros de Robótica, etc. Los estudiantes de Udacity adquieren habilidades reales a través de una serie de cursos en línea y proyectos prácticos. Antes de unirse a Udacity, Carlos fue CEO y fundador de Veduca, primer proveedor de MOOC en América Latina, con más de +5,700 videoconferencias de 21 de las mejores universidades del mundo. En 2013, Veduca recibió el premio TiE50 en Silicon Valley.

04:30pm - 04:45pm Enlighted PRESENTATION: Musical Education Project – Sinfonía del Perú Programa Edtech Juan Diego Flórez
Juan Diego Flórez

Juan Diego Flórez

04:45pm - 05:45pm Enlighted PANEL: Are Emerging Markets the Promised Land for EdTech? Lara Setrakian, JOURNALIST & CEO NEWS DEEPLY (Moderador) Programa Edtech Maysa Jalbout, CEO AGFforE Foundation – UAE
Maysa Jalbout

Maysa Jalbout


AGFforE Foundation – UAE

Maysa Jalbout es una líder reconocida en el campo de la educación y la filantropía. Una verdadera veterana de la industria, Jalbout tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en la construcción de organizaciones efectivas, iniciativas y partnerships en Canadá, Medio Oriente y en países en desarrollo. Como fundadora y CEO de la Fundación para la Educación Abdulla Al Ghurair, una iniciativa filantrópica emblemática con un presupuesto de 1 billón de dólares y un objetivo ambicioso de educar a 15,000 jóvenes en 10 años, Maysa se enfoca en construir una institución, iniciativas y redes que impulsen un impacto sostenible y escalable. Por su trabajo en la región, Forbes la reconoció como una de las 100 mujeres empresarias más poderosas del mundo árabe en 2016 y 2017. Antes de este cargo, ocupó cargos directivos, incluido su puesto como CEO y fundadora de la Fundación Reina Rania, y asesor de confianza de líderes mundiales, filántropos, empresas y agencias de ayuda humanitaria que invierten en el mundo en desarrollo

Rosalía Arteaga,
Rosalía Arteaga

Rosalía Arteaga

Politician, writer and social activist

Rosalía Arteaga Serrano es la primera mujer en ocupar los cargos de Presidenta Constitucional y Vicepresidenta de la República del Ecuador. Ex Secretaria General de la Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica,. Abogada, doctora en jurisprudencia, es licenciada en periodismo y maestra en antropología. Actualmente es miembro de la Academia Mundial de las Artes y las Ciencias, miembro de la Junta de la Biblioteca de Alejandría en Egipto, y recientemente se convirtió en miembro de honor de la Real Academia de Doctores de Europa, además fue nombrada Latin Women of the Year 2015 por We Care for Humanity Organization - Actualmente es CEO de la Fundación FIDAL y Presidenta Ejecutiva de AS Productions, presidenta de Panamazonia en Manaus - Brasil y asesora ejecutiva principal de educación de China Business Associate de los Estados Unidos. Profesora Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Tarapoto - Perú y Doctora Honoraria de la Universidad Internacional de California

Andrew Cunningham
Andrew Cunningham

Andrew Cunningham

Paul Mavima, Minister of Primary & Secondary Education of Zimbabwe
Paul Mavima

Paul Mavima

Minister of Primary & Secondary Education of Zimbabwe

María Jesús Ncara Owono, Delegate minister for Education, Republic of Equatorial Guinea
María Jesús Ncara Owono

María Jesús Ncara Owono

Delegate minister for Education, Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Sofía Fernández de Mesa, CEO Profuturo Foundation
Sofía Fernández de Mesa

Sofía Fernández de Mesa


Profuturo Foundation

October, 5 2018


11:30am - 11:40am Arena Hackathon price giving ceremony
11:40am - 12:00pm Arena What Makes a Successful Acquisition Programa Fundraising & Growth Santiago Solanas, Cisco Vice President South Europe and France
Santiago Solanas

Santiago Solanas


Vice President South Europe and France

Santiago Solanas is Vice President, Cisco Southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Israel, Malta, Portugal and Spain). Passionate about creating value and growth through high performing teams and business transformation, Santiago has 25 years of IT and software industry experience in sales and marketing executive leadership roles at local, regional and global levels. He has held Sales leader, CMO and CEO positions in IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and Sage. Santiago is focused on helping customers and partners achieve their digital success through highly secure, software-defined, automated and intelligent infrastructure platforms. He also has startup experience as an employee and investor. His personal interests are inclusion and diversity, which is why he mentors young people and women in business. Curious to learn early on, he lived in 5 countries and completed a Master of Science degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a Postgraduate Executive degree from Harvard

12:30pm - 01:15pm Arena Closing Ceremony Pedro Sanchez, President of the spanish government
Pedro Sanchez

Pedro Sanchez

President of the spanish government


10:20am - 11:20am Playground Kid's Competition
11:20am - 11:40am Playground Innovation, ethics and trust in the era of unintended consequences. Programa Tech4change Caroline Das-Monfrais, Chief Strategy Officer EMEA and Executive Leadership Sponsor for inclusiveness and corporate citizenship FTI Consulting
Caroline Das-Monfrais

Caroline Das-Monfrais

Chief Strategy Officer EMEA and Executive Leadership Sponsor for inclusiveness and corporate citizenship

FTI Consulting

Caroline is the Chief Strategy Officer EMEA and Executive Leadership Sponsor for inclusiveness and corporate citizenship at FTI Consulting. She is an active #Women4tech #TechForGood ambassador and passionate about the role of business in driving positive change. Over the past 2 years, Caroline has been leading a global sector strategy; developing several innovation and co-creation methodologies to help C-suite and Boards think differently about the changes impacting their markets, and how best to respond. Prior to joining FTI, she spent 12 years at EY where she worked on complex performance improvement client projects across industries and created the ConvergenceLab© ecosystem-based innovation methodology. Caroline started her career at Coca-Cola, and spent a year at the Confederation of British Industry leading a national consultation on business trust and ‘future industries’. She was the UK business representative for the first UN consultation on business and human rights in partnership with Harvard.

11:40am - 12:10pm Playground How Technology is used to do good Alex Barrera, Editor in Chief at The Aleph Report (Moderador) Programa Tech4change Irene Milleiro, Managing Director Europe Change.org

Irene Milleiro

Managing Director Europe


Irene Milleiro is Managing Director for Europe at Change.org, the world largest online petition platform, which she joined in 2011. Irene Milleiro has over 15 years of experience in social campaigns and citizen’s engagement. She is passionate about the intersection between technology and social change. She was elected one of the Top100 women leaders in Spain in 2014, 2015 and 2017, and has received the “Mujeres A Seguir” Communication Award in 2017. She previously worked for Oxfam Spain and Oxfam International in different roles related to campaigns and public advocacy around International Development and humanitarian crisis, and at the the Human Rights Unit of the European Commission in Brussels. Irene has a Masters in Law (LL.M) by the University of Deusto and a European Masters (E.MA) in Human Rights and Democratisation by the European Inter University Centre in Italy.

Iker Marcaide, Fundador Zubilabs
Iker Marcaide

Iker Marcaide



Iker Marcaide es el fundador de Zubi Labs donde se centra en las empresas de impacto en busca de un retorno financiero, social y medioambiental. En 2017, fundó La Pinada, una eco-ciudad de Valencia actualmente en diseño que pretende crear una ciudad inteligente, sostenible, amigable para los niños, saludable de más de 25 hectáreas de tierra donde más de 4000 personas disfrutarán de “living-as-a-service” innovadora experiencia. La ciudad está siendo co-diseñada por los futuros vecinos en un modelo lean aplicado a los desarrollos urbanos y ya ha sido elegido por la UE como pionero en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Anteriormente, Iker co-fundó en 2016 Imagine Montessori School, una escuela centrada en la educación personalizada. En 2009, fundó PeerTransfer (alias flywire) uno de los fintechs de más rápido crecimiento, y hoy el líder mundial en pagos de educación internacional y un emprendimiento que recaudó más de $ 43M de los mejores VCs. Iker es graduado en MIT Sloan MBA, MIT TR 35 y de Valencia

12:10pm - 12:30pm Playground Why not ask why? Why curiosity trumps intelligence Programa Tech4change Alex Deans, Inventor iAid Technology
Alex Deans

Alex Deans


iAid Technology

Alex is a 20-year-old serial inventor, artist, and public speaker. He was appointed as the Queen’s Young Leader by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace in June 2017. At age 12, his chance encounter with a visually impaired woman inspired him to develop the iAid, a novel navigation device for the blind. His work on the iAid has taken him from visually impaired communities to winning second place at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair as a member of Team Canada. The Organization of American States named the iAid one of the "Top 50 Ideas Worldwide for Technology in Health, Energy, and Medicine". A minor planet was named after Alex by MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, with iAid exhibiting at Canada's national science museum. Alex spoke with Sir John Major KG, CH, PC and Prince Harry at 10 Downing Street around incubating leadership in July 2017. Alex’s latest project has him teaming up with McCann Erickson and GM/Chevrolet to create a new technology to stop teens from texting and drivin


10:00am - 10:20am Sandbox Protecting Online Identity  Oisin Lunny, Chief Evangelist, Open Market (Moderador) Programa Cybersecurity Ron Atzmon, AU10Tix
Ron Atzmon

Ron Atzmon


10:20am - 10:40am Sandbox AI&Quantum Computing: enabling the future starting today Programa AI Enric Delgado, Ingeniero IBM
Enric Delgado

Enric Delgado



Enric tiene una carrera de más de 20 años en TI, donde ha trabajado principalmente como Arquitecto y Estratega, desde Mainframes al principio de su carrera hasta Cloud y Quantum Computing en la actualidad. Habiendo liderado el equipo de IBM Strategic Outsourcing Architecture en España durante muchos años, tiene un profundo conocimiento de la Entrega, que se combina con la experiencia en los últimos años apoyando la hoja de ruta y la adopción del cloud computing en los principales clientes de España. Actualmente desempeña el papel de Director Técnico de Cloud Computing para España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel. En este puesto, dirige la estrategia de IBM Cloud en la región y ayuda a los clientes a comprender cómo estas nuevas tecnologías pueden ayudarles a ser más ágiles y eficientes. También es uno de los Embajadores Cuánticos de IBM seleccionados para Europa, ayudando en este papel a que los clientes comprendan el potencial de las tecnologías cuánticas y las posibilidades de empezar a utilizarlas hoy en día.

10:40am - 11:00am Sandbox Creating meaningful brands and embracing technology Programa E-Commerce & Platforms María Garrido, Chief Insights & Analytics Officer Havas Group
María Garrido

María Garrido

Chief Insights & Analytics Officer

Havas Group

Maria is the Chief Insights & Analytics for Havas Group, leading a team of over 200 people in 40+ countries. She manages consumer, brand and market studies, including proprietary Meaningful Brands and leads the Global Analytics practice, responsible for Decision Support Solutions that provide concrete performance measurement on client business objectives. In 2017, Maria was named the Chief Executive Officer of Havas X, the new Innovation practice that brings together the talents of 18 Labs, Cognitive and Station F. Under Maria’s leadership, Havas X focuses on the exploration of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Future Ecosystems, allowing for a more effective use of innovation expertise internally as well as providing value-added services that drive more meaningful impact on clients’ businesses. Maria joined Havas in 2014 after 18 years of experience in North America, Latin America and Europe. She has held both operational and strategic marketing roles at various FMCG blue chips.

11:00am - 11:30am Sandbox How countries can leverage startup ecosystems for future competitiveness and employment? Manuel González Pascual, El País Retina (Moderador) Programa StartUp Operations Antoinia Norman, CEO Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship (Virgin UA) - South Africa

Antoinia Norman


Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship (Virgin UA) - South Africa

Aprovechando la marca de Virgin y Branson en la vanguardia de la habilitación empresarial en Sudáfrica, Antoinia ha conseguido el mensaje de cambiar el negocio para bien, y ha vinculado comercial a causa con la defensa de que el espíritu empresarial es un factor clave a escala mundial como un facilitador para mitigar algunos de los problemas de la sociedad como el desempleo, la pobreza y la inestabilidad económica. Además de ser el director ejecutivo de Sir Richard Branson y de Virgin Group- Branson Centro de Emprendimiento en Sudáfrica, Antoinia es un agente de cambio empresario y fundadora de Businesspros, una consultoría de gestión de disruptiva que aboga por un enfoque holístico de la gestión, cuya visión es ayudar desarrollar gente para toda la vida, mientras que el uso de iniciativas disruptivas para desarrollar ecosistemas empresariales a nivel mundial. Antoinia’s trayectoria incluye tomar la iniciativa en el trabajo estratégico en la construcción de personas y negocios.

Emma Fau, Fundadora EU Capital

Emma Fau


EU Capital

Emma tiene más de 20 años de experiencia profesional en Bruselas, incluyendo 12 años de trabajo de defensa política en nombre de la industria de capital privado y capital de riesgo ante las instituciones de la UE y otras organizaciones internacionales. Antes de incorporarse a la Asociación Europea de Capital Riesgo y Capital de Riesgo ("EVCA", ahora "Invest Europe"), Emma trabajó durante más de tres años para el Banco Bilbao Vizcaya-Argentaria (BBVA), que se ocupa de la gestión financiera de fondos europeos , Asesorando al banco ya los principales clientes en las líneas presupuestarias de la UE, subvenciones y subvenciones de interés para ellos en una amplia variedad de sectores. En 2012, Emma se convirtió en empresaria y fundó EUcapital SPRL con el objetivo de apoyar a las empresas y fondos para recaudar capital, ayudar a las primeras empresas a conseguir inversiones y prestar asistencia a algunas organizaciones en relación con sus relaciones con las instituciones de la UE.

Tina Allton, Head of Int. Expansion & CFO Empowering a Billion women by 2020

Tina Allton

Head of Int. Expansion & CFO

Empowering a Billion women by 2020

Tina Allton is a global entrepreneur, business angel, keynote speaker, educational psychologist, and awardwinning business owner spanning the international business, nonprofit, medical, women’s empowerment, and global impact worlds. Tina has co-founded 6 successful businesses and worked with over 5,000 entrepreneurs. Among being the Head of Global Expansion and CFO for Empowering a Billion Women by 2020. Tina is the High Commissioner to Ghana for the World Business Angels, CEO and co-founder of Undefeeted, a fast-growth diabetes nonprofit inspired by her daughter, founder of the Global Humanitarian project HUM in India, CEO of USense, and award winning business manager to Circle Podiatry. After leaving Ghana for London at age 22, Tina created a global career by building multiple businesses, brands in medical clinics, co-founding & running international startups, all while empowering women in the rural villages of developing countries. Tina has spoken in 4 continents, 12 countires, and 21+ cities.

11:30am - 11:50am Sandbox The importance of women’s entrepreneurship Suzanne Newman, Community Lead at Startup Sesame (Moderador) Verónica Sosa, Founder Business Fit International and Business Fit Magazine
Verónica Sosa

Verónica Sosa


Business Fit International and Business Fit Magazine

Verónica Sosa is the Founder of Business Fit International and Business Fit Magazine, Co- Founder of SHE, author , International Speaker award winner, Business Expert. She has more than 18 years of experience working in the editorial sector & corporate sector as a Manager in Marketing and Sales for International Publicity Companies. Verónica is dedicated to empowering women towards better lives and rediscovering themselves. With knowledge in Marketing and Branding Online and International Business, Verónica is a self-development facilitator teaching others how to create “clarity” in their personal and professional lives to achieve success without confusion and to create businesses with purpose. She has become an expert in Relational Capital giving conferences around the world in countries like South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Spain, Holland, France, Cyprus and North America. She is also the Founder of SHE (Seminar for Hispanics Entrepreneurs in Europe) an organization for Hispanic


09:00am - 09:30am Enlighted KEYNOTE: The Importance Of Grit In Education Programa Edtech Toni Nadal
Toni Nadal

Toni Nadal

Rafa Nadal´s Trainer & Coach

Jose María Sanz Magallón
Jose María Sanz Magallón

Jose María Sanz Magallón

09:30am - 10:00am Enlighted PANEL: Teaching Code, STEM, & Robotics in the Classroom Programa Edtech David Cuartielles, Co-Founder Arduino
David Cuartielles

David Cuartielles



El trabajo de David Cuartielles abarca los campos de programación, educación, investigación y desarrollo de productos. En 2005 David co-creó la plataforma Open Hardware Arduino, que se ha convertido en una plataforma líder para electrónica DIY y que le valió al equipo una Mención Honorífica en el Ars Electronica Digital Community Prix 2006, el premio SER 2015, el premio FIUM 2017, y un Ashoka Fellowship 2017, entre otros. Desde finales de los años noventa, ha desarrollado instalaciones artísticas interactivas, robóticas, móviles y basadas en red y herramientas de código abierto para el rendimiento en vivo y la educación. Un orador apasionado sobre la forma en que podemos reformar la educación haciendo posible que niños y jóvenes desarrollen ideas de ingeniería en asociación con colegas y expertos a través del juego y la prueba. Trabaja para que dicho aprendizaje se lleve a cabo a través de diversas iniciativas, incluido el laboratorio del Instituto de Objetos Interactivos de la Universidad de Malmö.

Daniel González de Vega, Founder Smartick
Daniel González de Vega

Daniel González de Vega



Daniel González de Vega es el fundador de Smartick, donde dirige los departamentos de Desarrollo del Producto, Finanzas y Alianzas Estratégicas. Es emprendedor y ha sido elegido como uno de los Choiseul 100 Leaders osf Tomorrow. Daniel tiene un Máster en Ingeniería Industrial por la Universidad de Málaga y un MBA por INSEAD. Posee 15 años de experiencia profesional exitosa en Startups, como gestor de inversiones y Director de la Junta (en España-Nazca capital y en el extranjero- Dubai International Capital), Consultor Estratégico (Accenture) e Ingeniería. Daniel también trabaja como asesor de otros proyectos de Internet. Smartick lanzó, a comienzos año 2011, un disruptivo método online matemático de e-Learning, que está sacudiendo el paradigma actual de aprendizaje. Está basado en sesiones diarias de quince minutos y en un contenido de tiempo real adaptado a cada estudiante de acuerdo a sus capacidades individuales, lo que permite el aprendizaje individualizado.

Ivan Ostrowicz, Founder & CEO Domoscio
Ivan Ostrowicz

Ivan Ostrowicz

Founder & CEO


Apasionado del aprendizaje y el emprendimiento – Un poco “geek” y trotamundos – Enamorado de lo que hago

Oscar Martin Centeno, Director CEIPS Santo Domingo
Oscar Martin Centeno

Oscar Martin Centeno


CEIPS Santo Domingo

Degree in History and Music Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Diploma in Music Education. Master in Leadership and Organization of Educational Centers. Headmaster of the Center of Infant, Primary and Secondary Education Santo Domingo of Algete (Madrid). President of the Board of Principals of Madrid. He received the Florentino Pérez-Embid International Prize 2006 from the Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras for his first book Espejos enfrentados, published by Rialp in the Adonais collection. In 2007 he received the Nicolás del Hierro National Award for his second book Las Cántigas del Diablo, published that same year. Also in 2007 he won the Paul Beckett International Prize for his third book, Sucio tango del alma, published in 2008 by the Valparaíso Foundation. In 2011 he published the book Circe (Alhulia Publisher), for which he received the Antonio Gala 2010 International Award. In 2012 he published the book Je suis le Diable.

10:00am - 10:45am Enlighted PANEL: How Can We Make World-Class Education Available for All? Lucía Figar, Chairwoman IE ROCKETS (Moderador) Kiran Bir Sethi, Founder and Chairwoman Design for Change Global
Kiran Bir Sethi

Kiran Bir Sethi

Founder and Chairwoman

Design for Change Global

Kiran Bir Sethi es la fundadora y directora del colegio Riverside en Ahmedabad, India. También es la fundadora de ‘aProCh’ — una iniciativa para hacer nuestras ciudades más amigables para los niños, por la que fue nombrada Ashoka Fellow en 2008. En 2009, recibió el premio “Call to Conscience Award” del King Centre de Stanford. En 2009, fundó ‘Design for Change’ (DFC) – el movimiento de cambio más grande del mundo, de y para niños-. DFC está hoy en día en más de 65 países, impactando a unos 2.2 millones de niños y más de 65.000 educadores. Kiran y DFC han sido galardonados con numerosos premios, incluidos el prestigioso INDEX – Design to Improve Life Award en 2011; Rockefeller Foundation Youth Innovation Award en 2012; Patricia Blunt Koldyke Fellowship del Chicago Council on Global Affairs en 2013; Lego Foundation’s Reimagine Learning Challenge Champion en 2014; Top 10 Educators del Global Teacher Prize, Commonwealth Education Good Practice Award and Asia Game Changer en 2015,...

Pablo Lara, CEO Education Area Grupo planeta
Pablo Lara

Pablo Lara

CEO Education Area

Grupo planeta

Actualmente, es CEO del Área de Educación del Grupo Planeta para España y América Latina, y Presidente de Edutech Cluster. Pablo Lara dirige los equipos de "aulaPlaneta", junto a profesionales de España, México y Colombia, creando y promoviendo proyectos de educación digital y soluciones innovadoras para el desarrollo y la mejora del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. También es presidente de Edutech Cluster, un grupo de entidades y empresas corporativas dedicadas a tecnologías educativas y productos para mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en K12. Grupo Planeta se ha convertido en el primer grupo de comunicación y comunicación familiar español que combina una sólida tradición empresarial con vocación internacional y una gran capacidad de innovación. Con filiales en más de 25 países y una presencia particularmente destacada en España, Francia, Portugal y Latinoamérica, ofrece una amplia gama de servicios para cultura, educación, capacitación, información y entretenimiento audiovisual.

Percy Harrison, CEO ETON Online Ventures
Percy Harrison

Percy Harrison


ETON Online Ventures

10:45am - 11:30am Enlighted KEYNOTE: Revolutionizing education from the ground up. Programa Edtech Ken Robinson, TED Speaker, New York Times best-selling Author, Education & Creativity Expert Education Expert
Ken Robinson

Ken Robinson

TED Speaker, New York Times best-selling Author, Education & Creativity Expert

Education Expert

Sir Ken Robinson trabaja con gobiernos, sistemas educativos, agencias internacionales, corporaciones globales y algunas de las principales organizaciones culturales del mundo para desbloquear la energía creativa de las personas y las organizaciones. Ha dirigido proyectos nacionales e internacionales sobre educación creativa y cultural en el Reino Unido, Europa, Asia y los Estados Unidos. Sir Ken Robinson es el orador más visto en la historia de la prestigiosa Conferencia TED. Su conferencia de 2006, "Do Schools Kill Creativity", ha sido vista en línea más de 40 millones de veces y vista por aproximadamente 350 millones de personas en 160 países. Durante doce años, fue profesor de educación artística en la Universidad de Warwick en el Reino Unido y ahora es profesor emérito. En 1999, dirigió una comisión nacional de creatividad, educación y economía para el gobierno del Reino Unido. All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education (The Robinson Report) fue publicado con gran reconocimiento.

11:30am - 12:00pm Enlighted CONVERSATION César Alierta Programa Edtech Cesar Alierta, Exec. Chairman Fundación Telefónica
Cesar Alierta

Cesar Alierta

Exec. Chairman

Fundación Telefónica

Born May 5, 1945, César Alierta holds a degree in law from the University of Zaragoza and an MBA from Columbia University in New York (1970). He is currently Executive Chairman of Fundación Telefónica and is also a member of the Board of Directors of China Unicom. Since September, 2010, he has been an independent board member, chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors of International Consolidated Airlines Group (IAG), the company resulting from the merger of Iberia and British Airways. Mr. Alierta is also a member of the Columbia Business School Board of Overseers and academic of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain.

Iñaki Gabilondo, Periodista
Iñaki Gabilondo

Iñaki Gabilondo


12:00pm - 12:45pm Enlighted CLOSING PANEL: Life Skills Every Student Should Learn Almudena Bermejo, Cultural Programs Director FUNDACIÓN TELEFÓNICA (Moderador) Programa Edtech Ferran Adria, El Bulli
Ferran Adria

Ferran Adria

El Bulli

Ferran Adrià inició su afamada carrera culinaria como lavaplatos en el restaurante del Hotel Playafels en Casteldefels. Aquí se familiarizó con los métodos básicos de la cocina clásica y trabajó para construir su repertorio gastronómico. A continuación Adrià trabajó en varios restaurantes hasta aterrizar como Asistente del Chef en Finisterre – un restaurante popular de Barcelona, en el que permaneció hasta que tuvo que hacer el Servicio Militar, donde formó parte del equipo de cocina del Capitán General que le sirvió de gran experiencia. En 1984, con 22 años, Adrià se unió al equipo de El Bulli, 18 meses después era el Jefe de Cocina. Empezó a recorrer algunas de las mejores cocinas de Francia, aprendiendo diversas técnicas de distintos maestros de cocina. Durante la segunda mitad de los 80, empezó sus famosos experimentos culinarios, basados en el uso de materias primas frescas y la adaptación de las preparaciones clásicas del Mediterráneo para dar a la cocina de El Bulli nuevos giros con un toque creativo.

David de la Calle, Founder & CEO UNICOOS
David de la Calle

David de la Calle

Founder & CEO


Nació en Madrid en 1972. Cuando era pequeño le encantaban las películas de ciencia ficción porque alucinaba con los efectos especiales. Pero sobre todo le gustaban porque salía del cine haciéndose alguna pregunta. Quizá aquellas películas son las culpables de que decidiera estudiar Ingeniería de Sistemas de Telecomunicación. Cuando la crisis le dejó sin trabajo David decidió fundar una academia de estudios. Pero esa misma crisis impedía a muchos de sus alumnos pagarla y abandonaban sus clases, así que decidió abrir un canal de Youtube, Unicoos, por el que pudieran seguirlas. Ahora cuenta con un millón de suscriptores (acaba de recibir el “botón de oro Youtube”) y su canal es un referente en el mundo educativo y de divulgación científica de habla hispana, convirtiéndose en el primer canal de ciencia de España y uno de los tres más seguidos en lengua hispana. David Calle contribuye además con su canal, y ahora con su libro, a promocionar las vocaciones STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Pablo Aristizábal, CEO & Founder Aula365 & Educatina
Pablo Aristizábal

Pablo Aristizábal

CEO & Founder

Aula365 & Educatina

Pablo Aristizábal es emprendedor, ensayista, pensador y conferencista internacional, una referencia en el mundo de la educación y la tecnología. Profesor de dos departamentos de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (UBA). Creó una educación recreativa transmedia "Aula365", el espacio más grande del mundo en el nivel de la escuela primaria, con más de 5 millones de niños, jóvenes y docentes y más de 200 millones de visitas, ganando el premio de la ONU para la innovación educativa. De la misma manera, también es creador de una serie de televisión "Los Creadores" que impulsa la diversión de la ciencia en los niños. La serie fue premiada por Martin Fierro y es transmitida a nivel mundial por Netflix. Es líder de "Kidbox 1to1", "Educatina", "AulaYa", "CreaKids Innovation", entre otras innovaciones educativas en Machine Learning, Realidad Aumentada y Realidad Virtual.